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  • Tignum
    GOLD Member

      Casper should be on BeoWorld – boy the man can talk enthusiastically about B&O! 🙂 Wonderful products.

      Location: Netherlands
      in reply to: What is next for B&O recreated classics #63602
      GOLD Member

        A BeoCenter 9300 with touchscreens under the doors: for music selection on one side, and beolink control on the other side!

        Location: Netherlands
        in reply to: Beosound 5 option question #63476
        GOLD Member

          Hello Rob, yes I do have the attic’s BS5/BM5 connected to a BLC, it is in A.Slave mode (and it plays some AudioSlave too sometimes!).

          While I am listening to BeoSound 5 MOTS music (Chili Peppers) in the kitchen (BeoLab 4000s connected to another BLC – A.Master – with IR eye) I can’t say you can really instruct the playback of MOTS music with a command. You select music on the BS5 (or with a colored Be04 button) and when that queue has ended, the BS5 will continue to play songs that are more of the same. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are apparently more of the same as The Offspring’s L.A.P.D :-). Having said that, when I hold the ‘GO’ button on my older Beo4 for some time, still in the kitchen, the music stops for a moment, to let me know this song is now the ‘seed’. I tested it by playing an album halfway through, and after a long ‘GO’ press the BS5 indeed moves to MOTS and plays similar songs. So you could say that is a way to ‘activate’ MOTS.

          I am not sure this all just works because of the BLC behaving as a MasterLink unit. I do not have a true NL speaker to test this with. Maybe Carolpa will chime in?

          Regards, Johan

          Location: Netherlands
          in reply to: Repurpose control unit AV9000 #63382
          GOLD Member

            Sounds a bit hopeless imho… 🙁

            If your aim is to have a modern screen with an iconic triangular shape speaker, you could of course get a BeoLab 10 (and find a, for you, suitable way to play the TV’s sound).

            Regards, Johan

            Location: Netherlands
            in reply to: Repurpose control unit AV9000 #63323
            GOLD Member

              This thread is less promising: https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/t/16929.aspx and speaks about a bespoke cabling between monitor & control center. Here is a danish manual that indeed indicates there is a bespoke control center cabling: https://radioogtveksperten.dk/images/manualer/tv/AV_9000.pdf.


              • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Tignum.
              Location: Netherlands
              in reply to: Repurpose control unit AV9000 #63318
              GOLD Member

                Hi Roderic, I did think about this some time ago, but abandoned the idea, and bought a BeoSystem 3. When taking a look here: https://beocentral.com/av9000controlcenter, it seems encouraging! What connections are there on the ‘control center’? If there is a (digital) audio in, there might be a chance you could mount a modern tv on it, and feed the audio signal to the control center. Controlling that modern (non B&O) tv with a Beo4 will be another story, maybe a Neomesteren product could provide for that. And setting the surround levels etc. (if at all possible) must be done through a menu, so the ‘control center’ has to have a video output that the modern TV can handle.

                Maybe you can share some photographs of the connections between the monitor and the control center?

                Regards, Johan

                • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Tignum.
                Location: Netherlands
                GOLD Member

                  Hi Eric, Mk3 will do. Check Steve’s site: https://soundsheavenly.com/powerlink-8-pin-din-connection/20-272-powerlink-mk-3-compatible-8-pin-din-cable-with-4-cores-wired-low-profile-cable.html#/9-length-18m

                  “This cable is perfect for use with all Beolab speakers that do not have displays (although not suitable for Beolab 5 – this needs mk 2).”

                  Here there is some more insight: http://www.soundsheavenly.com/faq/guide-various-types-powerlink-cable-bang-olufsen-use/

                  Regards, Johan

                  Location: Netherlands
                  GOLD Member

                    Hello MM,

                    See below the configuration. Downstairs I use the Core for Radio, but in the ‘Study’ (=attic) there is also the BS5. When playing radio on the BV10 I like the visual of the BS5’s screen to show the station :-). The Beo4 commands are from the ‘ML source’ listing.

                    The BV10 and it’s ‘own’ Beo4 are in LINK mode as I also use the BC6 (that is close to my desk) to play from the BS/BM5.

                    Have a nice Sunday!

                    Regards, Johan



                    Location: Netherlands
                    GOLD Member

                      Hello Håkan,

                      That should work fine. See my setup where I also linked a BV10 through NL.

                      250105 beosetup.001

                      Let us know how you move on 🙂

                      Regards, Johan

                      Location: Netherlands
                      in reply to: Advice required on replacement Beovision #62276
                      GOLD Member

                        Hi London Joe, and welcome back!

                        I trust there are some nice B&O TVs to be found, but an option could be to re-purpose the BeoSystem 3 that is integrated in the BV9, and use it with a modern third party TV. You can feed the audio from that screen into the BS3 and enjoy its surround sound, as well as keeping all MasterLink integration you have right now. I do this with an LG screen, using the LG as the ‘video hub’ (with an Apple TV connected) and the BS3 as the ‘audio hub’ (with my ML/NL system). You will have to deal with two remotes unless a dealer can help and load a PUC file into your BS3. You will need an S/PDIF converter (optical to coax) most likely, and a suitable B&O IR eye. Check this also https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/controlling-an-lg-oled-tv-using-beosystem-3/ . There are more threads.

                        Just to make sure you consider this option too.

                        Regards, Johan

                        Location: Netherlands
                        in reply to: Beocenter 7700 problem: no output on one side #62022
                        GOLD Member

                          Hi Mark, you could contact BeoBuddy (forum member) for repairs. He is located in Utrecht, he has been helping me with repairs quite a few times, all successfully.

                          Location: Netherlands
                          in reply to: The Beoworld December 2024 Prize Draw #61788
                          GOLD Member

                            Congratulations! These are nice prizes.

                            Thanks PrizeBot and all at BeoWorld. Merry Christmas!

                            Location: Netherlands
                            in reply to: B&O Inspired Amplifier #61636
                            GOLD Member

                              Built to last! Beautiful work xschop.

                              Location: Netherlands
                              in reply to: Paul McGowans’s opinion of B&O speakers #61635
                              GOLD Member

                                That broken TL tube would annoy me big time!

                                Location: Netherlands
                                in reply to: Software update Beosound 5E #61512
                                GOLD Member

                                  Hoi Peter, schitterend apparaat! Ik zocht er één en dacht die op mp gevonden te hebben, maar het bleek toch een BS5/BM5 combo te zijn. Wel meegenomen 🙂

                                  Heb je de procedure in de handleiding gevolgd? https://bangolufsenassistentgohe.blob.core.windows.net/manuals/SOUND%20SYSTEMS/BEOSOUND%205%20ENCORE/beosound5-encore_userguide_dutch.pdf

                                  Groet, Johan


                                  Location: Netherlands
                                  in reply to: Jacob Jensen weather station outdoor sensor replacement #61508
                                  GOLD Member

                                    Nice. Fingers crossed! (with ‘kit’ I trust you mean ‘sealant’ :-))

                                    Location: Netherlands
                                    in reply to: BS 9000 multiroom RJ45 #61228
                                    GOLD Member

                                      Something like this then:


                                      Location: Netherlands
                                      in reply to: BS 9000 multiroom RJ45 #61227
                                      GOLD Member

                                        Hello Maxime,

                                        MasterLink signals and PowerLink signals are not the same! But you can use RJ45 connections (with shielded CAT7 cabling) for both ML and PL. Check the BeoLink handbooks here: https://beoworld.org/beotech/reference-manuals-beotech/.

                                        A BeoLink active + IR eye will most likely be a good option for you: Connect the BeoSound 9000 and the BeoLink Active with MasterLink cabling, and the BeoLink Active with the BeoLab 6000s with PowerLink cabling. With an IR eye, and an extra Beo4 you can listen to, and control, the BeoSound 9000 from the Chambre. Someting like this (think BS9000 where you see BS5/BM5): ML

                                        Hope this helps

                                        Location: Netherlands
                                        in reply to: Your latest addi(c)tion? #60993
                                        GOLD Member

                                          In 2024, a restored Beosound Ouverture as a main stereo system? Yes, I confirm! 😄

                                          Very classy Steph!

                                          Location: Netherlands
                                          in reply to: Your latest addi(c)tion? #60992
                                          GOLD Member

                                            ^ looks great in black. I have them in Blue, Red and Silver, so far … 😉 What SW version is it? 2.X with the built in clock? CD player working? (one of mine is intermittent – plays fine once it warms up!)

                                            Thanks Guy! It is SW 1.3, so a bit older. And yes all works very well, apart from maybe a very clear FM signal and some of the red dots being a bit tired. Silver is very nice too I think, and wasn’t there an ice-blue one too? Regards, Johan

                                            Location: Netherlands
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