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Viewing 20 posts - 781 through 800 (of 1,152 total)
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  • in reply to: Beosound and Conventional HT Equipment #43833
    GOLD Member

      Hi there, Has anyone on this forum integrated their beloved Beosound audio systems with a conventional home theater setup? Just curious if anyone has done this, and how they have set things up if they have. Thanks!

      Actually I saw the post, but was not sure what to reply.
      integrated their beloved Beosound audio systems with a conventional home theater setup”.

      Usually “Beosound audio system” would mean a two channel aka stereo setup (unless we are talking about a Beosound Theatre).
      I can’t imagine how a two channel B&O setup should be integrated with something like a conventional A/V receiver.
      What would be the purpose/the function, that it should bring?

      So I’d like to know more about what is meant!
      What does you/matapan expect to be able to achieve?


      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
      in reply to: Beovision 7-40 und das Passwort #43990
      GOLD Member

        Die MK2-version konnte nicht auf Navi umgestellt werden.

        Es sieht so aus, daß du das gemacht hast (<< drücken/halten), das ich auch so kenne.

        Vielleich weiß ein andrer mehr – versuche doch mal deine Frage in englisch zu posten.
        Damit erreichtst du weit aus mehr Leute hier.


        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
        in reply to: Beovision 7-40 und das Passwort #43988
        GOLD Member

          Wie alt ist der 7-40/welche MK?
          Es könnte sein, daß er auf Beo4/navi umgestellt ist.


          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
          in reply to: The Prize Draw – Thoughts Please… #43883
          GOLD Member

            Funny – I never though of becoming a Gold member just to be able to participate in the Prize Draw lottery.
            I thought that this was just a bonus for the Gold members.

            I am pretty sure that there are several reasons for less and less Gold members.
            There are overall very few members/people who constantly post on the forum nowadays.
            The interest for B&O, new or oldschool however, is there…….no doubt.
            But people have gone elsewhere – there are lots of facebooks groups, discord etc etc nowadays.
            And most people expect advice, insight for free.

            Imo this is a sad development – places where people, who are interested in B&O can connect to each other, are getting more and more diverse… is not just the one place – Beoworld – as it was before, where people meet.

            Unfortunately the fact that the forum sadly got corrupted – and that there was a time gap before the new version went online – meant that a lot of the previous members/contributors were lost.

            People simply do not seem to know how well the new forum has become – and they do not realize that the knowledge of Beoworld is searchable for anyone (unlike what excists in closed FB groups etc).

            Why not just have one yearly Prize Draw – and prizes don’t have to be expensive……you certainly should not have to pay yourself.
            It might be possible to have something sponsored.
            I am sure that those who are willing to pay for a Gold membership/have the spare money will continue to do so.

            As you also suggested above….it might be necessary to find other ways to finance Beoworld – Patreon and alike could be a way to go!
            Anyway, something needs to be done – not just for the sake of the Prize Draws, but to keep Beoworld alive.

            I will also express my huge thanks to you and to Keith for all that you have done in the past and still do.
            We should be grateful that you have explained, what it means to run a free forum…..not many of the more frequent posters/members know about this.


            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
            GOLD Member

              If possible, I´d like to eliminate the BS9000 and connect the chromecast (with a more simple device in between if necessary) directly to the speakers. Can this be done?

              You can use the BS Core (or the older BS Essence Mk2, if you can get one).
              These are network streamers and have native support for Chromecast and more.
              You can easily connect your BL8000 there (although a small adapter cable (RJ45 to DIN Powerlink).
              This can be controlled in multiple ways – the Beoremote One, the Bang & Olufsen app just to name a few.
              If you use Chromecasting, you just pick the device in the music app of your choice, press play and the playback will start immediately.


              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              in reply to: Flash Your B&O – new(er) thread! #33485
              GOLD Member

                …. I read once, while ago that candidates for a Ferrari had to demonstrate their skills in driving… Harsh, but in some way, true.


                If similar would be the case for ’B&O drivers’, the company would soon be bankrupt.


                Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                in reply to: Beosystem 2300 mit Beovison 11 verbinden #42849
                GOLD Member

                  ……über den Mini DIN am BV11 und AUX über das BC 2300. Somit konnte ich die Quellen des BC2300 am BV-11 einfach nutzen und bedienen. Der BV-11 sendete damit die Befehle an das BC2300, das in Option 0 war. VG

                  Das man so den Ton vom BC am BV11 hören kann, ist lange bekannt – dafür gibt es ein Adapterkabel vom B&O (und auch von SteveSoundsHeavenly glaube ich).
                  Wie der BV11 – wie du schreibst – Befehle an das BC2300 senden kann, ist mir neu!

                  Kann du etwas mehr dazu sagen – ist dein Adapter etwas anderes als der Originaladapter – wie unterscheiden diese sich?
                  N.B. Ich weiß daß der Adapter auch für einen B&O Videorecorder (Scartanschluß) benutzt wurde. Hängt es vielleicht damit zusammen?


                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                  in reply to: Master link Audio Master #43816
                  GOLD Member

                    I think what you are saying is that if I attach a 1611, then I won’t need an audio master? I’m not using datalink, just ML and NL.

                    That is what the ML-Powerbox does.
                    This was introduced at a time where B&O did not make the 1611 anymore.



                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                    in reply to: What ? does this mean? #43744
                    GOLD Member


                      The message only appears when you are logged in.

                      (Thanks Keith for trying to solve this).


                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      in reply to: What ? does this mean? #43743
                      GOLD Member

                        Thanks to both of you.

                        It is a bit unusual and I got worried…..thinking back on the ‘errors’ that stopped the former forum.


                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                        in reply to: New product launch – beosound theatre? #38157
                        GOLD Member

                          Someone asked in another/a subthread this:
                          Would like to understand more how home integration is a part of Theatre. Sound great. Could you share some more details on how that is achieved?”.

                          Any Theatre user who has experience with this or any comments there?
                          Would be interesting to have these in this main Theatre thread.


                          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                          in reply to: Beosound Theatre first week impressions #43664
                          GOLD Member

                            There already is a long thread on this topic here so prob best to merge.

                            I don’t think everything related to one product needs to go in the same thread. This is just my initial review. Hopefully it is helpful or informative to someone!

                            It was great to have the initial report on a new Theatre…..thank you for that.
                            However, I tend to agree with Severed hand……, that the following discussion would have a better place in the long ongoing Theatre thread.
                            This is where these things belong in order to be easily searched for.
                            Also there is great danger that small threads will ‘die’ after a while – smaller threads seem to disappear in the myriad of posts here.
                            It is much more likely that the long Theatre thread will continue and this way can be kept at the top of the list of the postings for longer.

                            Have fun further on with your Theatre – I am pretty sure that bugs will be corrected and new functions will come.
                            But I am also sure that they/B&O will not be able to honour every wish we might have (user cases are rather diverse).


                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                            in reply to: Beolab 8000 + Active + Sonos Connect #43522
                            GOLD Member

                              Bever heard of that before.
                              Anyway – you can not use a Beolink Active as a standalone device.
                              In that case, only option you have is a B&O Audiomaster/Beocenter/Beosound for the PL and for connecting to a free port (A.Aux/A.Tape……) there.


                              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                              in reply to: Beolab 8000 + Active + Sonos Connect #43520
                              GOLD Member

                                You do not need any additional gear for that.
                                Have a look at Steve’s video here:
                                (If you are in a hurry start at 2:19)


                                Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                GOLD Member

                                  A Beolink Passive is a box that contains the ML electronic, the ML port, a port for the ir eye (for receiving the control signals from the remote) and the speaker connections for passive speakers.
                                  These boxes are mostly hidden away.
                                  It can be used in different ways – but yours work as described.
                                  They are connected to the ML Master (your BS9000) using the ML bus….which is the cable that runs between all units.
                                  Since it contains an amplifier, it also needs mains power.

                                  There are tons of these units on the second hand market – hard to say how much they are worth.
                                  Might be unsellable…..depending on the region you are in.
                                  The BS9000 is – when in good condition – a beloved oldschool B&O device – depending on your region, it could bring some money.
                                  The BL8000 – depending on the age and condition – may be worth trying to sell.

                                  However, don’t expect too much here!
                                  The best thing to do with oldschool B&O gear is to keep on using it.
                                  The last thing I would sell, would be the speakers… can always use speakers/the Beolabs.

                                  The Passives can be used as an amplifier for the BS Essence/the BS Core (which are the streaming boxes from B&O) – but you’d need a special cable for connecting. This way you could keep on using the passive speakers in the rooms and have individual sound there.
                                  With some tinkering you might even be able to connect e.g. a Sonos Port in each of the (previous link-)rooms.

                                  !!!If you need help for this, you will have to rely on an installer, who is familiar with the B&O gear from that era……and there aren’t many nowadays.


                                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                  GOLD Member

                                    What you should first is to start the cd player from each room to see if the system works.
                                    I assume that you have a B&O remote!?
                                    Furthermore the BL8000 probably are connected to the 9000 system (living room) – but where does the ir eye fit in there???

                                    Generally speaking these old ML-driven setups rely on a Master (the BS9000 in your case) – this delievers the sound that can be distributed to the linked rooms (garage etc etc).
                                    You can only listen to what the Master offers – and you can include/exclude the linkrooms as you please.
                                    In the linkrooms you can not listen independently to anything – only what the Master device offers!

                                    Adding a Sonos Port (or any other streaming device) can only happen via the 9000 and the sound from that will be distributed the same way as described… individual streams possible in the linkrooms!

                                    You can easily try this out, if you connect the headphone output of a mobile phone/tablet to Aux port of the 9000 = stereo minijack -> din 5-pin cable.

                                    Not quite what you want – but this is due to the nature of the ML infrastructure……it is a master/slave network.

                                    Anyway – as written above – first try out if the system is functional!


                                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                    in reply to: Beogram 7000 and Beosystem 6500 #43490
                                    GOLD Member

                                      Hey you friendly folks, Millesmissen was right, the two “upper” pins are missing. Clipped out, it seems, I can see the holes left. So I guess it’s only a minor operation.

                                      You can read a bit about that here:

                                      Datalink pin for remote control communications DIN cable


                                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                      in reply to: Beogram 7000 and Beosystem 6500 #43482
                                      GOLD Member

                                        Hi and welcome.

                                        Are you sure that the din connector of the BG has all 7 pins – the additional 2 are needed for the datalink communication.


                                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                        in reply to: BS9000 & Beoremote one #43479
                                        GOLD Member

                                          Ja, immer umstellen…..und dann wieder zurück, wenn es um BT-bedienung geht (bei den neueren Geräten).

                                          Wird eigentlich ganz gut beschrieben in der Bedienungsanleitung:



                                          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                          in reply to: BS9000 & Beoremote one #43477
                                          GOLD Member

                                            Hallo roneik und willkommen hier.

                                            Die BROne/bt (die die du kriegst) kann auf ir umgestellt werden.
                                            Mit etwas Übung geht das, obwohl ich es für zu umständlich finde.
                                            (Ich würde es nicht gerne meiner Frau beibringen müssen)

                                            Eine Idé wäre die Beo4 zu behalten und – wie jetzt – deine BS9000 damit zu bedienen.
                                            Es sind ja eh zwei verschiedene Systeme!

                                            Aber – wie geschrieben – das geht schon.


                                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                          Viewing 20 posts - 781 through 800 (of 1,152 total)