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  • in reply to: THE BEOWORLD SPRING 2023 PRIZE DRAW !!! #45234
    GOLD Member

      4th Prize – Pair of H3 2nd Gen Earphones – Aluminium Need a compact travel companion – or someone to come to the gym with you? No, not a tour guide or personal trainer.. it’s a pair of Boxed ex-display Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay H3 Earphones in the classic Natural Aluminium finish. Music to your ears (and other assorted poor jokes) and we absolutely know you’ll love these! The sound from these is as you’d expect from B&O – pin sharp, and they’re just as good for taking the dog for a walk as they are the daily commute.. and the Gym of course. Good Luck! The Winner is… Mr T. Geuting (TWG) from Gevelsberg, Germany Jolly well done to you – what a super prize to enjoy, and happy listening!


      Thank you very much! And lucky me it’s my personal color of choice! 😉

      Of course I enjoy them. I already have two pairs of H3 because they are very good in-ears!!!

      Thanks again, Beoworld and members family. 🙂

      in reply to: The Halo still a viable choice? #41444
      GOLD Member

        It’s very nice even without home automation for pure audio control around the house. No “where’s my phone”, just a central HALO on every floor is great and comfortable.

        BUT: Please add Alarm control of supported products. Would be nice to just choose e.g. Beosound 1, and turn alarm on/off with the Beoremote HALO, too.

        Hopefully Bang & Olufsen has made it reliable this time!
        Not as unreliable (mechanical) as the Essence remots that become stiff or leaking grease. That’s nothing but a shame for their brand!

        in reply to: The Halo still a viable choice? #41439
        GOLD Member

          Due to B&Os great multi room system, I’ve found out, that the sound of a bluetooth connected device is shared across all connected NL devices, too. I didn’t know that before.
          Very nice.

          in reply to: The Halo still a viable choice? #41428
          GOLD Member

            I’m very happy that Bang & Olufsen was wise enough to choose a LCD instead of OLED display. That way it is ensured that the product will be usable and survive much longer. OLED displays (yes, todays modern OLED displays, too) tend to burn in, dim out etc. while LCDs can last for decades!

            Every day usage:
            The halo does a good job here and doesn’t act only as a B&O remote.
            It works as a Bluetooth remote control and Bluetooth display for multiple devices, including some Sony High Resolution Audio Walkmans.
            Streaming via Google Chromecast (which is not very reliable, no matter on which network) we use Bluetooth at home, too.
            I don’t care too much about my phone but I don’t want to have my Sony HighRes Walkman laying around in the kitchen when doing the dishes etc. I like it to much! 🙂
            Walkman is paired to an Essence in the Kitchen via Bluetooth. When I play music over Bluetooth from the Walkman the Beoremote Halo shows current track, title FROM THE WALKMAN and of course I can skip tracks or play/pause the Sony Walkman! How cool is that? I love it!

            Beoremote Halo on every level in the house is the preferred solution to control music and music systems/speakers at home.
            It cures the unplanned “Damn, where’s my phone?” athletic search tours around the house. 🙂

            I miss a full screen clock on the Beoremote Halo when approaching it, and Bang & Olufsen should reintroduce the red standby light on every product again. 🙂

            Currently we use only a small percentage of the HALOs functionality as a few NL/ML convertes are waiting to be installed and even with our current use case the HALO is a lovely addition at out home.. which will hopefully last longer as a mobile phone.

            in reply to: Beoremote Halo: Fullscreen Clock request #43019
            GOLD Member

              I’m clearly aware of the intended usage, yes, but the personal usage in our home shows this as a viable and elegant option. Of course the user can (and should) decide whether to have full screen clock displayed when approaching it or not.

              in reply to: new product: Balenciaga X Level[? A1?] #36067
              GOLD Member

                The silver one looks very good for me!

                in reply to: Backing up, Archiving B&O Software EPROMs #35463
                GOLD Member

                  Thank you very much!

                  GOLD Member

                    So unterschiedlich sind die Höreindrücke… ich finde Beolab 4000 und 6000 geben sich klanglich nicht sehr unterschiedlich voneinander.
                    Von Audiophil kann jedoch keine Rede sein. Die Beolab 4000 klingen bei uns in einer großen Küche aber tatsächlich irgendwie angenehmer als die 6000er die wir dort zum Vergleich ebenfalls aufgestellt hatten.
                    Die 4000er sind schon relativ warm abgestimmt, daher kann ich den “Schock” zu den schonungslos entlarvenden Beolab 1 nachvollziehen. Die Beolab 1 befinden sich klanglich aber in einer weitaus höheren Liga als 4000, 6000 und 8000. Die Beolab 1 klingen dermaßen analytisch, klar und differenziert, dass sie im Vergleich auch mit guten Studiomonitoren mithalten können. Wenn man das nicht gewohnt ist, ist das wirklich eine Überraschung, für meine Ohren aber eine sehr positive.
                    Nachteil: Mist rein = Mist raus. Miese Aufnahmen oder Dateiqualität wird bei diesen Lautsprechern auf dem Silbertablett um die Ohren gehauen. 🙂

                    Da sind die einfacheren Modelle 4000, 6000 und 8000 “ohrenfreundlicher” abgestimmt und kaschieren qualitative Probleme des Quellmaterials auf angenehme Art und Weise ohne der Musik den Spaß zu nehmen. Jedoch nur bis zu einer bestimmten Raumgröße. In unserer Küche (ca. 30 Quadratmeter) wirkt der Klang o.g. Lautsprecher schon etwas verloren. Da musste ein Subwoofer dazu und schon passt’s. Ich hätte auch Beolab 1 in die Küche gestellt… aber dann hört die Toleranz meiner Frau doch irgendwo auf. 😉

                    Immer unter der Voraussetzung, dass keinerlei Klangeinstellung an der Anlage erfolgt und das Signal neutral wiedergegeben wird (ohne Loudness, verstellten Bass oder verstellte Höhen). Da spielen die Beolab 1 alles an die Wand, benötigen aber – wie auch die anderen B&O Säulen – einen Subwoofer.
                    Natürlich spielen immer auch die Räumlichkeiten eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle. Im alten Wohnzimmer mit offener Galerie und Dachschrägen haben die Beolab 1 trotz Subwoofer nur an 2-3 Hörpositionen Spaß gemacht – selbstverständlich NICHT da wo man sitzt. 😀
                    Im neuen Haus mit “normalen” Räumen in Reckteckform ist es weitaus unproblematischer und macht wieder Spaß.

                    Man kann die 4000er sehr wohl mit Subwoofern eines Fremdherstellers bereichern um ihr Klangbild nach unten hin abzurunden und ihnen durch die Entlastung mehr Volumen zu spendieren. Die Auswahl an Subwoofern ist doch gigantisch groß! Von Designervarianten bis zum Erdbebenkaliber ist auf dem Markt alles verfügbar.

                    Die teils konträren Höreindrücke von “Die Bogener” verdeutlichen, dass der subjektive Höreindruck wichtig ist.
                    Die eigenen Ohren sollten das “Werkzeug” Deiner Auswahl sein.
                    Wenn die Möglichkeit besteht:
                    Alle Wunschlautsprecher in den Zielraum stellen und dort miteinander probehören. Alles bei gleicher Lautstärke, keine Klangveränderung (alle Regler, Einstellungen neutral) und an der selben Position.
                    Dann hörst Du sehr schnell welcher Lautsprecher dir in dem Raum zusagt und welcher nicht – mitunter mit überraschendem Ergebnis.

                    Wichtig ist doch, dass jedem “seine” Lautsprecher Freude an der Musik bereiten!

                    in reply to: B&O Struer visit #35176
                    GOLD Member

                      Steve you lucky bastard! 😀

                      Enjoy your trip and please share photos and videos!

                      in reply to: Beosound 9000 – wise in 2022? #35265
                      GOLD Member

                        Yes, I’m still using one, too. I don’t even think of the possibility to sell it.

                        Keep in mind that the Beosound 9000 is a delicate piece of equipment! It’s like an oldtimer that needs care from time to time and there are no more spare parts available from B&O according to information of my dealer in 2020. So if you want one, you better buy a serviced one with warranty from a B&O dealer.

                        I’ve just installed a Beosound 9000 onto a wall in our new house’s living room.
                        It’s nice to touch and doesn’t feel cheap, it’s beautiful but not too flashy and yes, especially in the evening it looks some kind of calm and “technically cozy” when the lights are on and the disc is spinning.
                        I guess that’s what the vinyl enjoy when they’re listening with their turntables watching the record spinning.

                        If you listen to many CDs it’s not the most comfortable CD player as changing the discs is not as easy as on standard tray loaded or slot-in CD players (depending on the chosen mounting option of a BS 9000).

                        Hundreds of CDs in the house and the BS 9000 plays music burned to CDs from online sources like Beatport, Soundcloud etc. where (unfortunately) pure digital downloads are dominating.
                        The BS 9000 is not the main source of music in the house but one of the lovely ones I love to keep maintained and serviced.

                        in reply to: Beolab 8000 preventive care. #33704
                        GOLD Member

                          Thank you very much for the detailed guide and photos!

                          in reply to: (Ungelöst) Beomaster 5 / Sonos Port #34198
                          GOLD Member

                            Ist das richtig, dass der Beomaster 5 keinen Eingang hat um den Sonos Port anzuschließen?

                            Der Beomaster 5 hat einen Eingang über optionale Hardware: https://www.behringer.com/behringer/product?modelCode=P0A12

                            Damit hast Du dann den “AUX-IN” Eingang an den Du beliebige Geräte anschließen kannst.

                            Beomaster 5 requires additional hardware to use an AUX-IN input.
                            You’ll need this:

                            Than you can connect everything you like as an input to the Beomaster 5.

                            in reply to: Beovision 8-32: No Volume control, low Volume #33823
                            GOLD Member

                              Hey Guy,

                              – didn’t find it in the service menu.
                              – check: No 😉

                              in reply to: B&O app: No multiroom with multiple Wifi networks!? #33292
                              GOLD Member

                                Thanks for your input. After a longer than expected network configuration afternoon everything is running AND B&O program now sees all products.

                                You where right: The subnetworks and IP ranges didn’t play fine with each other. Fixed and now it’s running.
                                Learned something new at the weekend. 🙂

                                in reply to: Thank God the Beoworld Forum is back #33077
                                GOLD Member

                                  Thank you for bringing back the Beoworld Forum – the most precious Bang & Olufsen knowledge base outside of Struer. 🙂

                                Viewing 15 posts - 41 through 55 (of 55 total)