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  • in reply to: beoplay connection hub & beolink passive #52185
    GOLD Member

      Thanks Guy! This should help anyone replicating the solution.

      Some commercially available RJ45 to 8pin DIN cables seem to differ a bit nowadays from the table on the right.

      The ‘Data GND’ is a separate copper strand in the cable (not a shield around the white ‘Data’ wire).

      The ‘Signal GND’ wires are not braided copper shields but green (R) and brown (L) isolated wires, marked with a thin white stripe, per pair isolated with aluminium foil. The total bundle of wires is shielded with a braided shield. See below pictures:20240120_19311720240120_19361020240120_19323220240120_194156

      Location: Netherlands
      in reply to: beoplay connection hub & beolink passive #52183
      GOLD Member

        Same logic, but with a little more elegant box (to put into the TV cabinet of my parents in law):20240118_11403620240118_113955

        Location: Netherlands
        in reply to: beoplay connection hub & beolink passive #52181
        GOLD Member

          I got it working. The only thing to do (at least for a Passive 1656) is to get the trigger signal from the ‘speaker on/off’ (DIN pin 4) onto the ‘power on’ (DIN pin 1).

          In the end I decided not to cut/solder funny cables, you never know when you will fool yourself with it later :-), so just wired a two port RJ45 terminal this way:


          All that is needed are those 5 connections. I = in, O = out.

          I run a Cat7 patch cable from the Connection Hub to the terminal in (I), and a PowerLink Mk2 RJ45 to 8 pin DIN cable from the terminal out (O) to the PowerLink socket of the Passive. PowerLink Mk2 is needed as it has the ‘Power On’ wire going to pin 1.

          Hope it is useful to someone sometime.

          Thanks Guy for your interest and support.

          Regards, Johan

          Location: Netherlands
          in reply to: BeoWorld – For Sale (UPDATED 18th Feb 2024) #52128
          GOLD Member

            Hello Lee, I was very happy to see that the site came alive after the change. Thanks a lot to you and Keith. I hope you will find a good solution/buyer. BeoWorld is a rare and wonderful community.


            Location: Netherlands
            in reply to: beoplay connection hub & beolink passive #52180
            GOLD Member

              Great stuff Guy. I will see to fabricate a cable and report back.

              Many thanks! Regards, Johan

              Location: Netherlands
              in reply to: beoplay connection hub & beolink passive #52178
              GOLD Member

                Hello Guy, thanks for thinking with me. The hub I refer to is the is the BeoPlay (S8) connection hub:connection hub

                Good to hear you trust it is not in the option setting.

                I now believe the trick could be in the signal the Hub provides. I reckon it puts 5V on pin 4 (for regular BeoLabs to switch on), but the Passive expects a signal on pin 1: (snip of the service manual)


                Now I hope that the Passive expects the same 5V voltage for pin 1, so I can make a specific lead (RJ45 to 8pin Din) What do you think?

                Regards, Johan


                Location: Netherlands
                in reply to: BEOTOOTH 5500 : A Datalink Bluetooth Receiver #50256
                GOLD Member

                  I also received the Beotooth 5500 (fully assembled) and am looking forward to give it a try on my BeoMaster 6500!

                  Regards, Johan

                  Location: Netherlands
                  in reply to: Different sound levels from two BL5’s? #52068
                  GOLD Member

                    Hello KHX, could the problem/solution be with the ‘sync cable’?


                    From the Beolab 5 manual:


                    I hope to own a pair one day, but for now this helps in resolving,

                    Regards, Johan

                    Location: Netherlands
                    in reply to: Pin codes #51857
                    GOLD Member

                      Hello, on my 7-32 9331 it just works as described, using a normal ‘GO’ Beo4:


                      When seeing the above screen I press << << STOP and I get the screen here below.


                      Hope this helps. Johan

                      Location: Netherlands
                      in reply to: Beomaster 7000 #52027
                      GOLD Member

                        Hi jameswmunson, could it be that the back-up battery is dead?

                        Besides that, I do recall some BMs needed the STORE command to be made twice before keeping the settings. Maybe worth a try.

                        When the storing of the sound setting works, it will also store the volume setting at the time of storing.

                        Regards, Johan

                        Location: Netherlands
                        in reply to: How to best connect BL 18 to LG C1 #51998
                        GOLD Member

                          Hello jacob117, not sure if it is ‘best’, but both the TV and the speakers support WiSA, right?

                          Regards, Johan

                          Location: Netherlands
                          in reply to: Beosound 5 Speicher erweitern #51966
                          GOLD Member

                            Hello Thomas, I believe the BM 5’s Windows XP limits this to 2TB. Check this thread: https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beomaster-5-motherboard/page/2/, post #26061. Also see the instructions Jens Rendboell in post #21177.

                            Another option could be to let the BS5/BM5 (or Encore) play from a (larger) NAS/DLNA server, but I have no experience with that and a 4TB library.

                            Regards, Johan

                            Location: Netherlands
                            in reply to: Beolab 8000 preventive care. #33714
                            GOLD Member

                              Hi Khaos87, welcome!

                              BL8000s are nice speakers and worth to save.

                              Here: https://www.beoparts-shop.com/product/damping-foam-set-pair-for-beolab-8000/ you can find good quality parts. They appear to be out of stock now, but maybe worth to keep an eye on if DIY is not the way you want to go.

                              Regards, Johan

                              Location: Netherlands
                              in reply to: BeoLab wall bracket: what sizes of screws & springs #51799
                              GOLD Member

                                Hi, with you finding M4 thread, the 6 in 6 x 32.7mm must then be the diameter of the head of the screw.

                                Location: Netherlands
                                in reply to: BeoLab wall bracket: what sizes of screws & springs #51797
                                GOLD Member

                                  Hi KolfMAKER, was hoping to find it for you in the service manual: only the screw specs are given.


                                  The screws in the photograph appear much longer than the 32.7. Also, just two washers seem to be used. Hopefully someone can measure the springs for you.

                                  Regards, Johan

                                  Location: Netherlands
                                  in reply to: CD5500 Philips C2103 Capacitor #51391
                                  GOLD Member

                                    Sorry H71BCD, you have no choice. This wonderful complete set MUST be cared for :-).

                                    Location: Netherlands
                                    in reply to: Esthetisch probleem #51783
                                    GOLD Member

                                      Hallo kronzilla, noem het een esthetische kans! Misschien kun je een foto delen van de situatie?

                                      De kanshebbers die je o.a. noemt hebben in mijn beleving 3 verschillende ‘form factors’:

                                      • wigvormig – BC9000/9300/9500 en BM3500&4500
                                      • verticaal – BC2500 (evt BeoSound 3000)
                                      • stapelbaar – BeoSystem 5500/6500/7000

                                      Klassieke B&O ‘magic’ is te vinden in de vloeiende beweging van deurtjes of lades. Dit is wellicht het meest in het oog springend (en sowieso aanwezig) bij de verticale spelers. Ook de BC9000 en opvolgers hebben dat sowieso. Bij de verticale spelers gebeurt dat zelfs zonder aanraking. Bij de andere opties zie je deurtjes/lades alleen in de bijbehorende BeoGrams en -Cords.

                                      De wigvormige spelers kun je op het apparaat zelf goed bedienen. Voor de stapelbare systemen (zeker als je alleen voor de BeoMaster gaat) hebben een afstandsbediening nodig (waarbij op te merken is dat de MCPs en de BeoLink 7000 ook erg eye-catching zijn).

                                      De elementen van stapelbare beosystems kun je daarentegen naast elkaar plaatsen (alsook 3500 en 4500) wat de mogelijkheid geeft om het systeem lengte te geven, dat zie je niet zo vaak toegepast.

                                      Een verticale speler als de BeoSound heeft verlichting van de CD, wat hem ook in het donker meer eye-catching maakt. De wigvormige en stapelbare elementen hebben dan weer veel rode en groene symbooltjes.

                                      Zelf heb ik een BM7000/CD6500 combi en een BM4500, mijn keus zou vallen op een BeoSound 3000 (met grote clamper)! Belangrijk vind ik dat kabels onzichtbaar zijn weggewerkt.

                                      Hoop dat je er wat aan hebt.

                                      Groet, Johan




                                      Location: Netherlands
                                      GOLD Member

                                        Hello dmacri, happy new year!  Is your BM in A.OPT 0? Then it will not ‘listen’ to the remote’s IR signals directly. It will get its commands from the BS3 through MasterLink.

                                        If so, what I would try is: (first power down other B&O equipment in the room to avoid messing up their settings). Then set the option of the BM7000 temporarily to 1 (A.OPT 1) to make it respond to the MCP6500, do the preset programming with the MCP, and set it back to option 0. Power everything up again (if needed).

                                        Note that programming radio presets with a Beo4 is not that simple: https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/using-remote-for-radiostations/

                                        Hope this helps, Johan

                                        Location: Netherlands
                                        in reply to: Help!, how to change cloth on b&o penta #51635
                                        GOLD Member

                                          I like to make it easier for the “next guy” that works on the equipment because it probably will be me ;-). Glitch


                                          Location: Netherlands
                                          in reply to: Beomaster 5 – RCA input #51597
                                          GOLD Member

                                            Hi KarstenS, the RCA connections are outputs. Check this https://soundsheavenly.com/music-input/17-beomaster-5-beosound-5-aux-usb-input-converter-also-works-as-pcmac-sound-card.html to use a USB port.

                                            Regards, Johan

                                            Location: Netherlands
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