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  • in reply to: Download FROM Beo 5/6 #40413

      All those question are answered and well documented in this forum or the old one (see archived forums).

      Please make the effort to look at it and then come back and share you own experience.


      Location: Paris France
      in reply to: Beosound 1 CD skipping after laser cleaning #49819

        If you have time and are willing to investigate please take care on that “sporadic” scheme : He also told me that his Beosound read  some discs and always refuse some others, whatever where they are placed. So maybe your sporadic behavior his related to some specific discs and therefore something can be learned from this. Thank you.

        Location: Paris France
        in reply to: Beosound 1 CD skipping after laser cleaning #49817

          Unfortunatly, My brother in law told me today that the deep cleaning of his Beosound 9000 laser was not “that” successful. Maybe I’ve overestimated the cure it could be.

          Would like to have said something better.

          Location: Paris France
          in reply to: Back to old things: Beovox P50… #34697

            @matador is there a specific way to mount these speakers on a wall? I’ve searched but can’t find any specific info on brackets, fixings etc.

            Hi Mr Roast.

            This is the very first question I had before having my pair, see the start of this thread.

            I think there is an installation guide around that basically says: if you’re installing them in a lower fashion, use the top holes (wedged back against the wall, speakers tilted, woofers facing upward). If you’re installing them in a upper fashion, use the mid and lower holes (flat back against the wall, speakers parallel to the wall, woofers firing front).

            The other thing is if they sounds on a wall better than by themself. I’m not golden hear, but I’ve tried on the floor, against a wall, on a sort of stand, vertical and horizontal and to me they always have sound, euuuuh, let me find the word… ah yes ok, that one: AMAZING!

            The glue I’ve used is two component epoxy glue, Araldite maybe or whatever know brand but nothing specially selected. The first that I found by that time.

            Hope this help. Please keep us informed!

            Location: Paris France
            in reply to: Beovision 10 rescue from death #49783

              If sound, operation and backlight of the panel are OK, then a BV10-32 has almost always a defective Pcb. 15 MEMC (Part 8005458) and not a defective Panel. This module is responsible for the image feed to the panel.

              Ok, sounds like good. What would this mean in terms of reparability?

              I’m ignorant in that matter but I suppose any TV has a module that is responsible for the image feed to the panel. So would it be possible to replace the electronic from there? Dont know if I’m clear…

              Location: Paris France
              in reply to: DIY Beolab 8000 Wood frets (STLs included). #36883

                The 3D models for the project are available to download in the first post. It’s written in bold and can easily be seen (I’ve stopped counting the numerous PM I receive asking for the STL’s).

                So, just download them and have them printed by a friend or a printing service.

                Just DON’T BUY THEM. Someone as open a B&O shop just near where I leave and is selling the clamps I designed and that are available here for free without any added value.

                Good luck for your project.

                Location: Paris France
                in reply to: Universal Link Adapter #49573

                  Enough for now!

                  By respect, I agree.

                  Location: Paris France
                  in reply to: Universal Link Adapter #49571

                    given that the maker of these products was more or less banned from this forum.

                    If I remember correctly, the maker of this product was openly advertising for his product to be sold without kindly asking to the forum runners. Absolutely nothing to do with this unless it would be an underground noise with B3OHACK3R selling his box under the hood in PM, which I doubt.

                    Location: Paris France
                    in reply to: Universal Link Adapter #49566

                      I think there are commercial software solutions available that can act as a airplay sender. For example the one for Windows that can send audio to any airplay enabled speaker.

                      Yes, I know about software, computer based solution. They are not convenient at all.
                      Not practically, or event environmentally: having a computer running to airplay a 33′, really?

                      The Arduino or similar are not easy for anybody, as you perfectly said it.

                      This is a thing I never understood: why nobody made a little black box to stupidly airplay broadcast any analogue signal, even under the coat. The same way I’ve never understood why nobody made the same thing for light control.

                      Anyway, I wish you good luck with your project and in any case it made that forum shiver again and only this is a beautiful achievement. Welcome to Beoworld B3OHACK3R.

                      Location: Paris France
                      in reply to: Universal Link Adapter #49565

                        In my view your “Private Project” has great commercial potential.

                        I would not turn this very interesting and funny and promising topic into a political marketing oriented discussion: B3OHACK3R, we need people like you or Pilatomic or that guy who’s stuck a full digital gateway into an old white Beomaster 6500, or also Beolover who made all 4000’s remote controllable… People that make our old things ready for the present and even maybe the future.


                        I would not say “the project has great commercial potential”.

                        My point of view is we, core B&O clients, are dinosaurs and sorry to be blunt, we’re all dying. This is truly a niche product. Just look at the grumpy cat, he already made clear that he’s happy with his ML/NL solution, people who participate to this topic are only “bidouilleurs” (can’t find the english word…) and most people that would be interested in this will not invest in a solution that looks like “reverse engineered (no offense in this). Quite ironic when you think they would certainly invest 3 or 4 time more money into a less  versatile solution but officially coming from B&O.

                        As an example I would use the Lintronic example or even OneRemote. I would not say their businesses are flourishing, I even believe that Lintronic dropped if not the whole lineup at least whatever is B&O related.

                        We, all of us, between us, trying to pushing limits, like all the members I named but also Madskp, Guy, and in their own way, Dillen, Steve, Sonavor and  some I’m forgetting, but to the extend to say “it’s a business that has potential…”, in my dumb opinion, no.

                        Just ask Lee…

                        Location: Paris France
                        in reply to: Universal Link Adapter #49559

                          Hi, B3OHACK3R.

                          That’s seems indeed very cool and beautifully made. For once, the box is stylish and everything looks so professional, even the main board, for a personal “why not” project.
                          Then just take Millmissen suspicions as a compliment!

                          That said, it seems you have all the knowledge to make something a lot of people want since forever: just a simple Airplay emitter that will link say à whatever Beogram to an airplay speaker or receiver. No RIAA, no fancy link system, just that, Analogue to Airplay.

                          Since you have the experience, could you tell use how difficult it would be and if you have any insight on why this is something that never came up? (Licenses problems with Apple lawyers, of course but even underground, looks like it never happened…).

                          Congratulations again for your project.

                          Location: Paris France
                          in reply to: Beogram 4002, clack, scratch sound #48808

                            In severe cases you can see “lightning”-type sparks from the record to surrounding chassis metal in a dark room.

                            Please Dillen, be gentle with new members. You don’t have to be “that” scary, Freddy-len!

                            Location: Paris France
                            in reply to: Random eBay Stuff #39566

                              As a moderator I need to remove your post before Dillen sees it!

                              Apart from that, I find the look of it totally cool: So “James Bond”!

                              Location: Paris France
                              in reply to: Beosound 9000 MK2 – more “risk” compared to MK3 #45000

                                As far as I know…

                                It is not more risky to buy an MK2 than a MK3. Last year I would in fact have told you that it was the other way around: given the most common fault is a laser failure, MK3 has a specific laser assembly hard to find or at crazy price at B&O when MK2 has a more usual one you can find anywhere for a couple of bucks. Since then I’ve learned that most laser failures can be solved with a deep lens cleaning (lens up/down and mirror).

                                In regard to other fault, I don’t remember one unit was more prone to failure than the other one and for all of them even if problems happens sometimes, its a relatively robust unit and in most cases, easily serviceable. Then the only factual parameter would be that MK3 are of course more “young” units and it may have an impact on the mechanical parts (carriage noise, door mechanism strength, discs clamps softness, etc…)

                                Hope this helps.

                                Location: Paris France
                                in reply to: Beosound Bollard #48776


                                  Location: Paris France
                                  in reply to: What happened to the post: “new 2023 products” #48438

                                    sorry I made a mistake

                                    I think you did not.
                                    Beoworld is a dying forum relying on the good will and personal money of founders to stay afloat.
                                    unless you really betray some sort of legal arrangement with somebody, I don’t see this like an error.
                                    some members are right, B&O makes us happy with good or less good products, it’s always a storm here   But beside that what do we really owe to the brand ? Money? Done. Passion? Done. Loyalty? Done. I believe we can chat about rumors and leaks they are responsible for.
                                    where were they when Beoworld was (is) suffocating, dying? What will be the next step? Don’t say evil about beolab XX? Don’t talk about recurring flaws in the app? Don’t give tips on repair because that will be our next « recreation »?

                                    I’ve already said it: B&O should send their lawyers against compagnies that make copies and plague the market, not enthusiastic little boys that are excited by the next product and will anyway buy it the loud price.
                                    even more. If B&O feel threatened by your original post, they must really concentrate on engineering, creativity and security matters. Because I don’t see any unbelievable revelation in that. What? Satellites for thé 6000€ théâtre? Really? Beoworld shoul sur them because I remember we have talk again tha way before everyone else.
                                    no you did not made a mistake. And no, as a sophomore moderator, I disagree with Allstate happened.

                                    thank you for reading. And delete if needed.

                                    Location: Paris France
                                    in reply to: Internal bluetooth receiver for transistor Beolits #48397

                                      It’s the slider knob…

                                      Location: Paris France
                                      in reply to: Internal bluetooth receiver for transistor Beolits #48396

                                        I don’t suppose you would mind sharing the file?

                                        Of course I would! Weird it didn’t did it already…

                                        Here it is.

                                        Location: Paris France
                                        in reply to: Beosound to HomePod #48383


                                          Location: Paris France
                                          in reply to: Internal bluetooth receiver for transistor Beolits #48394

                                            The ability to make something 50+ years old still relevant today…

                                            I understand perfectly. Unfortunately, with the end of the FM band and the short broadband of the receiver (“my” stations are past 105 MHz) the only relevant use I’ve found is decoration. Hope you’ll find better to do with it.

                                            Location: Paris France
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