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GOLD MemberAs far I am not mistaken the Overture was the one with the Datalink.
GOLD MemberI had the BCC for testing and had a chance to compare it with the “old” Core with my Beloab 50’s. For reference, I have a Linn Selekt DSM streamer with Linn’s own DAC called Organik. The old Care connected with Powerlink, the BCC with USB and the Linn with RCA to the 50’s. The BCC is a noticable step up from the old Core. More refined, more clearity. Overall for the current price a good buy. Never was a big fan of the old Core (I still have one in my Shape setup).
The Linn puts it to a complete new level (also from a budget point of view, with decent Audioquest cable almost 10x the BCC…), but shows what is possible with todays digital tec. But the BCC is a good product if you want to stay in the ecosystem. (I probabaly will upgrade my Core the new BCC for the Shape).
An other advantage of the BCC is the Mozart platform so you can use Tidal connect which you can’t with the Core.
GOLD MemberI keep wonderful memories of the 2007 Beoworld trip.
So do I! Was a fantastic time back 2007 with great memories and the opportunity to meet fellow beoworlders.
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GOLD MemberIntersting! Did not know that you can let the BL50 run in wide mode (which means the acustic lens opens up) during calibration. I recall it automatically runs calibration in the “narrow” mode when you start the process.
GOLD MemberAs we share the same challenge how to control volume with 3rd party devices, I have tested all 3 remotes options: BR1, Halo, Essence remote. With the IR-Eye and the BR1/Essence Remote I liked the Br1 more, for what ever reason the Essence remote had always some lag in response. Put it back into the drawer.
With the Halo you have some more options, you could select the input as well as the sound profiles. However, just for that purpose, a hefty price point.
GOLD MemberThis can be helpful if you would like to measure the acoustic response of the room without the adjustments of the speakers room compensation. I had a acoustic engineer at my house and we measured both, with and without B&O room compensation. Quite intersting by the way. Helped to understand the room and how to tweak the EQ on top of the room compensation to get the max out of the speakers. But of course, this is not the usual use case…
27 April 2023 at 13:23 in reply to: Beolab 3 – die kleinen Riesen sind wohl doch nicht perfekt. #35253kawo
GOLD MemberIch bin auch großer Fan dieser wirklich tollen Lautsprecher! Mittlerweile habe ich 3 Paar davon, das erste seinerzeit neu gekauft, die weiteren dann allerdings gebraucht. Alle in diesem Softlack schwarz. Aktuell sehr unterschiedlicher Zustand von oh sieht doch noch gut aus bis ziemlich klebrig. Interessanter Weise ist der Zusatnd jeweisl pro Paar recht ähnlich.
Ein Schwachpunkt ist wohl noch das Netzteil, ich hatte bereits zwei defekte LS. Den ersten hatte ich vor einigen Jahren beim örtlichen B&O Händler reparieren lassen zu einem (aus heutiger Sicht) völlig überhöhten Preis. Beim zweiten hatte ich das Ersatzteil bei Ebay gefunden und mit dem Service Manual das ganze komplett selbst gemacht. Ist wirklich nicht schwer.
Früher oder später wollte ich meine auch einmal neu lackieren, aktuell aber kein Thema.
Eingestzt sind aktuell 2 Paar als Sourround LS zusammen mit einem Harmony und Beolab 50 vorne. Da machen sie einen anständiegn Job und sind durch sehr universelle Aufstellungsmöglichkeiten von Bodenständer über Wandhalterung bis zu dem Tischring sehr flexibel. Für alle Fälle habe ich sogar noch den STB Bracket Deckenhalter ergattern können.
Bezüglich der Raumgröße, schwer zu sagen, ich denke bei Kombination mit einem Subwoofer geht da schon eine Menge. 20-30m2 ohne Sub sehe ich da schon.
GOLD MemberI had a simular problem with a Theatre I had for testing at home. My one was faulty and went back to B&O for repair. The Bass was by far to much.
GOLD MemberAs a previous owner of a Beosystem 3 and Beolab 5 I strongly recommend not to rout the audio signal via the Beosystem 3 if you are looking for the best sound. The BS3 does always “something” to the audio signal.
The biggest challenge leaving the Beoworld is volume control if you feed a signal straight to the BL5. There are some work arounds, I ended up with a Core with a optical converterbox and a powerlink connection to the BL5. The TV and the core shared the BL5 Powerlink input via a Almando Powerlink Switch.
Now with my new BL50 much much easier….hope to have my new on order Linn streamer soon.
GOLD MemberI agree with most of the comments, it could be a great product but a lot missed opportunities due to limited software.
I own a Halo myself for one simple reason: remote control my BL50 with sources outside the B&O world. So to switch input, volume control and speaker profile without the app the Halo is the only option. I got a good deal for a display one, but still a hefty price for the purpose I use it.
For me a big drawback is the limited functions for a Harmony. I often switch Speaker groups between just the Harmony speaker and a full blown 5.0.2 setup, also the sound presets. Unfortunately not possible with the Halo.
So the Beoremote One is still used in parallel for TV and basic multiroom functions.
Sooner or later I may get the BLI as I would love to control light and
But looks really nice on my coffee table on top of the famous B&O Book, LOL
GOLD MemberI did change the display in the past (as I moved form a 65″ c9 to a 77″ CX). Challenge in the beginning was the software on the display which B&O had not adapted to the neweer WebOS. So that might be an issue on top that there might be new mounting plates.
but might only a question of time as B&O has to move on as supply of old generation display got out of stock.