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  • in reply to: BV9 on the way upstairs #53186
    BRONZE Member


      From where did you begin to unscrew? From back or front? I did not find that kind of service manual with exploded view. Just ask because I don’t want to do extra work or any mistakes:)

      Location: Finland
      in reply to: BV9 on the way upstairs #53185
      BRONZE Member

        Hi, TV 124kg + two strong guys would be at least 300kgs. I really question durability of my old house stairs:) They also make 90 degree curve and are relatively steep……..

        Location: Finland
        in reply to: BV9 on the way upstairs #53184
        BRONZE Member

          Hi, been planing to move bv9 upstairs next weekend. Checked it (TV) a bit from here and there. Should not be a bad thing to do at all. Lets see how it goes:)


          Location: Finland
          in reply to: Beovision 9 parts #46072
          BRONZE Member

            Hope this helps

            Location: Finland
            in reply to: Beovision 9 parts #46070
            BRONZE Member


              Did it but no help:)  Press (Beo4) “menu”, “0”, “0”, (zero, zero) and GO.

              That is how you’ll enter to service menu.

              Location: Finland
              in reply to: Beovision 9 parts #46068
              BRONZE Member

                Yep, came to same thoughts. Took that out also some time ago. Can it be some software problem? Did you try to reset the tv? I’ll do it today. Sometimes the way of the bits is just waiting someone to do that:)

                Actually I sound like me calling to online help.

                “Good morning. I have some problem with my………”

                ……aaand before you end your question…….

                “Did you take the mains cord off? Did you push the reset button? Did you start your device again?” etc.

                Only 9.90 / minute. For members -20% 😀

                There are few of these BV9’s for sale at quite reasonable price but far away from here. Should buy a ferry ticket for a driver (me) and for the van:)


                Location: Finland
                in reply to: Beovision 9 parts #46066
                BRONZE Member


                  My tv also have just that grey scale bar and the camera stays in its hiding place. Luckily picture is still quite ok. That ACM module – is it possible to take it out and fix. I suppose it manmade:)


                  Tried to check after service manuals for BV9 but did not find any and if anyone have that module as extra there are several of us who are interested.

                  Location: Finland
                  in reply to: Beovision 9 parts #46064
                  BRONZE Member


                    Here also. Camera is there but don’t want to move:)

                    Location: Finland
                    in reply to: Beo4, BV9 and Beocenter 2 #52392
                    BRONZE Member

                      Thanks for the advice.

                      The reason for problems was that scart cable. I have a box full of those and the fifth was a proper one. They seemed to be fully connected but still there are some difference…..or just broken:)

                      And when you live long enough…………..:)

                      Syndicat des Constructeurs d’Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs

                      Location: Finland
                      in reply to: Beo4, BV9 and Beocenter 2 #52391
                      BRONZE Member


                        Have check still that.

                        Location: Finland
                        in reply to: Beo4, BV9 and Beocenter 2 #52389
                        BRONZE Member

                          Yep, have the same side open, but still don’t get it working:D

                          Now I picture and sound on tv, but still can’t use beo4 to controll DVD……….

                          Is it possible that there is some other solution? If I set options like in that pic

                          Beocenter does not accept any comands – no sound in cd and nothing from dvd.

                          Do I have to have ir in socket box ctrl?


                          Location: Finland
                          in reply to: Beolab 2500 #51628
                          BRONZE Member

                            Yep, I’ve checked fuses etc. Power comes out from transformer but that’s it.

                            Both speakers the same. Tried to connect those to other B&O devices also with same result.


                            Location: Finland
                            in reply to: What are you listening to…..right now. #33219
                            BRONZE Member

                              Waiting for – 24:)

                              Location: Finland
                              in reply to: Beolab 8000 y connector #49302
                              BRONZE Member

                                Thanks for advice. Found ML cable from local dealer;)

                                Location: Finland
                                in reply to: Beolab 8000 y connector #49300
                                BRONZE Member

                                  That impedance came to my mind but I didn’t “believe” it because level

                                  went down even when BS9000 was not powered on at all.

                                  Have to go through boxes if I can find an ML cable. If not might buy one of those boxes you suggested.


                                  Location: Finland
                                  in reply to: BV 9 and projector #44520
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Thanks, of course 🙂

                                    Works fine now.


                                    Location: Finland
                                    in reply to: Beomaster 5 connection to BV 9 #36540
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Beomaster is already under pcs. In my case pc-command don’t work so it’s configured under DVD2/AV4. (pc is not highlighted / available  on TV screen “menu/connctions).

                                      So PC is AV5 but there’s no AV5 input in the tv or there is but it’s already in use for Beosystem 3 which is for the tv.

                                      This of course mean also that I can not use remote to configure Bm. Is there some possible way to configure either bv or beo4? Some other on top of those I already know?

                                      Location: Finland
                                      in reply to: Repairing vhs Avant 32 #34469
                                      BRONZE Member


                                        On the top right there is a panel and behind that you can find buttons.

                                        Check if VCR would work from there. TV should also automatically detect if there is a tape inserted.

                                        VCR is quite easy to take out as a whole from the back side of TV if it need service.


                                        Location: Finland
                                        in reply to: Beosound 5 settings #34588
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          Well………not working. No service settings available.

                                          Seems also that volume etc. settings not there. If I shut down the whole thing

                                          and take the mains totally off for awhile and restart then settings are available except

                                          those service settings…….:/

                                          Location: Finland
                                          in reply to: Beosound 5 settings #34586
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            Ok…………but how about those system settings?

                                            How to go there? I can just setup volume, balance etc .

                                            On system settings I just get “language”and “time zone”

                                            There should be some way.

                                            Location: Finland
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