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  • in reply to: Beogram4000 behaving erratically #39650
    BRONZE Member

      Couple of things here….firstly take out OTR4 and check it, if this is good you need to look at the power limiting part of the circuit….the set of contacts (those leaf spring contacts again) that need to be closed, thus shorting 7R1 to ground,  when the solenoid is initially activated allowing max current to pull in the solenoid coil before opening up when the armature moves to drop the tone arm…..its possible you dont have a good connection at these contacts..


      in reply to: Beogram4000 behaving erratically #39648
      BRONZE Member

        Yes…..Martin recommends doing this as the transistor does run quite hot, I did this on one of my units that I was having an issue with, didnt solve the problem as that turned out to be a contact issue as previously discussed

        PB184500 (Copy)

        in reply to: Beogram4000 behaving erratically #39646
        BRONZE Member

          Martin recommends moving the voltage regulator 2TR6 from the 2 PCB and mounting it away due to heat issues…..I cant recall exactly but I have a feel ing the logic switches state around 0.5 to 2.5vdc and its the IC that supplies the power to “wet” the switch contacts I have a feeling that it all goes tits up if you dont have 4vdc min……

          in reply to: The New BG4000C #33548
          BRONZE Member

            Well…..thats that little conundrum solved, shying away from what would be a difficult and expensive undertaking.

            in reply to: The New BG4000C #33546
            BRONZE Member

              I’ve just had a look at the video on the b&o website…..and if i’m looking at the right one it yet again identifies the BG4002 or maybe BG2004 deck, none of the illustrations depict a BG4000 deck, is this because of the complexity involved……if one was to send them a BG4000 would a BG4002 be returned?…….I’m confused.com ;¬)

              in reply to: Beogram4000 behaving erratically #39644
              BRONZE Member

                It may well be something entirely different, however it only takes one switch to be out of step to create havoc with the logic controls. I do suspect the old timer design engineers decided to create the most complicated deck ever built, integrating complicated logic gates simply because they could…..logic gates that are still in lots of modern day control systems (albeit in sotware format these days)…bear in mind the only thing that opens the switch is the quite light pressure of the leaf spring contact….take a look i nothing else other than to eliminate them from your enquiries

                in reply to: Beogram4000 behaving erratically #39638
                BRONZE Member


                  When you say you have cleaned the “those brass contacts” are you talking about the carriage transport switches?

                  I have had similar strange behaviour on a BG4000 deck that was eating my lunch for days….intermittent faults. Finally traced it to the transport switches (one in particular) and it turned out that the actuating plastic nipple that operated the brass leaf switch was sticking every so often….I had thought i would lubricate these switches with silicone grease to keep them moving freely…..mistake! cleaned all the lubrication off them and everything was fine…..just a thought.

                  in reply to: The New BG4000C #33539
                  BRONZE Member

                    There’s no question that it looks very attractive, and that its modelled on a 4002 unit. In my view it lacks the over engineered and massively complicated  charm of a 4000 deck, the boolean logic controlling the 4000 is a work of art in itself…and the delicate reed relay stop start circuit is just so baffling that i suspect it must have been reverse engineered from an alien spacecraft dug up from the gobi dessert ;¬)

                    And does anyone know what the device is that Eric is injecting the circuit board with is, soldering flux perhaps. Looks like he is upgrading an existing deck from the oxidation on the internals, an old Elco Capacitor and the tone arm solenoid coil looks like it has warmed up the insulation over time…is image 2 the finished article Steve?

                    BRONZE Member

                      This could also be a noisy transistor……I have had this problem in the past.

                      in reply to: Beogram 4000 record detection issue #36123
                      BRONZE Member


                        Does the record detection circuit work with the replacement bulb….or are there still issues?


                        in reply to: missing BG4000 #33058
                        BRONZE Member


                          this pic shows the failed transformer wiring and measurements from my problematic transformer……the only problem with it turned out to be the low measurement on the 230v secondary output to the neon lamp, the rest of the measurements where the same as those on a fully working machine…..as can be seen the 0.89k should have been 1.3k


                          in reply to: missing BG4000 #33056
                          BRONZE Member

                            Have you checked the transformer out fully?….measured the primary and secondary windings to be sure there’s an issue? tried disconnecting the secondary outputs and powering up?…..I did a lot of checks before I finally condemned the transformer due to them being impossible (mostly) to source….and bespoke toroidal transformers being so expensive to commission.

                            in reply to: missing BG4000 #33054
                            BRONZE Member

                              this is the final wiring with the load resistor (not shown) wired to the input of the regulator before the small capacitor  05ffpa0sulmmnltta0kg7jg7woeg9vni

                              in reply to: missing BG4000 #33053
                              BRONZE Member

                                Another thing that will help is if you look in the archive forum 2012-2022 you should be able to find the first part of this thread…….may make things clear for you

                                in reply to: missing BG4000 #33052
                                BRONZE Member


                                  Sorry for the late reply…..been a bit busy with work etc. The GL90 neon was connected directly to the incomming 230vac supply down stream of the fuses…..the supply needs to be connected through the reed relay contacts just as it is now (so the lamp only comes on when start is pressed) I think all the parts I used are documented in this post….but if you need any more info let me know

                                  Regards Craig

                                  in reply to: Beolab 5000 Type 5303 #34490
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    I would also replace ZF18 Zener diode….check the other transistors around the voltage regulator too…..something caused may have caused the SE8002 to short out.


                                    in reply to: Beolab 5000 Type 5303 #34487
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Ok……one thing at a time.

                                      1. For some strange reason the internal wiring which connects the AUX signal DIN to the amp is wired differently to the TAPE input DIN, I found this out the hard way. Connect your signal to the phono plugs instead of the DIN connector for the AUX input and see if you then get sound to your speakers.
                                      2. The Hi and Lo s are latching switches that need to be pushed forwards to engage or disengage….these are used if your input needs to go through the pre amp stage or not…a low signal will need to (I think this is right…..). The + and – trim pots can be set by ear….they adjust the volume of each speaker to balance the sound.
                                      3. I will need more info for this question….and maybe some pics?
                                      in reply to: Beolab 5000 Type 5303 #34485
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        This is a pic showing the lamp still on the push fit tab

                                        PA084329 (Copy)

                                        in reply to: Beolab 5000 Type 5303 #34484
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          You need to take the top off, remove the screws holding the amp PC down….it’s on a hinge so will lift up and can be put into the service position which is vertical. This allows access to the power on bulb, its a push fit onto a tab and can ce carefully pulled backwards untill released, you can then unscrew the lamp and replace it…..make sure you use the propper voltage…I think its 60vdc

                                          PA134348 (Copy)

                                          in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33955
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            All complete and fully tested…..does sound very good for an old girl, I think it can now be identified as restored……


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