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  • #54771
    GOLD Member
      On Millemissen said

      What is this thread – B&O finance – about?
      Klicking it does nothing?



      There should be something in that one now.

      Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
      Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
      Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
      Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
      GOLD Member
        On YannChris said


        Strike on the workbench?

        Only 2 topics listed.



        Capture d’écran 2024-05-04 150300

        I migrated the old data back across as there were a lot of missing reply’s.
        The main result is that most of the topics need to be added back to the corresponding forums, this will take several days at least.

        Whilst attaching the topics back to the forums, I am moving the a round a little – I ;hope that this will give a little more structure and help people find information easier.



        Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
        Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
        Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
        Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
        GOLD Member

          What happened to my (long) reply to this thread from apprx. four days ago?

          Beomaster 6500 & 7000 improvement of pre-amp circuit


          GOLD Member
            On Dillen said

            What happened to my (long) reply to this thread from apprx. four days ago?

            Beomaster 6500 & 7000 improvement of pre-amp circuit



            This should be back now, slowly adding everything back in.


            Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
            Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
            Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
            Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
            My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
            GOLD Member

              Thanks Mark.


              GOLD Member


                What annoys me the most is that the whole website is numb. Every action takes time, as if there were too many redirections or something. Click and wait…

                Location: Burgundy
                GOLD Member
                  On chartz said


                  What annoys me the most is that the whole website is numb. Every action takes time, as if there were too many redirections or something. Click and wait…


                  Agreed, it is a little on the sluggish side. I may have to get an expert involved to help with the speed.
                  There is plenty of server resources, I think the issue is with the configuration somewhere.

                  Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                  Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                  Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                  Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                  BRONZE Member

                    Hi Multicare

                    it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
                    – the one to the beotech https://www.beoworld.org/beotech/
                    – the links to the articles
                    – the links to the manuals

                    We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


                    GOLD Member

                      Browsing a little arround the forum I noticed that the order of the posts in this thread is messed up https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beolink-1612-s/

                      The starting post come as number three post.

                      Dont know if this is s general problem, but just want to give a heads up.

                      Location: Denmark
                      GOLD Member

                        Another thing I have mentioned before and found a temporary solution for is the view of recent topics.

                        I know you can see the last 5 post on the main page of the foums, but if you have been away for a few days and want to catch up on forum activity you will have to browse arround a lot instead.

                        For a while it was possible to find some view options in a top bar like: Topic freshness whis is my favorite view.This seems to have disappeered now though.

                        Would it be possible to ad links to these views, maybe in the main forum page where you have the 5 topics and the link could be called “more” or something like that?

                        Thanks in advance

                        For now I have saved a link to topic freshness that can also be usefull for others


                        Location: Denmark
                        GOLD Member
                          On Madskp said

                          Another thing I have mentioned before and found a temporary solution for is the view of recent topics.

                          I know you can see the last 5 post on the main page of the foums, but if you have been away for a few days and want to catch up on forum activity you will have to browse arround a lot instead.

                          For a while it was possible to find some view options in a top bar like: Topic freshness whis is my favorite view.This seems to have disappeered now though.

                          Would it be possible to ad links to these views, maybe in the main forum page where you have the 5 topics and the link could be called “more” or something like that?

                          Thanks in advance

                          For now I have saved a link to topic freshness that can also be usefull for others


                          Just ignore this. I obviously was not looking good enough on the forum main page. Sorry for the incinvinience

                          Location: Denmark
                          GOLD Member


                            Do you intend to put back online the invaluable service manuals please?

                            I find those essential and worth the subscription alone!


                            Location: Burgundy
                            GOLD Member
                              On chartz said


                              Do you intend to put back online the invaluable service manuals please?

                              I find those essential and worth the subscription alone!


                              Yes, we will and are putting up all of the manuals, if there is anything you are looking for then let me know. we will add any request.

                              Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                              Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                              Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                              Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                              GOLD Member
                                On kirin said

                                Hi Multicare

                                it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
                                – the one to the beotech https://www.beoworld.org/beotech/
                                – the links to the articles
                                – the links to the manuals

                                We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


                                Yes this will be added over the coming months.

                                Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                                Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                                Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                                Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                                My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                                BRONZE Member
                                  On Multicare said
                                  On kirin said

                                  Hi Multicare

                                  it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
                                  – the one to the beotech https://www.beoworld.org/beotech/
                                  – the links to the articles
                                  – the links to the manuals

                                  We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


                                  Yes this will be added over the coming months.

                                  On Multicare said
                                  On kirin said

                                  Hi Multicare

                                  it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
                                  – the one to the beotech https://www.beoworld.org/beotech/
                                  – the links to the articles
                                  – the links to the manuals

                                  We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


                                  Yes this will be added over the coming months.

                                  Hello, your answer and effort is appreciated, however, (1) please be aware that the beotech is full of important information.

                                  Additionally, (2) I did register for „gold“ to have access to the service and user manuals. By the way, I could not access during the downtime, where I had the rights granted, for some weeks; now my account is not gold any more. It is a bit disappointing, I did not know about the downtime and now I cannot access these materials.

                                  Last, (3) many google searches touch Beoworld material, while links are broken now. I am afraid, the appearance and reputation of BW will suffer, if this is not repaired within next weeks.

                                  Please, take this into account and fix this next, and not within next months.

                                  Thanks. BR.

                                  GOLD Member
                                    On kirin said
                                    On Multicare said
                                    On kirin said

                                    Hi Multicare

                                    it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
                                    – the one to the beotech https://www.beoworld.org/beotech/
                                    – the links to the articles
                                    – the links to the manuals

                                    We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


                                    Yes this will be added over the coming months.

                                    On Multicare said
                                    On kirin said

                                    Hi Multicare

                                    it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
                                    – the one to the beotech https://www.beoworld.org/beotech/
                                    – the links to the articles
                                    – the links to the manuals

                                    We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


                                    Yes this will be added over the coming months.

                                    Hello, your answer and effort is appreciated, however, (1) please be aware that the beotech is full of important information.

                                    Additionally, (2) I did register for „gold“ to have access to the service and user manuals. By the way, I could not access during the downtime, where I had the rights granted, for some weeks; now my account is not gold any more. It is a bit disappointing, I did not know about the downtime and now I cannot access these materials.

                                    Last, (3) many google searches touch Beoworld material, while links are broken now. I am afraid, the appearance and reputation of BW will suffer, if this is not repaired within next weeks.

                                    Please, take this into account and fix this next, and not within next months.

                                    Thanks. BR.

                                    I understand your concerns, we are working as fast as possible to get the material back online.
                                    The vast quantity of data makes it a very time consuming task but it is taking shape. You can see what has been added already at the following links.




                                    To answer your points
                                    1 – BeoTech is starting to take shape and has a vast majority of the information added
                                    2 – From the master user list I have, it shows that your Gold Membership expired at the end of March (if you feel this is incorrect then please reach out) . Whilst the downtime (approx. 2 weeks I think) was not ideal as we hit a couple of technical difficulties, we were unable to inform any of our members.
                                    3 – This is unfortunately happening with the site redesign, the google indexing will come back but it will take some time.

                                    We do appreciate your feedback, we are working flat out to improve the user interaction and hopefully making it a nicer place to be.

                                    Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                                    Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                                    Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                                    Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                                    My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Hello, many thanks for your answer and for the links! 🙂 I really appreciate the effort

                                      Best regards

                                      GOLD Member

                                        Thank you much for all the work you are doing 🙂

                                        Location: Minnesota, USA
                                        Favorite Product: Beocenter 9500
                                        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beoplay-H95Beomaster
                                        GOLD Member

                                          Thank you 😍

                                          Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                                          Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                                          Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                                          Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                                          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            +1 great to see the forum back and thanks for your endeavours here.

                                            a new app update is in the works for Beosound 9000 owners with the multi cd selection functionality (except it currently crashes with the NL/ML converter connected). I have logged a ticket with B&O support and I encourage all BS9000 owners to try it out and report / do the same. I think it’s for the new €50K BS9000C (😳) so maybe it stays wishful thinking for us lower status BS 9000 owners 🤣

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