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  • #32479
    GOLD Member
      • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

      Hi all and welcome.

      I believe that BeoWorld should be back online and the forum back to its glory, I know there will be some issues to iron out as we go on.

      Have a look around and let me have any feedback / issues that you find.

      Items I am currently aware of:

      ·         Some topics are duplicated in the forum

      ·         More content for Articles

      ·         More content for products

        • Warwickshire, UK

        Good morning and thanks for all the work in the background to get to this stage.

        One thing to add to your list – the links to the Archived Forms do not work – I think this is because they refer to archivedforum.beoworld.co.uk rather than the correct archivedforum.beoworld.org

        EDIT: Plus some missing posts. This thread for example states 10 posts made (and I remember them!) but only the first is showing:  https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/the-poor-mans-ml-link-room/

        BRONZE Member
          • Flensborg————Danmark

          Why must it be so difficult to find a button for starting a new thread ?


          GOLD Member
            • Denmark

            Thanks for info and all the work behind the changes.

            A couple of observations from me:

            – I am getting 404 errors a lot when trying to acces the forums and login. If I try again a couple of times eventually I will get there

            – Before the “Home” link in the forum let to a view where you could see all topics and easy find active topics. This doesn’t seem to be the case now, but would be really practical to have again in my view.

            – Like Guy have observed also I can’t acces the two archived forums

            – On the old main page in the bottom there was sections like “Beotech” and “FAQ” with very usefull information. Those does not appear to be present on the new homepage.

            GOLD Member
              • Denmark

              One more observation. The ability to chose to subscribe to a thread also seems to be missing. This was also an issue in the beginning of the year before Beoworld was transfered to Multicare, but was fixed by Keith at that time.

              GOLD Member
                • Denmark

                And also member status seems to not be reflected correctly

                GOLD Member
                  • Denmark

                  More ovservations

                  – posting with links result in errors

                  – posting with attachments results in errors

                  – Inserting pictures has a limitation on 1mb which is very low for pictures from a phone camera


                  GOLD Member
                    • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

                    Test Image upload @ 2MB

                    Links to old forums are updated

                    You must be logged in to view attached files.
                    GOLD Member
                      • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

                      Another testTest


                        Test from non-admin account

                        Also adding in a link, direct paste and from above link adding button thing.



                            • Warwickshire, UK

                            Above two posts showed as ‘awaiting moderation’ – I approved them with my Moderator powers!

                            EDIT:  I approved one of madskp’s post earlier; that also had a link.

                            GOLD Member
                              • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                              GOLD Member
                                • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                                GOLD Member
                                  • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

                                  x2 posts with link seems to have worked.



                                  GOLD Member
                                    • Denmark

                                    Ok so that went into moderation. When I posted it I got kind of an error. Did not notice what the error Said though. Will ovserve if it happens again

                                    GOLD Member
                                      • Denmark

                                      Hmm new issue. I tried to quote Guys post in my latest answer, bu the Quote function did not seem to work

                                      GOLD Member
                                        • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

                                        subscribe added, lets hope it works ?


                                          I see no “logout” option in the Account menu drop-down once I’m logged in?  If there are no “resource issues” or stale connections are terminated, then maybe this doesn’t matter.  But I would have logged out as a matter of course, if I could — having an old-fashioned view of website limits.

                                          GOLD Member
                                            • Near Munich

                                            Hi trackbeo,


                                            it works here for me fine:

                                            2024-04-30 19_13_24-Clipboard


                                            Maybe hit ‘Reload’ in your browser.

                                            Greetings from Munich


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