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  • in reply to: Beosound/Beomaster 5 with iTunes on pc #53781
    BRONZE Member

      Non ricordo se si debba usare Beoconnect con il BM5. In ogni caso, non è obbligatorio e non l’ho mai usato.

      iTunes non si connetterà mai al BM5. La procedura è la seguente: (1) si collega il PC via Ethernet o Wi-Fi al BM5. Una volta collegato, il BM5 appare come un “disco rigido” o “server” collegato al PC. È quindi possibile trascinare i brani dal disco del PC al BM5.

      Provate con un brano che possedete o che avete rippato su iTunes, in modo che non sia “protetto”, cioè non abbia una gestione dei diritti digitali, ma sia semplicemente un file musicale aperto, ad esempio .MP3, .WAV o .AAC. Su iTunes, selezionate “mostra file” per quel brano e vi mostrerà dove si trova il brano sul disco. A questo punto è possibile trascinare il brano dal disco alla cartella “Musica” del BM5… e una copia verrà inserita nel BM5.

      Buona fortuna!


      I cannot remember if one was supposed to use Beoconnect with the BM5.  In any event, it is not necessary, and I have never used it.

      iTunes will never connect to the BM5.  The procedure is this: (1) you connect your PC via ethernet/Wi-Fi to the BM5.  Once you are connected, the BM5 appears as a “hard drive” or “server” connected to your PC.  You can then drag songs from your PC’s disk to the BM5.

      Try with one song you own or have ripped yourself on iTunes, so that it is not “protected” —this means, it has no digital rights management; instead, it is simply a n open music file, such as .MP3, or .WAV, or .AAC, for example.  On iTunes, select “show file” for that song, and it will show where on your disk the song is.  You can then drag the song from your disk to the BM5 “Music” folder… and a copy will be made into the BM5.

      Good luck!

      in reply to: Beosound 5 – Music list issue #44109
      BRONZE Member
        • XavierItzmann wrote on February 25, 2023 at 5:55 am:
          I have a BS5/BM5, not a BS5 Encore, and store my music on the BS5/BM5. My tagging I do via iTunes on a Mac: I use the Mac to import from CD, I let the Mac deal with all the metadata, except the album art —because the album art the Mac assigns doesn’t get copied when I export the music to the BS5/BM5. Instead, I import my own album art into iTunes. I then export the music to the BS5/BM5. As long as the album art is 600 x 600 or smaller, the BS5 is very happy with the metadata and it all stores and displays correctly on the BS5.

        I have since been advised that the maximum size is 1000×1000.

        in reply to: Album data issue on Beosound/Beomaster 5 #53749
        BRONZE Member

          Credo che il ripper di CD del BS5 non abbia più accesso al database che gli forniva la grafica del CD o altri metadati.
          Penso che sia meglio estrarre i miei CD su un Mac tramite iTunes, aggiungere la grafica lì ed esportare su BS5.

          I believe the BS5’s CD ripper no longer has access to the database which gave it the CD artwork.
          I find it better to extract my CD’s on a Mac via iTunes, add the artwork there, and export to the BS5.

          in reply to: Beo5/Beo6 battery #53746
          BRONZE Member

            Yes, you can no longer drag a soft button into a hard button, like hfat’s Guide to Beo6 Configuration – V2 proposes.


            However, you can still edit the hard keys by right-clicking (or, on a Mac, “Control Key” click), which opens up the dialog where you can change the functionality of the IR sent.  I have not tested whether it actually works.

            in reply to: Connect with Mac to BeoMaster 5 #53753
            BRONZE Member

              On Finder: ⌘-K
              or Finder > Go > Connect to server…

              You should get a dialog:


              Enter your password.  Mine is very, very long and of course unique to this device.

              If you enter the correct password, a folder will open up:

              in reply to: ucycling of old equipment #53695
              BRONZE Member

                An excellent post, Lars, for keeping a Beoplay A3 alive together with an iPad 1 or iPad 2.  Here I offer an alternative.

                I’ve posted before here on this forum how I wanted to run my A3 with an iPad with the current iPad OS (currently 17.4.1), and how I installed an iPad 6 (the final iPad that fits on the A3 cavity, short of an iPad Mini, which will be too small but will be the alternative after the iPad 6 becomes obsolete), so I have a post on the minimal work required to do this.

                I do not use the A3 proper on a day to day: it is merely a stand for the iPad to be on at all times (screen on, unlocked), displaying the B&O App 24 x 7.  It is therefore a display to see what is playing on my system, and, on occasion, touched and used as a remote.  So I do not use the speaker abilities of the A3 except rarely, when we take it to the patio and play a little bit of music directly from it.

                But your post made me think: what if someone wanted to use the A3 as an actual receiver, and use its speakers?  Your post is an excellent alternative, but here is another one:

                1) On a Mac that is left on at all times (such as my Mac Mini, for example), run Airfoil by Amoeba Software.  Run Apple Music (iTunes).

                2) On the iPad 6 inside the A3, run Airfoil Satellite, which is a free app available on the Apple Store.

                3) OPTIONAL: on an iPhone, run iTunes Remote, which is a free app made by Apple.

                Given this setup, at any point from your iPhone you can control your entire library of downloaded music.  The audio from videos on the Mac library can be controlled from the iPhone and their sound plays seamlessly on the A3 (but not the video images).

                Since Apple lets you download any music you can also stream, you can download unlimited music to your Mac (as much as the disk will fit!) and play it from the iPhone.

                You cannot, however, control “streaming” Apple Music from the iPhone: if you wish to do that, you have to access the Mac, either directly, or from another Mac, or from a VNC session on the iPhone, which is suboptimal.  The same principle applies if you want to use Deezer.

                Anyway, here is the A3, the iPad 6 running Airfoil Satellite, and an iPhone running iTunes Remote.

                And here is the Mac running Airfoil (the transmitter) and Apple Music.  Airfoil does not have to show its display: you can click it away.  Also, it does not have to be on the foreground.

                in reply to: Beo5 & Beo6 Software (Firmware) versions #53387
                BRONZE Member

                  Stoobie wrote: «It is VERY important to make sure the Beo6 is fully charged between downloads. The charger is too slow to charge properly so connect back to the mains charger after each download and don’t leave it connected to the USB on the computer for any length of time. If the Beo6 battery dies during a download, it can be very difficult to get it working again.»  Which of course is correct.

                  But B&O knew of this, and this why it created the following Frankenstein, which allows you to charge & program indefinitely, to your heart’s content:


                  Ebay listing

                  in reply to: Beo5 & Beo6 Software (Firmware) versions #53384
                  BRONZE Member


                    Do note that Tignum reports —just today!— that he’s had bad Beo5/Beo6 batteries which presumably were new.

                    beo5/6 adaptor part

                    Your problem does sound strange.  As I myself have experienced new batteries which refused to work out of the box, perhaps you might consider trying again.

                    in reply to: Beotime disassembly #53608
                    BRONZE Member

                      Thanks, Guy.  I’ve reported to Administrator that the pics are missing, here:

                      Report Problems with the Site Here

                      in reply to: Beoplay A9 & Beo6 #53541
                      BRONZE Member

                        Ahh, thought so.  So the Beo6 communications with the A9 were one-way, and all based on IR!  No A9 feedback to the Beo6 screen!

                        Given this situation, it makes sense then, that Beo6 cannot communicate to BeoPlay A6, as the A6 only interfaces are WiFi and Bluetooth.


                        in reply to: Beotime disassembly #53606
                        BRONZE Member

                          Thanks, Guy.   I wasn’t aware there was a service manual; I’ve now downloaded it.

                          On mine, I put fresh batteries, these last 48-72 hrs, and poof, the thing is dead again.  I thought I might open it up and see if a cleaning might help… but removing the 3 LCDs and the joystick look challenging already.

                          I think I’ll keep it as a useless ornament, a memento of what it once was!

                          in reply to: Report Problems with the Site Here #32990
                          BRONZE Member

                            According to Guy on this thread,

                            Beotime disassembly

                            the post below had photos until a day or so ago (photos of BeoTime disassembly), and according to Guy the photos are today gone.  Do observe that the rest of the thread below does have some photos.


                            Anyway, thanks for asking Administrator!

                            in reply to: Beo5 & Beo6 Software (Firmware) versions #53380
                            BRONZE Member

                              Thank you for all your comments.

                              Yes, I looked carefully at the video.  I find it amusing that whoever made the video switches songs (at least once with the control off-camera), and then shows you the BS5 display, talks… and only after a few seconds shows you the display on the remote:  the filmmaker understood the refresh on the Beo6 is slow!

                              I’ll say this about the Beo6: it is the very best B&O volume control I’ve ever had.  The wheel is awesome.  Sure, the wheel on the Beocom 6000/Beocom 1 was just as good, but the function was hidden behind a function button —if I recall correctly— and in any event, it was a phone, not something you had on your table, with the wheel facing you.

                              The screen is also quite decent, and the touch is instantaneous, to match an iPhone of its era.  Where it fails miserably —as expected— is in the predictive touch area for the on-screen keyboard.  From inception, the iPhone predicted your next letter and invisibly made larger the touch area for the predicted letter.  I make lots of errors typing on the Beo6 because of the lack of this function.

                              An issue I’ve noticed with mine and with a couple of others available for sale is that the paint on the hard keys tends to minutely fail, resulting in the white backlight shining thru these small defects on the black background.

                              in reply to: Beo5 & Beo6 Software (Firmware) versions #53377
                              BRONZE Member

                                Well, the the Beo6 is working.  I don’t have very many songs on the BM, only about 550 so far.

                                Boy, I hope I have done something wrong with my system… the BS5 “now playing” visualizations on the remote are beyond ridiculously slow!

                                If I fwd one song, the audio change is instantaneous because of the IR function.  But it takes the Beo6 about 10 to 60 seconds to update the full screen data (while keeping the previous cover art) and then an additional 3 to 5 seconds to update the cover art.

                                I am amused by my little toy, but did people play €550 + configuration fees back in the day?  This was from 14 years ago, not 24 years ago!


                                in reply to: Beo5 & Beo6 Software (Firmware) versions #53376
                                BRONZE Member

                                  I don’t know the answers to your question but I’ll say this:

                                  • I have just gotten a Beo6
                                  • I have just installed CT 6.84
                                  >>>>on Windows 8.1 (64 -bit)
                                  >>>>running under VMWare Fusion 13.5.1
                                  >>>>on an Intel Mac running MacOS 12.7.3
                                  • CT sees the Beo6 connected via USB
                                  • The Beo6 serial is 23378749 on the CT

                                  • The Beo6 is HW revision 14
                                  • The Beo6 firmware is 3.40, with
                                  >>>>BeoLo 1.01w, Wifi 4.34, animation 0.01b

                                  I would appreciate it if any readers could advise as to whether these are the «latest» or perhaps «best» versions of all of the above, or if I need to look for additional software.


                                  in reply to: MasterLink USB adapter #51019
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    That’s a very polished website!

                                    Best of luck with sales + customers.

                                    in reply to: BeoLab 3500: how to use the DIN connector as AUX IN #51835
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Good call on ordering the Apple USB transformer from mains to 5V.

                                      Many observers through the years have pointed out the remarkably high quality of these, in both design and construction.

                                      Beware, however: fakes abound.  Fakes that even have all the little Apple characters and codes.  So, buy from a reputable source.

                                      PS: while this video is of a cable, which is a different and later technology that many Apple transformers, it explains why the Apple cable is $130 vs. similar-looking Mistery Brand cables selling for $13.

                                      TL;DR: It’s what’s inside.

                                      in reply to: MasterLink USB adapter #51007
                                      BRONZE Member


                                        from my Linkplayer experience:

                                        • BS3000 displayed, on activation, that the source was either N.RADIO or N.MUSIC.  It then displayed the song and the author via horizontally scrolling displayed; or, the radio station and the song.

                                        • BL3500 only displayed N.MUSIC or N.RADIO; no additional data was displayed.

                                        The scrolling abilities of BS3000 avoided the cut-off titles shown on the BeoCenter 2 video included above.

                                        in reply to: MasterLink USB adapter #50985
                                        BRONZE Member


                                          in reply to: Beo4 Dedicated Deezer button found #51299
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            Cool!  Thanks, Carolpa.  Maybe I’ll assign a button for B&O Radio!

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