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  • in reply to: Limited edition flagship B&O product #47469
    GOLD Member


      I hope you are right in your math!

      By the way, this is what was in the Newsletter from B&O 3 weeks ago – no talk of new flagship:

      Bang & Olufsen is pleased to announce the release of the limited-edition Beosystem 72-23 Nordic Dawn – a time transcending music system that connects the years 1972 and 2023 by merging immersive music experiences from both vinyl and digital streaming. The limited-edition consists of only 100 units, each engraved with a unique identification number.
      “The Beosystem 72-23 is a testament to Bang & Olufsen’s dedication to extending the longevity of products in the consumer electronics industry”, says Mads Kogsgaard Hansen, Head of Product Circularity at Bang & Olufsen. “As part of the Recreated Classics Initiative, the Beosystem 72-23 Nordic Dawn Limited Edition symbolises a new beginning for a future where audio products are designed to last, where luxury is expert craftsmanship that expands beyond the first lifecycle, and where connectivity can be timeless”.”

      The press release about this limited bespoke edition can be found HERE


      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
      in reply to: Limited edition flagship B&O product #47464
      GOLD Member

        Hi MM, I agree that this product isn’t for everyone, but getting high-end, exclusive products into luxury homes will be the key to keeping B&O alive for the future, so they can keep on making things that us Beofans all want to buy for many years to come. This Beosystem includes the highlights of B&O’s product range from the past 50 years, made into a unique and stylish system that would grace any luxury villa or royal palace. I can’t afford this setup, but I can still dream… ? Kind regards, Steve.

        I am not so sure that this is so?
        They’d have to show me some figures to prove that!

        No, they will have to come up with something new ‘that us Beofans all want to buy for many years to come’, if they want to survive.


        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
        in reply to: Limited edition flagship B&O product #47463
        GOLD Member

          How much future potential does a flatscreen TV have – flagship or otherwise? 10 years? 25? 50?


          That flatscreen tv is just an exchangeable screen.
          I was ‘pointing’ – like Jakob actually is – at the BS Theatre.
          I could even – if I wanted so – connect my old Beogram 2202 there, for occasional playback of one of my vinyl LP’s.


          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
          in reply to: Limited edition flagship B&O product #47460
          GOLD Member

            That is not a flagship.
            It is just a modded turntable with a Core and the 28’s in a – admitted – beatifully crafted cabinet.

            Something for very few people with loads of money to spend on nostalgia (for some probably even just as an investment).

            Why so much efford on keeping an an inferior reproduction medium alive – I don’t get it?

            This is how a flagship looks – something that has future potential and something that a lot of people can have in their homes:


            Sorry, Steve – but thanks for the video anyway.


            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
            GOLD Member

              This is it:



              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              in reply to: Limited edition flagship B&O product #47453
              GOLD Member

                Oooh, count me intrigued as that looks suspiciously like a record cleaning brush!

                Oooh, no ?
                They are running out of ideas….in that case.


                Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                in reply to: Beoplay A3 #46239
                GOLD Member

                  Looking forward to read about the progress.

                  Nice project – I might even dig out my old A3 to try the same.


                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                  GOLD Member

                    interesting of course, but not sure if it addresses the original question though.


                    No, not directly – but it explains how the True Image processing compared to the Direct Mode works.

                    Basicly the True Image leaves the incoming signal untouched, if the speaker layout matches the incoming signal (as it always has done).

                    This means, that – if you use Direct Mode and there are more ‘channels’ coming in than your speaker setup provides – you might loose some information.

                    As for comparing sound from the ATV device with that of the ATV app/LG tv….I find it hard to do such ‘A/B testing’ – there are too many variables in the game. Since I never use the apps on the LG, I can hardly comment on the original question of the thread.


                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                    GOLD Member

                      Geoff Martin said this


                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      GOLD Member


                        Did you pair two rebuild speakers?

                        Which source did you use with the original BL4000’s?


                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                        in reply to: a new Horizon ? … ? HomeMedia / Recordings #47420
                        GOLD Member

                          9. so as of now we have a happy me and more importantly a happy wife

                          If you find your ALAC files and they don’t play, converting these to FLAC should be an easy task.


                          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                          in reply to: Control LG TV with Beoremote One #47428
                          GOLD Member

                            The reason – one of the reasons – why B&O gear is relatively expensive, is the feature set that you hardly find anywhere else.

                            The Stage – I would not call that huge – would bring you the option to integrate the BROne with the LG tv (inclusive tuner) and would also control the blu ray player.
                            However, you can not connect external speakers there.
                            The Theatre gives you all options.
                            Even as a standalone unit it provides an excellent audio experience.

                            All is possible with the Theatre…..that seems to be too bulky for you.

                            An option would be to use the Stage/LG and seperately the Core/speakers.
                            This way you’d gain B&O etc multiroom…..all with the Beoremote One.


                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                            in reply to: Control LG TV with Beoremote One #47425
                            GOLD Member

                              No, the BROne is not a universal controller in the old sense.

                              But it uses bluetooth for sending controls and the ATV can be paired with bluetooth devices.
                              Start pairing on the remote and go into the bt settings in the ATV menu….

                              The ATV and the tv communicates via HDMI/CEC and the tv will turn on when the ATV is activated – the tv will turn off after a certain time after use.

                              The ATV can be set to send sound out via Airplay to the Core/speakers.
                              (Will be easier than to use the tosling cable connection).

                              This however, means that you won’t be able to control any of the LG tv functions/apps etc with the BROne – for this you’ll need the original remote.

                              By the way, using this method you are not limited to using the LG tv – any modern tv (with CEC) will do….it is just a dumb screen.



                              Not the best way to use the BROne, but an option, if you can not combine the LG tv with a Stage or the Theatre…and you mainly use the ATV on a daylight basis.



                              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                              in reply to: Control LG TV with Beoremote One #47423
                              GOLD Member

                                Sorry – but controlling the LG tv (with Theatre/Stage) is done via a network connection between these unit and a sw.

                                This means that this will not be possible with e.g. a Core.
                                The Core (and the connected speakers) however, can very well be used for the sound from the LG tv (via the toslink connection).

                                Furthermore – if you have an AppleTV as your main source, you can pair that with a Beoremote One…..the LG tv then acts as a dumb screen (and the Core/speakers can be used for sound).


                                Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                in reply to: a new Horizon ? … ? HomeMedia / Recordings #47418
                                GOLD Member

                                  Sadly there is – as far as I know – no ‘list for dummies’ of how the Home Media section of the Horizon works.

                                  What you mention are the file formatting methods of Apple respectively Microsoft.

                                  The important thing however, is the codecs that is used for the files, that you want to playback via the Home Media player of the Horizon.
                                  Usually you must format the stick as FAT32 (which is part of the Microsoft file formatting) ——— which (video/audio) codecs, the Horizon then can decode, is hit or miss!
                                  I know of no list there – but you can find some information on the internet e.g. here:


                                  In the long run – if your internet speed/data plan allows for it – it probably would be easier to use the Youtube app of an AppleTV respectively airplay from an iphone/iPad to it or of the GoogleTV dongle respectively cast from a phone/tablet/pc for playback of movie trailers.
                                  There are tons online – and you don’t really need to have these offline, I guess.

                                  The ‘Smart TV’ version on the Horizon is rather old anyway…..most people use external boxes instead.



                                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                  GOLD Member

                                    I guess you all know that there is relatively little production going on in ‘the holy halls’ in Struer nowadays.

                                    Surely it is interesting to see how they work with aluminium (and colours) in the Fab5/Fabrik 5.
                                    However – if you are interested in the history of Bang & Olufsen – the Struer Museum should be the right place to go to (open on weekdays except for monday from 11-17).
                                    That should be interesting enough for the whole family.

                                    If you want an insight in the current B&O, this video – that Steve made last summer – could be interesting.



                                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                    in reply to: Multiroom problem line-in from Balance to A5 #47363
                                    GOLD Member


                                      Not that I would recomment anyone to set it up fresh with an Audiomaster, but Sia43 already has one… why not just leave that in the mix ?

                                      Personally I find ‘a Line-in/M3 solution’ better, if someone wants to let go of ML in the long run.


                                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                      in reply to: Multiroom problem line-in from Balance to A5 #47361
                                      GOLD Member

                                        That should be possible – that is what the line-in connection there is for.

                                        However – like if you’d connect to an M3 – there is no control of the turntable there.

                                        I find it cool to be able to control the Beogram remotely – why not just keep the 6500Master….you can hide it in a cupboard or so.


                                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                        GOLD Member
                                          in reply to: Multiroom problem line-in from Balance to A5 #47358
                                          GOLD Member

                                            The M3 is a NL device – it will show up in the beolink list, once configured/added to the app…assuming it is on the same home network as the other devices.

                                            This is explained in danish – but I am sure you’ll be able to see how to.


                                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
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