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  • Millemis
    GOLD Member

      It’s bin a while since I played with a WiiM device (that was the WiiM Mini) and the WiiM software/app.

      Does this actually means that – assuming ‘Entrée ligne’ means the line-in port there – that it/the WiiM Pro Plus can act as an AirPlay sender?

      If that is correct that device would be helpfull for anyone with a turntable (or a CD player) and wanting to distribute the sound via AP2 – it would be worth it just for that purpose.
      Does the ‘Line-in’ have autosense?

      Or do I misunderstand your post?



      I might have found the answer to my question




      Seems to be a function called ‘AirPlay 2 Cast’….which is new to me.

      And this is for the question about autosense:IMG_0734

      Will have to investigate more tomorrow.

      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
      GOLD Member

        I am not aware that the WiiM can distribute the line-in signal via Airplay.

        Are you sure of that?

        As far as I know it is a AP receiver.

        It can distribute sound to other WiiM devices
        But then you would require a WiiM device connected to the BL6000’s….instead of an APE.

        Please correct me if I am wrong!


        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
        in reply to: Beolab 8 review video #49957
        GOLD Member


          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
          in reply to: Beolab 8 review video #49948
          GOLD Member

            I did that at some point with my (then) Avant 1st gen….just for fun.

            But switched back to using my surrounds again.

            People should not be shy of trying out things – no harm done, you can always return to what you had before.

            The BST as the ‘motor’ has made experimenting much easier.

            For instance I have ‘the triangle’ as one of my listening positions…..mostly for demonstrating for friends how well that works.


            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
            in reply to: Beolab 7.x vs 6000 #50050
            GOLD Member

              Google search yields no results.

              Here they are:


              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              in reply to: Beolab 7.x vs 6000 #50049
              GOLD Member

                Specs aside – maybe these two videos from Steve@SoundsHeavenly can help.


                Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                in reply to: Beolab 7.x vs 6000 #50045
                GOLD Member

                  I understand that you want to get the sound from a tv – but how do you plan to connect those Beolabs?


                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                  in reply to: Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.x.x. #49165
                  GOLD Member

                    ….turn off automatic updates!!

                    Sure you can turn off the auto update of the beta, but only untill the older ones expires.
                    How do you turn off auto updates of the regular app is the more important thing – should you be lucky enough to have a device with a running 5.3.

                    From the settings/iOS


                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                    in reply to: Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.x.x. #49164
                    GOLD Member

                      It seems that they are either totally ignoring the users with older gear (through the converter) in their setup…..
                      ……or they are letting us wait and wait for something to change.

                      I think it is time for them to tell us where they are heading.


                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      in reply to: Beocord 7000 doesn’t like the Beolink 1000 #50005
                      GOLD Member

                        Alright then….it is just the cassette deck that does not work using the remote!


                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                        GOLD Member

                          Are you sure, that the 7.6 is connected to it’s own powerlink socket called Centre 1.


                          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                          in reply to: Beocord 7000 doesn’t like the Beolink 1000 #50000
                          GOLD Member

                            1: The remote is faulty (did you check the batteries?)
                            Try another remote!

                            2: The Beomaster is set to Option 0 – in which case it shall not respond to the commands of the remote.

                            3: The ir sensor/the ir circuit of the Beomaster is faulty.
                            Must be looked after by a service person (if you can not yourself).


                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                            in reply to: Beolab 8 review video #49939
                            GOLD Member

                              Thank you, Steve!

                              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                              in reply to: Do you know this Beostand? #49966
                              GOLD Member



                                Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                in reply to: Avant 55 Over the Air Antenna #49963
                                GOLD Member

                                  I would like to know how to install an over the air antenna to my Avant 55, since it does not have a coaxial input. Also, I can’t find a selection for antenna in any of the menu options.

                                  Could it be that your Avant is a no-tuner version?


                                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                  in reply to: What are you listening to…..right now. #33209
                                  GOLD Member


                                    Pealed and opened….


                                    Listened and enjoyed what I was hearing.


                                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                    in reply to: Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.x.x. #49160
                                    GOLD Member

                                      Unless the testflight 5.3 should be delayed (which I do not think will happen), the only way to keep the (regular) 5.3 will be to use an older iDevice (pre iOS14).

                                      It seems that the 5.4 version requires a later iOS version.


                                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                      in reply to: Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.x.x. #49157
                                      GOLD Member

                                        Hi Tim

                                        Yes this a mess – I too downgraded to the previous Testflight version (5.3).
                                        But you should know that that version only is accessable 31 days from now on.
                                        After that they have either massively improved the then Testflight version or the regular….or we are left with a cripled app.

                                        You will have to switch to the Radio tab at the buttom in order to change to radio, when already using the BST……which is rather ? an unnessesary step.


                                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                        in reply to: Beovision 11 mit AppleTV4K #49896
                                        GOLD Member

                                          Wer nicht unbedingt ein Apple-user ist – und nix gegen Google hat – könnte die Google TV dongle benutzen.
                                          Die hat auch eine Bedienungsoberfläche mit Apps wie ATV.
                                          Allerdings gibt es hier keine möglichkeit mittels PUC das ganze mit der Beoremote zu steuern – die mitgelieferte Remote is unumgänglich.
                                          Sonst kenne ich nichts in der Grösse.
                                          Es bliebe dann nur die frühere/deine jetzige Version vom AppleTV und Airplaying von einem iPhone/iPad mit den entsprechenden Apps installiert.

                                          Aber wenn der BV an der Wand ist, brauch man ja die Abdeckung nicht zu montieren (dann müsste es ja gehen)….es sei denn der Fernseher wird (weit) von der Wand gedreht, wenn in Betrieb.


                                          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                          in reply to: How to add stations to B&O Radio #49904
                                          GOLD Member

                                            Sirs, cool down please ? MM, how to “ask” B&O to add a station? Yann.


                                            Never tried, but I would try to contact the Costumer Service….or let my dealer do so.

                                            Others have tried – so maybe just wait for a better answer here.


                                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                                          Viewing 20 posts - 421 through 440 (of 1,153 total)