Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoMaster BEOMASTER 5500 – Connecting a WiiM Pro Plus to Pre-Outs?

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    BRONZE Member


      me again.

      I have picked up a WiiM Pro Plus to help bring my Beosystem 5500 into modern day streaming world. I have succesfully connected it to the wifi and into the ‘Tape2/ Aux” in of the Beomaster 5500, and its working pretty well.

      I also have in the other room a pair of Beolab 6000’s in black and those are connected to an Apple Express router via ethernet cable link (homeplug network) so that i can stream whatevers playing on the WiiM/ Beomaster 5500 setup via Airplay 2.

      Now i want to be able to stream the output of the Beosystem 5500 CD player/ Record Deck and cassette deck so that can also be streamed around the house (i eventually intend to setup more Airport Expresses/ speakers).

      I have heard that the ‘Pre Out’ of the Beomaster has been used for other ways to connect directly active speakers such as Beolab 6000’s or 8000’s because that output does NOT come out at full line level, thus not blowing the speakers.

      Can i use this Pre Output to connect to the WiiM Pro Plus Line input and be able to listen to tapes/ records/ radio/ cd coming from the Beomaster 5500 amp and stream it to my living room Beolabs via Airplay 2?

      I haven’t tried it yet because i am concerned i might setup a feedback loop, hence me asking for advice in case someones already successfully done it.

      The only other option is to take the lugs out of the ‘Line In/ Line Out’ of the Beomaster 5500, but i think that might break the signal for whats coming in and going out? I seem to remember these connections were provided for putting an Equaliser or Power amps inbetween so an In/ Out return might be required?

      From what i can see, the WiiM Pro Plus has various ‘input’ options and i think the source selection for 3 types of inputs exists ie Bluetooth, Airplay2 and the stereo Line input. So using their app you can select the type of input for it to play.

      I am assuming, that the Beosystem will already be playing whatever source is selected, and the pre out tapping off some of that signal into the WiiM Pro Plus. The only thing is it won’t be Line level, but i currently have my WiiM Pro Plus set to full line out feeding the amp so i only have to use the Beolink 1000 remote to set the main systems volume. The app provides varuous levels of line output to match your own systems general level, i am unsure the line input also provides this.

      please see piccies for reference

      thanks for any help and advice.


      FOUNDER Member

        Good idea!

        If I well understand your project, you plan to connect an output of the Beocenter to the line input of your Wiim in order to send the signal through an Apple Express to a pair of 6000s in another room.

        Assuling that you control the volume of the 6000s through the Wiim app, so I would do as this:

        Connect the 5500 tape2 out to Wiim line in (note that tape-out is fixed line-level).

        In Wiim home app, select line input or maybe Line-in auto detect (I have not tested this).

        Turn the volume of wiim to minimum to avoid a bad surprise, then chose your apple express as audio output interface.

        Play a CD on the 5500, enjoy (I hope) and let me know 🙂

        I have a Beocenter 9500 and will connect it’s tape2/out to the line-in of my Wiim Pro Plus.

        It may enable me to distribute the phono and tape to the rest on my system (ML and NL products).

        Kind regards,










        Location: Brittany, France
        My B&O Icons: BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1Beomaster Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
        GOLD Member

          I am not aware that the WiiM can distribute the line-in signal via Airplay.

          Are you sure of that?

          As far as I know it is a AP receiver.

          It can distribute sound to other WiiM devices
          But then you would require a WiiM device connected to the BL6000’s….instead of an APE.

          Please correct me if I am wrong!


          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
          FOUNDER Member

            Hi MM,

            It’s a test.

            But this is what I can do on the Wiim Home app.

            On this test, airplay reciever is a BS1.



            Location: Brittany, France
            My B&O Icons: BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1Beomaster Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
            GOLD Member

              It’s bin a while since I played with a WiiM device (that was the WiiM Mini) and the WiiM software/app.

              Does this actually means that – assuming ‘Entrée ligne’ means the line-in port there – that it/the WiiM Pro Plus can act as an AirPlay sender?

              If that is correct that device would be helpfull for anyone with a turntable (or a CD player) and wanting to distribute the sound via AP2 – it would be worth it just for that purpose.
              Does the ‘Line-in’ have autosense?

              Or do I misunderstand your post?



              I might have found the answer to my question




              Seems to be a function called ‘AirPlay 2 Cast’….which is new to me.

              And this is for the question about autosense:IMG_0734

              Will have to investigate more tomorrow.

              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              FOUNDER Member

                Hi Jon and MM,

                Test done:

                BC9500 / Tape2 out connected to Wiim Line-in.

                Played a tape on Beocenter, muted the speakers.

                On Wiim: selected Line-in as source and Homepod as renderer.

                Works fine.

                2nd test done: Phono to Theatre/BL50 in main room: Ok.

                Jon, thanks again for your good idea, I can now enjoy my LPs in my living-room’s couch 🙂

                Have a great week-end,


                Location: Brittany, France
                My B&O Icons: BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1Beomaster Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
                BRONZE Member

                  Yes MM, it was one of the reasons i decided to plump for the WiiM Pro Plus instead of sticking to a purely Apple Express Airplay 2  setup.

                  I watched lots of videos on youtibe about it and decided it was the way to go, although i wasnt planning on spending out on it, with a household mostly apple devices but also with android phones and even a few Alexa devices this unit seems to sit happily in the middle streaming whatever you send it. For some devices, like Alexa speakers, a little more setting up is required.

                  Using the Apple Home app is a little frustrating to be honest, as i keeps moaning none of my devices are ‘supported’ yet they still work fine.

                  Thanks to you and Yann for doing the roadtesting out for me, all i need to do is find a reasonably decent phono to phono that will fit in the ridiuculously tight space in the back of my Beomaster 5500! (i think someone really did not think that one through at the design stages?!?!).

                  I am glad my rather complex questuion and post has resulted in both of you discovering fresh ways to enjoy your music on your B&O systems.

                  looking forward to sorting mine out soon.

                  all the best



                  BRONZE Member

                    YUP! exactumondo what i wanted to achieve!

                    Glad my rather complex post made sense and has actually given you even more enjoyment of your music! haha…not bad for a Nube on this forum eh?

                    Yes i had a bit of a dilemma originally thinking the only avenue was to go fully Apple Airplay 2 but my household also has ‘non apple fans’ using Android and a few other Alexa speakers Yes! The WiiM even works with them, streaming from Alexa to the WiiM and thus into the main system! It does take a little setting up initially turning on the multi device part in the Alexa app, but tbh i was surprised it worked first time!

                    The additional cost of the WiiM pro plus a slight stumbling block as i didnt want to throw too much money at this household streaming project but it has really been worth it in the long run, and now the addition of being able to re-stream the analog inputs from my main system is exciting to say the least.

                    I totally forgot about the TAPE 2 section (probably because ive written it off as i am using the AUX in for audio from the WiiM pro plus), forgot theres a spare LINE output free! hahaha.

                    All i need to do is find a reasonable good but ‘smallish’ phono lead to fit into the rather tight Beomaster 5500 connection bay, it is rather ridiculous how little room has been given LOL, it makes me frown every time i have to fiddle with connections. I might try with a cheapo one first to make sure this works for me too, then find something a bit more ‘HiFi’.

                    My original idea to use the Pre-Outs was because i had seen it discussed for connecting up the active Beolabs (because they really dont like line level inputs!) and so what comes out is generally set by the amps overall volume level, which was sort of my concept. But the TAPE2 output makes more sense now youve tested it works. Also was concerned about using the Aux in (on the Tape 2 channels i think) as well as the Tape 2 OUT, forming a feedback loop, but i think the WiiM software might switch off the WiiM audio out in the app when selecting the input as Line in or Airplay 2 Restreaming.

                    thanks again for all the help and advice, im glad i joined up to this forum.



                    GOLD Member

                      I got interested in this because there was something, that I did not know of ?

                      The fact that there is a function, called AirPlay 2 Casting is interesting.
                      Seems that noone else has implemented this in a device.
                      It is interesting, because it offers new possibilities for those who have a ‘mixed setup’, a setup that involves AirPlay capable speakers/devices.

                      Not that I need it!
                      It has been possible for many years to distribute AirPlay in a (B&O) NL network – I have done that since the update for the ASE products back then.
                      That is Beolink!

                      Note: My setup is based purely on B&O products.
                      It works like this – start playback via AirPlay to one of your devices (in this example: iPad to ‘Essence i spisestuen’) and then simply add others in the B&O app or Join In via the remote/the local control on the wanted device.



                      As you can see, I started the playback/using AirPlay to one of my Essence 2 boxes and then added further devices in the app – they all play in sync……my trusted old V1 tv even displays the title track etc.
                      I can pause/skip tracks from everywhere, add or remove rooms as I please.

                      In my setup I also have my old Beosystem 6500 (now only Master and CD and an Essence box on the A.Tape)
                      I can play e.g. CD’s (including starting/controlling the playback from any ASE product-based room in the house.
                      (The newer Mozart-based devices behave a bit different with this).
                      That has been possible since B&O made the NL/ML Converter many years ago.

                      Another possibility – if you do not want or can involve the NL/ML Converter – would be to do as I have done with one of my M3’s.
                      The M3 has a line-in connection with autosence, which means that starting any audio connected there (in my scenario it is a turntable/pladespilleren) will make it possible to distribute that sound via Beolink Multiroom to all other devices/rooms in the house.
                      Potentially one could connect the output of a BM5500 (as in the original post) or any Beosound/system with the option of sending a line-out signal there.

                      I am describing this to show what is and has bin possible for quite a while in a B&O setup!
                      It works flawless and offers a rather intuitive control of the playback/the devices.

                      Maybe this can be an inspiration for some of the readers here.
                      And maybe you could even combine this with this newly found option of distributing sound via AirPlay Casting – in the WiiM – for those who (also) have pure AirPlay-based devices (like the APE) in their setup.



                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      BRONZE Member

                        WOW! looks complex system.

                        I have just my Beomaster system 5500, a Beoplay A8 and the Beolab 6000, connected via Apple Express airplay 2 to the WiiM Pro Plus, the WiiM to the Tape 2 circuits in the amp.

                        I can’t see how i would be able to integrate that into the B&O app (i curently cannot seem to get the app to work reliably either).

                        I did try to find out how/ where/ a beolink network system might integrate, but honestly i got rather confused and i could not really see a way the 5500 main system would work with it. the most modern B&O kit i have might be the Beoplay A8 and Beolink 6000 speakers.

                        what sort of kit list would ne neccesary to duplicate what i currently have in this ad hoc Airplay 2 system?


                        I got the Airplay 2 casting to work thanks to bit your help, i did initially run into problems when changing from analog line input playback (vinyl/ cassette/ cd) but i found out why. DOH! i was being too careful and had one of the numerous volume sliders down too much, LOL…all good now.

                        I plan to contact WiiM about this, because prior to connecting up the line ins i did have the Aux out set to max volume radio button and matched the line level to generic amp volume (evening out volume differences from input to input).

                        My suggestion is that they provide seperate ‘fixed’ volume levels so that outputs, and inputs can have their own preset ‘max’ volume levels, to help prevent nasty surprises when switching over from WiiM out to line in……i think that makes sense, do you?



                        BRONZE Member

                          Thank You!

                          I now have it working too, once i had tracked down the erroneously low volume slider somewhere!

                          I could not fit any ‘nice chunky’ hifi leads i already had because their plugs simply would not allow the Beocord’s din plug past them! so i had to find some cruddy thin bellwire phono to phono leads for now, still, it works for now. There just is not much room for upgraded cabling in these 5000/ 5500 receivers is there?

                          Do you know where i can get some B&O approved for Beomaster amp 5000/ 5500 small phono to phono leads, but with nice cable on them?

                          everything online looks too stiff and chunky to fit the DIN plug for tape 1 past them?

                          thanks for your help and testing,

                          meanwhile i treated the wifes Record Store Day Rega RP1 to a frosted Acrylic Platter and a uprated belt to help cope with it!

                          looks super kool….see piccies..



                          GOLD Member

                            I can’t see how i would be able to integrate that into the B&O app (i curently cannot seem to get the app to work reliably either). I did try to find out how/ where/ a beolink network system might integrate, but honestly i got rather confused and i could not really see a way the 5500 main system would work with it.

                            You can not integrate anything into the B&O app, because you have no NetworkLink products.
                            The A8 may appear there – but only for somebasic setup functions.
                            The 5500 system can be integrated with a B&O tv from the same era (using the Aux) – that’s about it.

                            With your components you can create a WiiM based network respectively an Airplay2 based network.
                            But these can not appear in a Beolink network/be visible in the B&O app.

                            However, that should not worry you….as long as you can play the music like you want it (using AirPlay2 or the connected turntable).


                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                            BRONZE Member

                              AH ok i think i see now.

                              Yes i will persevere with the WiiM based Airplay2 system now as it all seems to be working ok and feeding audio to the Beolab 6000.

                              No to try and fix that pesky beogram CD 5500!

                              thanks for help and advice and testing this ‘idea’



                              BRONZE Member

                                Hiya guys,

                                Well it looks like i have busted my Phono Turntable rca inputs on my Beomaster 5500 receiver.

                                Having the total hump over it, having yet another device/ input go down on this second hand system, once i calmed down i had a brainwave.

                                If i could find my old Cambridge Audio MM phono stage could i actually utilise the WiiM Pro Plus line input and temporarily disconnect it from our previous Airplay 2 analog devices playback system, select the Aux input (sound coming from the WiiM) and hope that the WiiM app makes it route whatevers going into the unit back out of the WiiM line outs.

                                IT WORKS!!!

                                I can play our records once more off the Rega RP1 record store day deck!

                                AND now my thoughts are running towards digging out my Pioneer PDS801 turntable platter CD deck (thats actually alleged to be a really good cd transport) and using the Optical cable supplied with the WiiM Pro Plus, connect that cd deck up and put it into external dac mode?

                                I think it will work, then the WiiM Pro Plus can actually let me select between 3 sources,



                                Airplay2/ Chromecast etc…


                                just thought you might like to know yet another reason i have been glad i bought this WiiM Pro Plus in the end!!



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