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A very interesting thread on the new old forum , unfortunately not giving the actual solution but that still gives hope…
Location: Paris FranceThank you Pepps.
Location: Paris FranceHi alls,
Got the same problem here. The Century is a wreck beyond repair (CD, tape, door, one channel dead… And no IR) For the love of the game I’d like to play with this IR problem!
Its a mixed MK: silver clamper but no headphone socket, Type 2656.
Have tried the activation sequence with no result, I would have said “broken IR board”.
Checked the only big capacitor (purple, in the picture), it’s OK. The other two little are like SMD, with no pins, so I won’t mess with them.A guy is selling (way too expensive) an ir board but the thing is it’s not the same than mine.
Absolutely nothing in common. And that makes me wonder if the fix that consist in replacing caps does apply to my board and people really replace those two tiny little capacitors.
Location: Paris FranceHi,
To me, it looks like a specific system based on modified B&O hardware.
Usual sockets are DIN for Powerlink and a large connector that looks like a wide Ethernet plug for Masterlink. The IR eye plug is the original.
Googling a little bit shows that Otrun is a brand that makes TV system for hotels. To what extend they can be integrated in a classic B&O network and for what, I don’t know.
Members who have the original boxes may help you to compare them with your hardware and maybe, luckily, it would just be a matter of plugs.
In all cases you have a handfull of IR eyes which is very valuable: the boxes, even original B&O are cheap, but the IR eyes are quite rare and often more expensive.
Good luck with all this and you nice project!
Location: Paris FranceJust to be clear, and add to possible answers…
There is the DIN input that I believe to be a service input only, never meant to be use as it.
There is the masterlink input (large rectangle socket) that is THE usual input. It is analogue but it need some dark digital protocol to be started.
Assuming this is right, I’m with you, how couln’t we just keep the beolab with one or the other input as default? Even more, use the Masterlink port on any device as an additional Aux in? Even if it needs to short anything inside.
I really think they are more Beolab 3500 unused than Beolab 3500 used as link room speaker… So sad.
Location: Paris FranceI agree Guy, my wife also complains, not about the screen size but actually the captions that are too small and of course a BV10-32 would be ideal but they’re not so common around and quite expensive (between 500 and 800€).
Location: Paris FranceThank you for correcting me Guy.
I suspected a reason why you didn’t talk about that menu but tried anyway.
I must say that the day my BC6 will fail, it will be a big loss.
Location: Paris FranceI have Beocenter 6-26 so it may be work differently.
AV3 is set to an input selectable with an hard key (V.MEM maybe, can’t say because I use a blind Beo6 now, sorry…). Then the HDTV option below is set to DVI.
I remember that even when I was using a Beo4 It didn’t never required to use the LIST key.
I even remember it was an AV Beo4 because I used that key to start the BV as a speaker with the picture muted.Hope this helps.
Location: Paris FranceAs far as I know the answer is No.
That’s an old quest to turn a BL3500 into a standalone speaker or a sort of Beosound 35.
I wanted this for myself very hard, finding the form factor quite interesting.
But there is no easy solution: you need either a specific Beolink converter or a remote key sequence that you nee to enter each time you turn on the speaker. The only “easy” way I can see is using a Beo 5/6 with a macro.But I asked Steve from Sound Heavenly the same question you are now and he also told it wont work at all if you have another B&O device that accept IR commands in the same room which was my case.
I asked the forum once if it was no other solution involving dismantling and soldering: I get no answer.
I wish you luck in your search and this item to be hacked one day.
Location: Paris FranceBefore
Location: Paris FranceHi Guys, It’s done, at least for one speaker.
The other one will wait a bit since this is not a really pleasant experience.
That will also allow me to compare Both speaker with new and old foam.Starting point: the Beolab with stand and fret off and obviously the new set of damping material.
Then take out the screws off: 6 for the amplifier plate, 12 for the speaker plate. All the same.
You need to cut the rubber border use to damp the fret between the two front plates. Use a sharp knife.
The plates are still firmly glued to the pipe. Insert a flat screwdriver and gently pry off the plate. Then progress to the bottom. I used two very useful little tools Thant came with a garden tinsel from a Scandinavian well known brand to open up the two plates, one side after the other.
Disconnect all that should be:
- One big socket between speaker plate and amplifier plate. (white/blue/red).
- One big socket (main power/Yellow) between the amplifier board and the cone.
- Two little connectors between the amplifier board and the cone (3 and 4 wires).
Beware, there is also a third tiny connector much larger (7 or 8 wires), you can disconnect it but it loops from the cone into the cone. Don’t mistake it for the one that must be disconnected and pull the plate while it is still attached.
Once everything disconnected, take out the plates: amplifier first, then speaker
Here start the mess! Use gloves.
Foam to be removed is located:
- Just above the cone.
- One the amp board, between the actual amplifier chip and the main board.
- In the gap between the speaker zone and the amplifier zone.
- One big piece in the speaker tube.
The big speaker piece was in my case quite well, sticky and chewy but I was able to remove it easily in one part.
All the other parts were in an advanced state of disintegration, turned into a sticky dust spread all inside the column. You’re happy when you manage to take out a big piece!.
Even the foam sealing between the pipe and the plates is rotted. you need to rub it to clean it.
The pipe was vacuum cleaned with the help of alcohol (90°, no isopropyl here in France).
The amplifier board was opened after disconnecting the plugs and cleaned with a brush and alcohol.
To me this is the most scary part: I don’t like rub a brush on those PCB with so tiny component. I’m not confident enough to know if this is ok or not and I’l afraid of breaking something or hurting a component. SO I did this carefully with a brush and a vacuum cleaner, take out the most of it but after this, it still remain some sort of sticky touch all over the parts. I think it still better the before.
Before screwing the amplifier board to the Amplifier plate, you need to replace the foam between the chip and the board.
Then clean all the connectors, the speaker socket was particularly dirty.
Then you can start the actual foam replacement. Note that the new set has nothing in common with the previous.
Around the bas port entry.
In the column, roughly in the middle behind were the woofers are.
At the base (rear).
The V shaped one at the bottom of the long strips just above the amp section.
Close the speaker panel and watch out for the speakers wires to go into the foam groove of the V shaped piece.
Correct placement of the foam pieces is are illustrated below. They should make a coffin for the two woofers.
Then, place the amplifier board, plug everything that need to:
- One plug between amplifier plate and speaker plate.
- 3 or 4 plugs between amplifier plate and cone.
Before closing the amplifier plate, add the remaining front base foam piece.
Close the speaker, tight all the screws (18) and check your new foam root proof Beolab 8000!
Hope this helps.
Location: Paris FranceFound it, Thanks BeoFrederic, it will help.
Location: Paris FranceBought today two set of B&O white replacement foams: 10€ each.
Even for a raddish like me it do not worth spendind time for DIY’ing an alternative solution.
I will document the replacement operation here.
PS: at least here in Paris, the most complicated step was to find a dealer selling spare parts. Most of the dealers don’t do after sales and can’t order parts references.
Location: Paris FranceHi, Yes you deck was altered.
As far as I know, every B&O deck comes with DIN plugs and the 400x series for sure.
On the picture from Craigslist you can see it’s actually a DIN plug with a DIN to RCA adapter (note the two DINs one inside the other).If you need to put it back to original you should find wiring diagrams quite easily.
If RCAs are good to you, the same diagram can help you check they’ve been wired correctly.Location: Paris FranceHi Mark, Me again!
It happen I have two replacement relay already: some times ago I edited the BG4000 paperwork for a forum member and he gifted me in return with various part including two relays!
They seems to have the large footprint (Siemens) and my deck have National relays.
I remembrer they were a lot of holes on the PCB and I wonder if the PCB still have the traces to use the old relay or was the PCB completely redesigned?Do you know that? Thanks.
Location: Paris FranceOk, I can see now, National or Siemens, you avoid me a mistake in the rush!
– and of course it’s the one I need the most expensive 😀 –
Location: Paris FranceHi, me again,
I’ve taken out the main board just to see. The two speed trimmers where black of dirtiness like burned. I’ve cleaned them with contact cleaner. It make things a little better but not good still. Then I’ve looked at the relay: it means nothing but to looks quite clean and new.
Anyway, what concernes me is that the relay doesn’t look like those I’m use to see on other boards, it looks smaller and not consistent with the footprint of the usual replacement relay.
PS: I know whatever I do to play the clock I’ll need to change the relay, the trimmers and certainly other things, but I would fancy temporary fixes that also would make me understand how all this work.
Location: Paris FranceWill do that, Thank you.
Location: Paris FranceHi,
Models with the bigger clamper (the cover of the disc) are more recent.
If you’re that old fashioned and you also like cassette, you may want to look at the Ouverture (last models with big clamber, pretty rare I think or oldest)Stay away from a 3000 with small clamper, I feel it’s a doomed machine a sooner or later it will brick (again, that’s just my feeling)
3200 has a built in hard drive to save CD’s but at a very poor quality nowadays.
As for the speakers:
Foam rot is the disintegration of the internal damping material that melt and drip over the components and corrode them. On Beolab 4000 it can be avoid by selecting a pair beyond a certain serial number (15xxxxx IIRC).
Beolab 8000 are iconic indeed but first, thye’re very tall, they’re big and are floor standing so you need to think it. Second, there are various iterations of the model, MK1, MK2, MK1 early/Late… Well model with constant changes. I’ve got a pair of MK1 with cup woofer, so far it’s a dissapoinment: they have bass but it’s like if they lack attack. My 4000’s are more punchy. Seems like it’s what justify the evolution of the model. I beleive MK2 with dome woofer are more what people expect as rendering or at least me.
Finally, 8000’s are prone to foam rot and I dont know if this has been corrected over the years like it did for 4000’s.Location: Paris France -