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  • in reply to: DIY Beolab 8000 Wood frets (STLs included). #36861
    BRONZE Member

      Looks very nice. I discovered, the chrome speakers looking much nicer with the wooden frets. Wirh the black covers they looking outdated. I have a black pair and that pair looks good with the original covers.

      How can i obtain the files to make the fronts? I don’t know nothing about 3d printing but gonna ask a friend.

      in reply to: Replace or refoam woffers on Beovox 80.2.? #44869
      BRONZE Member

        Not totally correct. The rl140 used foam surrounds, and the rl7000 rubber surrounds.

        If you compare the crossover they are the same.

        But the rl60 has a passive membrane and the rl60 w has a bassreflex.

        Im gonna refoam my rl140’s with rubber you and not with foam. If the flexibility for both surrounds is the same, just take the most durable ones…lesser sensitive to temperature and moist fluctuations. Ok

        in reply to: Beosound 9000 krast op cd #44251
        BRONZE Member

          Kan zijn dat de clamper op de spindel van de laser of de magnetische clamper beschadigd is/gebarsten… en zo je cds beschadigt. Best momenteel niet meer gebruiken tot het opgelost is

          in reply to: Beolab 8000 geeft geen geluid meer #44280
          BRONZE Member

            Veel succes. Laat eens weten wat eraan gedaan is, ben benieuwd 🙂

            in reply to: Interessante Auktionen, der große Sammelstrang. #33862
            BRONZE Member

              aus technischer sicht sind mk1 und 2 gleichwertig. mk2 ABL (alias mk3) ist jedoch anders. (ab sn 20xxx) der lautsprecher klingt einfach viel voller und tiefer in den niedrigen frequenzen.

              für die neueste Version verlangen sie rund 1500 €, für das mk2 900 €. aber ein gewartetes Paar mk1 ist billiger und klingt genauso wie das teurere mk2

              in reply to: Beolab 8000 geeft geen geluid meer #44278
              BRONZE Member

                Ik kan er anders ook voor je naar kijken. Ik woon ook in Belgie, Brugge. Je kiest wat het gemakkelijkst lijkt.

                in reply to: Replace or refoam woffers on Beovox 80.2.? #44867
                BRONZE Member

                  At speakerrepairshop they are extremely friendly. Don’t forget the special glue. But you can choose at their shop if you want foam or rubber surrounds. Ask their opinion

                  in reply to: BEOGRAM CD 5500 STOPPED PLAYING CD #44727
                  BRONZE Member

                    Could be that the laser reach the end. Or laser current must be corrected ( don’t do if you are not familiar, you would kill the laser from overcurrent)

                    in reply to: Replace or refoam woffers on Beovox 80.2.? #44866
                    BRONZE Member

                      Im not totally agreed. You had beovox rl60 who had foam surrounds, after that rl60.2 with rubber surrounds. For durability i would take rubber surrounds. But that is my opinion. I would not re-do the process each 15y because it’s time consuming

                      in reply to: Beolab 8000 geeft geen geluid meer #44277
                      BRONZE Member

                        Zo vlug mogelijk laten doen. Hoelanger de foam erin blijft zitten hoe meer schade er kan aangericht worden…

                        in reply to: Brom bij aansluiten beolab 6000 op beocenter 9000 #44830
                        BRONZE Member

                          Probleem is, 9000 heeft speakerlink en 9300 heeft powerlink.
                          9000 met de bl6000 is geen goed huwelijk vrees ik. Stel anders je vraag eens aan Steave van Sounds heavenly. Die gast wel ern oplossing vinden.

                          waarom gebruik je niet de bc9000 met passieve speakers en bc9300 met lab6000?

                          in reply to: beo 7000/6500/Beocord/CDX/Beolink1000/7000 #39578
                          BRONZE Member

                            Hello, do you still own the Beolink 7000 ?

                            in reply to: Beosound 9000 MK2 is having issues playing CD. #41597
                            BRONZE Member

                              Noo it is an extremely expensive grease. I ordered in the past the lubrication from B&O.

                              Klüber Barrierta grease L55/1

                              try to buy a small amount because 1kg cost 1755€.
                              it is a white grease, not corrosive to plastic gears and bearings.

                              in reply to: Philips cd pro 2 #44264
                              BRONZE Member

                                You mean the laser or a new cdpro2 module?

                                in reply to: CD spindle for Beocenter 9000 #42742
                                BRONZE Member

                                  Regarding the differences:

                                  beocenter 9000 has another laser than the 9500 ( identical to cd5500) and the 9300 has original cdm4, upgraded to cdpro ( same laser like Beosound 1 cd).

                                  in reply to: BEOLAB 8000 speakers #44851
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Well actually the bc2000 has output to passive speakers ( beovox) and your beolab needs powerlink, a variable line signal…

                                    in reply to: Powerlink output used for non B&O speakers #44818
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      You need to be creative and make a PL cable L to output cinch L and one PL cable R to output cinch R.

                                      it is a variable signal so you can use active speakers or a stereo power amp or monoblock’s.

                                      or if you want to do it neat like B&O, one powerlink cable and at the other end L and R out

                                      in reply to: Replace or refoam woffers on Beovox 80.2.? #44862
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        NOO don’t replace the woofers. Just replace the foam surrounds with rubber ones so they will not desintegrate again in 15y. If you replace the woofers, it is not the same speaker again. Rubber surrounds are cheaply to obtain. If you can’t do it, ask somebody to do that.
                                        and just look how the capacitors are in the crossover ( mostly Roederstein elco’s i think, now Vichay).

                                        in reply to: Beolab 8000 ABL #44847
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          It is not that easy. It is not only the woofers but partially the amplifiers too.

                                          in reply to: Beolab 8000 ABL #44844
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            20xxx and i know they are mk2 with abl (aka mk3).

                                            Actually i know exactly that there are 4 versions of the 8000…

                                            And i hear the difference between mk2 and mk2 ABL too…

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 41 through 60 (of 76 total)