Forum Replies Created
Hi Multicare,
thanks for explanations and all the effort!
1st: May I remind to the question regarding sending PMs?
Further, I also noticed some double posts.
Last, I noticed problems rendering the page on a mobile phone (iPhone SE, next gen) from time to time. Especially when the link was handed over by google. When clicking to the thread from Beoworld, all was fine.
I have to close up again here:
is the new device capable to transmit surround signals via WiSA? Please excuse me if that was already stated anywhere
Further question, could Beolab Transmitter 1, having a toslink input, fulfill the role to transmit surround signals to many WISA speakers, even if the TV is a non-Beovision?
Best regards
Another thing, is sending a PM still possible? I did not find it so far…?
I found a good feature of the previous forum implementation was to have a link to most recent topics. Vould this be provided again?
Navigating through the various (many!) sub-topics is a little bit cumbersome, in my opinion.Best regards
ps: editing a post via mobile phone (here iOS) has been improved, great 🙂
how are the plans in the transition phase, when will the forum be able to be used again?
I respect all the work to be done, it just would be nice to get some further information.
Especially, since some weeks the archived forum is not accessible any more, and this seems still to be the case.
Further, the navigation through the site does often result in dead ends, I wanted to access the articles and schematics or the three forumsBest regards
I agree, that is fabulous!
Are there – according your experiences – different behaviours, probabilities to be faulty given, when comparing MK1 and MK2 models?
Canadian movie “Testament”. Another Beovox something coupled with a non B&O amp and deck or TV but all with style. By the way, very funny movie for anyone above 50…
I agree (style)! I spot the very nice shelving system Cado Royal, designed in 1948 by Danish designer Poul Cadovius
Unfortunately no image as I did spot this recently in the cinema:
In French movie „Cocorico“, in Germany „Oh la la“ – by the way a very amusing film – Christian Clavier as Frédéric Bouvier-Sauvage (an aristocrat living in a castle) played a record using a Beogram (3000?) and a Beomaster 3000. We could not see any Beovoxes. Very well selected!
Good to hear your fun with new gear!
Hallo Maximilian,
perfekt, danke für die schnelle Antwort! Stimmt, Du hast ja extra alles für einen BL aufgelistet, da hab ich zu schnell drüber gelesen 🙂Klingt vielversprechend, da kann ich mich endlich mal wieder am Lötkolben austoben.
Viele Grüße!
Hallo zusammen,
es macht immer wieder Spaß hier zu lesen und es gibt viel Hilfsbereitschaft, danke MadMaex für die praktische Liste!!!
Ich habe zu dem Reichelt Einkaufskorb folgende Fragen:
– es steht da 4xBeolab 8000, ist das die Liste für einen, zwei oder vier Beolab 8000?
– Und, ist das eine Liste nach der Originalen Spezifikation, oder entspricht das einer Verbesserung, die sich jemand (Die_Bogener?) sicherlich nach bestimmten Kriterien ausgesucht hat?Danke und Euch allen einen schönen Feiertag!!
Wow, tough crowd here… This is almost EXACTLY what I wishing for yesterday morning as I was trying to find the right audio solution for our newly remodeled bedroom[…]
Hello all,
this is similar what I have the last days! I wanted to modernize a non B&O TV set which I have next to the (still well running!) BeoV 7. I will buy a new TV for that room but want to improve first the sound. As the Beosound Theatre increased in its price by 40% I have no interest any more and came across the Loewe Soundbar:
It has exactly these features which I was till searching for, HDMI (e)ARC, control via one remote, additional plugs for active LS like our Beolabs.
Yes, drawback: using a B&O remote and control of a stand is missing
I’m looking forward to your first impressions!
Wow, tough crowd here… This is almost EXACTLY what I wishing for yesterday morning as I was trying to find the right audio solution for our newly remodeled bedroom[…]
Hello all,
haha, this is similar what I have the last days! I wanted to modernize a non B&O TV set which I have next to the (still well running!) BeoV 7. I will buy a new TV for that room but want to improve first the sound. As the Beosound Theatre increased in its price by 40% I have no interest any more and came across the Loewe Soundbar:
It has exactly these features which I was till searching for, HDMI (e)ARC, control via one remote, additional plugs for active LS like our Beolabs.
Yes, drawback: using a B&O remote and control of a stand is missing
EDIT: and here a video about the features (in German) – it could be a solution working together with Beolabs
Hallo zusammen,
ich finde die BL6000 super. Ich nutze sie als vorne Links/Rechts neben einem Beovision 7-40 zusammen mit dem BL7-2. Letzterer, den ich auch schätze, liefert für mich ausreichend (manchmal sogar zuviel Bass), (und das nicht mal rumpelig wie bei vielen Surround Setups, sondern wirklich sehr gut)
Jedenfalls, in der Tat, die BL6000 sind schön schlank und mindestens hierfür m.E. sehr gut geeignet!
Vielleicht schaffe ich nachher ein Foto. Hatte das Glück, eisblaue mit weißer Bespannung zu ergattern 🙂
Innenleben bzgl Schaumstoff Gammel ist sicher ein Problem, aber es gibt anscheinend nicht so viele Ausfälle wie bei den 4000ern, die ihnen ähnlich sein sollen (?). Ich finde sie auch besser als 4000er. Sie scheinen im Gebrauchtmarkt auch günstiger zu sein
Viele Grüße!
ps: @MM schönes Setup! 🙂
Hello, I missed to comment on that previously.
I notice the same problems on my BS5 after change to a new HDD (a SSD). The system works in principle after a cold startup (when power switched off in between). It is also ok when accessing the system frequently. It fails with the same description like done by Luc if there was much time between the access to BS5.
I think it is not a problem of the motherboard but of the Hibernation of the OS (Win XP embedded). I have to add that startup did also fail sometimes if a USB device is added (again an OS related problem). I read somewhere that this (USB attached) is not foreseen…
Best regards
Good afternoon,
many thanks for the answers so far. Guy, you are completely right, the issue with sw update sounds logically, also have seen that in the manual (also many thanks!). Then I do not even try this procedure, unless there is anybody who knows how to perform the sw update and who has this tool. I am pretty sure that no dealer is doing this any more.
Have a nice day
I have aBeogram CD 6500 where this procedure (replacement of this cap.) did work.
However, the symptom was that it did not play an original CD at once. If it was running vor ~10-20 minutes, being on temperature, playing a CD worked, sometimes only the latter tracks. This led me to the assumption that this cap.issue could indeed be the problem, and I was right.
Otherwise a major service may be necessary, but there I am no expert – like Dillen… 😉
Best regards !
That really has style, a good and very nice classic combination, cassette, the danish singer and a Beocord 8000!
The same wishes to you and also to all the others here! I always enjoy the videos, reviews but also all the posts here in the forum 🙂