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  • in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33935
    BRONZE Member

      This is what was living beneath the bottom cover…….


      in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33934
      BRONZE Member

        Side panels have also had a clean up and a coat of primer applied…..P1016779

        in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33933
        BRONZE Member

          Cabinet top veneer finished, shame to stain it actually….I quite like the iroko wood grain, but will have to match the Beolab or it will look odd.P1016777

          in reply to: Where are my PMs? #34232
          BRONZE Member

            I can see and click on the links to the pictures in my archived threads……I think they are all there?

            in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33932
            BRONZE Member

              Oh…..and this has arrived from Frede……such excellent work, was a little miffed at having to pay import duty on it now that we are free from the EU ;¬)P1016775

              in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33931
              BRONZE Member

                This is a slow and painstaking exercise requiring a lot of sanding and swearing…….cant hurry the glue drying process either….P1016771

                in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33930
                BRONZE Member

                  I’ve decided on this african iroko veneer…..will need to stain it in order to darken it down to match the Beogram 5000 it will be paired with P1016768

                  in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33929
                  BRONZE Member

                    made a start on the cabinet top, was in a bit of a mess so re shaped the smashed corners ready for veneering…..P1016765

                    in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33927
                    BRONZE Member

                      this is the internals…..was sold as “restored by seller”…………..


                      in reply to: Looking for help Beocord 5000 #34158
                      BRONZE Member

                        I’m pretty sure the dust cover is meant to close under the spring tension, mine does and I think its normal operation…..lifting the lid manually and the spring closes it ;¬)


                        in reply to: Beomaster 6000 Type 2702 service manual #34015
                        BRONZE Member

                          Are you sure its not the 21vdc that is fed from PCB2 ?

                          I have had a problem with the voltage regulator for the 21vdc in  the past


                          in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33926
                          BRONZE Member

                            Making a start on “the low hanging fruit”,IMG_2079 to quote a project manager I once worked with. A friend of mine spent some time cleaning up the curser.  Interestingly this piece isn’t anodised like the face plate, which is probably why it oxidised so badly, I’m told that one can determine if something has been anodised by the use of a multimeter set to ohms……if something is anodised it wont conduct?….I will test this. New felt pads will be included too.

                            in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33925
                            BRONZE Member

                              Sold as fully functional…….however I think a bit of cleaning (quite a bit actually) and replacing of dried out capacitors will be required before power is connected, some replacement veneer too I’m thinking

                              s-l1600 (2)

                              in reply to: Beomaster 5000 #33924
                              BRONZE Member

                                Its in a bit of a state…..looks like its been through the wars

                                s-l1600 (1)

                                in reply to: missing BG4000 #33050
                                BRONZE Member

                                  So ready to be returned to its home……been quite a journey, the success is largely due to Manfys inspiration and guidance  regarding the voltage regulator and toroidal transformer.

                                  Its good to know that a failed transformer isn’t the end of the road for a BG4000


                                  in reply to: missing BG4000 #33049
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Played over the weekend without fault………P1016760

                                    in reply to: missing BG4000 #33048
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Installed the voltage regulator, bolted to the chassis, no additional heatsink required….gave her a spin and nothing is getting more than lukewarm….Martin recommends removing 2TR6 from the circuit board due to overheating causing the 6vdc supply to become unstable…..so I’m good with this, good test required and that should be that!P1016759

                                      in reply to: missing BG4000 #33047
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Resistor received, however I ordered a 3w component and received a 25w instead……bit overkill but quite adequate….P1016757

                                        in reply to: missing BG4000 #33046
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          As I’m now down to 1 bridge rectifier I thought it would be wise to check a few things out before I do a lengthy test run:

                                          Output from the new 6vdc regulator = 160ma under operating load

                                          Output from the existing 24vdc regulator (0tr1) = 440ma under operating load

                                          The transformer arms are good for 1.25A so I think we’re good to go, the bridge rectifier is rated at 3.7A. I will monitor the temperatures of all components, TR1 particularly though the data sheet says its good for 80w (seems high to me).

                                          Also I have ordered a 33 ohm 3w resistor to see if I can drop all the heat over it instead of the regulator, I can then fasten the resistor to the chassis for cooling……

                                          in reply to: missing BG4000 #33045
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            Tried a 22 ohm resistor in line with the regulator and this dropped the input voltage to a little over 10vdc…the heat dissipated by the regulator has dropped and the resistor is doing some of the work….P1016748 (Copy)

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