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Viewing 20 posts - 301 through 320 (of 697 total)
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  • in reply to: Bg4002 (ac) not tracking #50692
    GOLD Member

      Do you see light inside the shutter house at the foot of the carriage, when the deck is playing?


      in reply to: Wanted: Beocord7000 control board #2 #50709
      GOLD Member

        Note there are two types. One for each of the two tape drive versions.


        in reply to: Bg4002 (ac) not tracking #50690
        GOLD Member

          Tracking force set correctly?
          Tonearm lowering depth set correctly?


          in reply to: BG 4002 new restoration Start #50658
          GOLD Member

            Does it say Beogram 4002 or 4004 on the operating panel?
            Does the panel have a connector to the “output” board?


            in reply to: Beogram 5500 arm movement #50630
            GOLD Member

              I normally work within the small space allowed by the spring action.


              in reply to: Beogram 5500 arm movement #50628
              GOLD Member

                Yes, the cam wheel on top needs to come off.
                You can take it off and, while keeping the strings tight, take out the worm gear assy with
                the felt clutch, and put back the cam while working with the clutch assy.


                in reply to: Beogram 5500 arm movement #50625
                GOLD Member

                  Take apart and clean. In most cases that’ll do it.
                  Else, the friction can be increased if you rough up the plastic surfaces a bit.


                  in reply to: Beogram 5500 arm movement #50623
                  GOLD Member

                    The felt clutch could have lost friction.
                    Can you tell, if it’s slipping?


                    in reply to: Beomaster 1900-2 will not go to standby #50612
                    GOLD Member

                      Whisch type of transistor did you fit for IC9?

                      All lamps working and correct wattage? – No LED “conversion”?
                      The three lamps illuminating the tone control dials double as bleeders for the 15V supply.
                      It’s not uncommon to see that these Beomasters won’t go into standby, if to many
                      lamps are out, wrong or replaced by LEDs.


                      in reply to: Beosound identification needed #50618
                      GOLD Member

                        The identification sticker is found at the back of the main unit, – not visible when
                        the main unit is mounted in the metal bracket.
                        Most BeoSystem 2500 has the name printed at the lower left of the shiny front panel – below the tape bay, and yours doesn’t seem to have this, so my guess would
                        be BeoSound Ouverture or BeoCenter 2500, with Beolab 2500 speakers.


                        in reply to: Beomaster 1900-2 will not go to standby #50609
                        GOLD Member

                          Check IC9 (SPS5431).


                          in reply to: beovox 120.2 repair #50191
                          GOLD Member

                            The very thin leads from the cone to the voicecoil tend to break under the lip of the center dustcap. It’s quite common for Beovox S120 and Beovox MC120.2.
                            Most can be repaired if you work carefully.


                            in reply to: Beomaster 7000 getting hot in standby #50478
                            GOLD Member

                              Replace the standby relay. It must be hanging (welded contacts), allowing the output stages to be powered even in standby.


                              in reply to: Beomaster 7000 getting hot in standby #50476
                              GOLD Member

                                Is it only the far right side of the cooling fin that is warm?
                                And how warm?


                                in reply to: Beogram 1602 Tracking #50486
                                GOLD Member

                                  Yes, wrong tracking force setting. Check it with a gauge and reset the scale if it is off.
                                  Or damaged stylus.


                                  in reply to: Beomaster 7000 getting hot in standby #50474
                                  GOLD Member

                                    Resolder the relay for the amplifier.
                                    Its solder joints for the coil cracks, making it impossible to pull the relay and close down the amplifier.
                                    – Yes, this relay is active when the Beomaster is in standby.

                                    Still no luck – replace the relay (new relay here).


                                    in reply to: beomaster 3500 4500 display issue #50273
                                    GOLD Member

                                      Bad solder joints?


                                      in reply to: Beogram CD 5500, tray and cd ‘jumping’ problems. #50119
                                      GOLD Member

                                        They are excellent decks, great performers and a fantastic design.
                                        Absolutely worth restoring. Not sure why anybody would say otherwise.

                                        Clean the laser lens.
                                        Check if the drive suspension rubber parts have deformed, allowing the drive to sag down.
                                        This typically causes the disc to rub on the tray when rotating, and it can cause many strange symptoms.
                                        Replacing the tray belt is a two-minute job when the cover is off.

                                        Check for cracked solder joints at connectors and other large components, and
                                        particularly the center pins of the large filter capacitors.

                                        And replace capacitors on the servo board (grab a kit containing the correct type of caps).
                                        They can also cause many strange problems.

                                        Keep in mind, that CDRs are not following standards. The same goes for many types of
                                        copy-protected discs (“Copy-Control” etc.).
                                        Most Beogram CD5500 will play CDRs without any problems, but it cannot be guaranteed
                                        that all decks will play all CDR discs.
                                        And not all CDRs age well. Over time they may lose information making them more or less unreadable.


                                        in reply to: Your latest addi(c)tion? #34920
                                        GOLD Member

                                          Gorgeous piece!


                                          in reply to: Beogram 6006 – Arm not going back to parking position #50195
                                          GOLD Member

                                            I bought something on Ebay years ago called “liquid bearing”.


                                          Viewing 20 posts - 301 through 320 (of 697 total)