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  • in reply to: Beomaster 3500 en Beolab 7.1 aansluiten. #57308
    BRONZE Member
      1. Ja, je hebt een powerlink splitter nodig, dus 1x pl in naar 2x pl out. Cavus heeft dat ( en hun PL kabels zijn beter dan van B&O ( stekkers verguld en de mk2 is nog beter afgeschermd ( voor speakers met icepower zoals bl7.1,bl5 etc) en de kabel is iets dikker.

      Of je “daisy chain” de BL6000 (één BL6000 PL verbinden aan de BM3500, de andere BL6000 doorverbinden met de BM3500 verbonden BL6000).
      Dan heb je één PL aansluiting vrij op de BM3500.

      in reply to: Problem with MasterLink sources on Mozart with BLC. #56995
      BRONZE Member

        Thanks MM and Carolpa. In the past, I was able to start the ML source on another device and join the Balance via the app. Yesterday, this wasn’t working. It would only boop or double boop. If my memory is not too faulty, the app has changed so that instead of it showing the converter linked to the BS1 (for example), it now shows the converter as the “master” link source no matter how the source is started, and all the other devices are linked to it. Subtle difference and probably makes more sense, but I was afraid they messed up Mozart with this enhancement. Today, it is working again. Go figure. This is also how I listen to lossless WMA files from my BeoMaster 5 disk. With the Balance, I can select a song and it plays the song and stops. With the BS1, it plays the song and the next and the next, etc. So I start the music on the BS1, mute the volume, join the Balance. Although to be honest, I generally just stream unless I’m feeling “old school”. I would guess they dropped ML support in Mozart because, in my experience, every manager and software developer hates backward compatibility so they saw their chance with a “next generation” product to drop it, and they did. I mean how far back does backward compatibility need to go? Customer says “forever”. Manager says “never”. They fight it out, and we get what we get.

        “Today, it is working again”: see my previous post. It is a software glitch to not recognize the JOIN function straight away, which I found an issue to be overcome. But still, it is not an new issue. It should have been solved long ago.

        The issue with selecting an Album on DLNA music server and only one track is played is solved on my BL8 and BL28. If an album is selected the complete album is played. Before it was quite annoying though.

        I have the impression that ML devices will be supported on Mozart devices soon (Beoconnect Encore). The same way B&o has recently integrated the BS9000 with the BL28.

        in reply to: Problem with MasterLink sources on Mozart with BLC. #56964
        BRONZE Member

          I did have my share of problem too. But everything is working fine again.

          I never managed to get ML sources visible on a Mozart device directly (BL8/BL28) though, I was surprised to read that you hade it available on your Balance. But that was no issue for me, because I could access them though other devices.
          What changed is the BLC sources can directly be started on the BLC in the app and then the BLC can be joined by other devices (Mozart also).
          And yes, sometime the Mozart device doesn’t seem to follow the JOIN command. But what does help is to join manually. Mostly thereafter it works fine again (or first start a source on the Mozart device and then join, thereafter it should work again as normal).

          note: I have an escape route – I programmed my Halo/BLI to directly start any ML source on any device (also Mozart).

          I did have lengthily discussions with B&o about it.

          BRONZE Member

            Just some questions:

            1. is the NAS only LAN connected to the same network, correct?
            2. I presume a album cover is embedded in all music files, correct? Or just in the first?
            3. do the pictures exceed 1000×1000 pixels?
            4. do you use a DLNA server? Which one?
            5. did you add the folders with the “analogue music” to the DLNA server?
            6. how do you select a folder on the BS5e?
            7. NL mag ook 🙂 ?

            and yes, I think it should be possible!

            in reply to: Beosound 9000 Problem #56528
            BRONZE Member

              first idea, I would test it horizontal.

              is it vertical free falling or are switches not set when the player slide to another position?


              note: adjust the BS9000 to the correct setting.

              in reply to: Beoconnect Encore #56423
              BRONZE Member

                Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-10 om 19.35.45
                New source, Beoconnect Encore, in the BeoLiving app. Visible in all Mozart platform devices.





                Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-10 om 19.36.51

                In the BLI the purpose of the Beoconnect Encore is indicated; “classicsAdapter”


                in reply to: Beoconnect Encore #32512
                BRONZE Member

                  Or two?

                  in reply to: Beoconnect Encore #32508
                  BRONZE Member

                    If it is a separate box with its own name, then one could expect it will be commercial available!

                    Is it a new intermediate to connect older devices to NL?

                    in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54253
                    BRONZE Member

                      Your right, same behaviour on my BLGW

                      in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54251
                      BRONZE Member

                        ….. The thing that won‘t work is the BeoSound Level and Emerge. Is the Motart Plattform not working with BeoLink?

                        ?? not to my knowledge. I still have a BLGW aside my BLI and it (the first) does show/find all my Mozart devices (BL8, BL28, BS Theatre).

                        I can‘t see any source in the BeoLink Gateway from those devices and they don‘t show up in the BeoLiving App.

                        Did you press the “Capture” button op the Resources page? You are sure all are connected on the same network?

                        in reply to: New product launch – beosound theatre? #38562
                        BRONZE Member

                          I have a BLC connected to a Beomaster 7000. I can use the B&O app to use the Core to select and play a Beomaster source but if I use the BLC in the App it sits there for a few moments and the drops back to no source. The BLC is set to VMaster. What am I doing wrong.

                          but change the option of the Beomaster 7000 to 1 or 2 and try again.

                          in reply to: New product launch – beosound theatre? #38560
                          BRONZE Member

                            Thanks, MM. from what I recall (I actually disconnected my NL/ML Converter as I didn’t think it added much anymore when I replaced my BV11 with a Theatre setup) I could also start a source and then “join” from the Theatre. Can’t remember if it was sufficient to start from the ML stereo or I had to start the stereo from the NL/ML Converter. Will try later today. I have also responded to B&O support to ask them to clarify what adding a Core would achieve. Upon reading their response again it is rather unclear and vague. Will report back here if I learn something. The Theatre is a great product but it would have been even better if it could integrate with previous products better. If ASE products could do that I can’t help but wonder if the Mozart platform was a step backwards but perhaps it has other advantages I am not aware about.

                            Set you Beolink NL/ML converter (BLC) as VMaster.
                            Then go to the B&o app and select the BLC.
                            Select the black bar (with the BLC noted)
                            In the next screen select the ML source to be played. This source should now start.
                            Join the BS Theatre

                            This way no additional ASE product necessary

                            add: if in the screen (visible above in the 4th line) the multiroom options are not available, close this screen and in the black bar on the main menu tap the multiroom icon. The Theatre will be available to add.

                            in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54248
                            BRONZE Member

                              Second thought >

                              if the Beolink NL|ML Converter (BLC) is setup correctly and you give the set IR command to start the B&o radio to the BV7 then the radio should play on the tv.

                              so could you post the BLC settings.

                              in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54247
                              BRONZE Member

                                Hi all, I saw a BeoLink Gateway for sale the other day and thought it might be a great idea to automate some things in our home so I bought this device without digging deeper into details. As I am normally a typical who does not like manuals and starts things I noticed after one minute that this device will be different so I downloaded the manual and started to read. And what should I say it is Beverly complicated to understand the logic behind this device. This is why I have hope some of you guys and women can help me setting up my Gateway. This is the setup I have

                                So I created the equivalent Areas and Zones in the Gateway and assigned the B&O stuff to the global Area. My problems:

                                1. When I open the BeoLiving App only the LIVING ROOM appears in the Main menu. All other other rooms are invisible.

                                Place your different B&0 in the correct Tones and Areas

                                1. When I want to start B&O Radio on the Core ion the LIVING ROOM the TV is quiet and does nothing. In the B&O app and from the BeoRemote it works. TV is setup as Video Master and Core as Audio Master (connected via BeoLink NL/ML)

                                With a Macro you can start the BV7 to play B&o Radio when you choose B&o Radio on the Core. (let me know for assistance)

                                How can I configure the separate Light Switches in the Gateway? The switches can be connected via the REST API

                                create a virtual button (Resources) and make a macro to switch on and off light

                                1. how can I create scenes for Home Conema, Party, Sunday Brunch and Breakfast?

                                if available in a Beoliving driver then it is the same principle

                                1. How can I add PIcture to the rooms?

                                No. this is  Beoliving feature and to my knowledge

                                I think these are my questions for the moment ? I hope somebody can help.

                                in reply to: Alternative to Bang & Olufsen app #54164
                                BRONZE Member

                                  everyone seems to agree that the b&o app is mediocre , rather inquiring for a premium brand… it is high time for b&o to recruit interface designers and developers at the heights. the bullshit has lasted long enough

                                  Just a general thought, with an open mind for discussion and opinions : are you sure you’re not the screaming minority?

                                  who by definition is right! ( they think)

                                  note: keep on screaming, because that will create new insights, leading to improvements ?

                                  in reply to: Beosound Theatre HDMI Audio only #53941
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Thank you all for the replies! For now I download an app called “All black” which give me an…… all black screen when playing Apple Music on the AppleTV.

                                    The screen of my LG G2  can be switched off without an app. It is a feature of the TV, so I would expect the G1 has the same feature (somewhere far in the LG settings). See MM post.

                                    @Carolpa, If you use your Oppo BR player with audio only, I guess it would still turn on the tv right? although you might get a blank screen, tv is turned on….thats my point. It would help if we could mark the HDMI input as Audio only in the Theatre settings to avoid this.

                                    Actually the Oppo has two possibilities
                                    1. use the HDMI-audio out of the Oppo (but then you have no pictures what so ever. This seems odd to me with a Bluray player)
                                    2. switch off the screen as a feature of the Oppo (PUC connected to Theatre)

                                    And as described before I can switch off the screen as a LG G2 feature.


                                    in reply to: Beosound 5 option question #53842
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Hello Razlaw, I would say option 1? The only ‘no speakers connected’ setting is 0, but that is disabling IR remote control. Apart from Option 1, all settings are meant for a MasterLink setup in my view. “The music system has five different Option settings: Option 0. Used when your music system is connected to your video system and no speakers are connected directly to your music system. Option 1. Used when your music system is set up on its own or connected to a video system, when speakers are connected to your music system. Option 2. Used when your music system is set up in one room and connected to a video system set up in another room. Option 5. Used when your music system is set up in a link room which also comprises a Bang & Olufsen television. Option 6. Used when your music system is set up in a link room without a Bang & Olufsen television.” Regards, Johan PS – why not ML connect it to a BLC and enjoy control from other devices?

                                      In my opinion with the proposed use of the BS5, only if the option 0 is chosen will make a difference in a day to day use (of course under the condition there are no other ML device in the same room and/or ML and NL devices listening to IR commands)

                                      in reply to: Beosound Theatre HDMI Audio only #53938
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        I’m using an LG 77G1 panel and Beoremote One to control. I understand there are many Devices delivering Audio and Video via HDMI but nowadays there are also more and more delivering just audio. In the B&O app > Theatre > Settings > Sources section I can only find HDMI under “TV” and not under “Music” categorie (not 100% on the translation as I use the app in Dutch language). I guess that limits HDMI to only work with a TV (turns on the TV).

                                        An Apple TV shows moving pictures even with Apple Music! That is were it is made for! (So why shouldn’t you find it under Video?)
                                        If you do not want pictures send, shouldn’t it not be a feature of the Apple TV to reproduce audio only? For example: that’s how my Oppo BR player can be used.

                                        A way around is: switch the TV screen off after starting Apple Music (note: which I use now and then on my LG G2). See MM post.

                                        addition: You can find the Apple Music app on your LG also (at least it is supported on a G2 screen)

                                        in reply to: CD Up/Down for Beosound 9000 with ML/NL converter #53271
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          A lot of NL/ML Converter users have this question. I haven’t heard of any explanation yet. MM

                                          volume of BLC connected speakers and if the BLC has been joined it controls the volume as well.

                                          in reply to: Speaker cable length #52245
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            You indeed can daisy chain from the fronts to the speakers in the back. But then these would also act as fronts…..which probably is, what has happened in your case (?).

                                            to add to this remark: if both front speakers are daisy chained (so left and right front speakers have been assigned) and then daisy chain the rear speakers, the back speakers can only act as front speakers, as described by MM.
                                            But, for example, the right back speaker can be daisy chained to the right front speaker and be assigned in the Eclipse correctly.

                                            The rule: to one PL connection in the Eclipse one can connect AND assign two speakers. Every next daisy chained speaker will then act as one of these two assigned speakers.


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