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  • #33454
    BRONZE Member

    @Millemissen deserved pride of place at the head of this new photo thread because of actually posting a picture while the new forum was coming up!ย  Shamelessly stolen & re-posted here–>r0yb0kqciyl96iu5nj9huoq1xeekkagl

    BRONZE Member

    The Beosound 1 (2nd gen) waiting with its Doc Ock friends to go outdoors onto the deck:


    (The chairs are by Bernhardt, Ross Lovegrove’s “Go”.ย  The table is by Ekkornes, their “Enigma”.ย  Also, no-cables isn’t just the usual Danish conceit — notice the charging pad lurking on the floor!)

    GOLD Member

    Those chairs are superb!

    Location: Kent, UK
    GOLD Member

    Thanks to BeoWorld and PrizeDrawBot, my cubicle at work is looking incredible! Super thankful for the top prize in the prize draw.

    Currently it is set up on my desk because I couldn’t resist waiting until I returned home but it may stay, I’m not sure. I have cables from Steve on the way and will be connecting this to my BeoLab 4000s at home or patching it into the mixer here at work later on, TBD.

    Moment 1

    Moment 2

    Moment 3

    Location: San Francisco
    My B&O Icons: No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    BRONZE Member

    My beloved Beomaster 4400, matched with Beogram 4000 and Beovox S45-2.

    BRONZE Member

    My setup:)


    BRONZE Member

    Wow, Robert that is a stunning setup and I love your apartment


    I recently noticed that some B&O equipment had crept into one of my wedding photos, from 1989.ย  It’s actually a ‘portable’ MCL2 box consisting of two CX50’s with an MCL2 transceiver above.ย  It was connected up to my in-laws’ house B&O system by the local B&O dealer.


    Location: Warwickshire, UK
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    BRONZE Member

    Wow Guy! This must be one of the rarest bit of B&O stuff ever pictured here!!

    BRONZE Member

    What a great way to start married life – brilliant, I never know those boxes existed

    GOLD Member

    @Evan Your ‘cubical’ at work looks utterly baffling! A full-on hifi in an office cubical? How can that even be?!?! (Looks for big smiling emoji)

    A most stunning office set-up all the same, bravo!

    Location: Kent, UK
    GOLD Member

    @Evan Your โ€˜cubicalโ€™ at work looks utterly baffling! A full-on hifi in an office cubical? How can that even be?!?! (Looks for big smiling emoji) A most stunning office set-up all the same, bravo!

    Hey Pepps – Thanks! I’m very lucky to work in a place that encourages such things. Not visible in the photos is the 8″ subwoofer hiding under the desk haha! If you ever wondered what a desk looks like at a major audio hardware ODM, this should answer it! My colleagues and I work for Tymphany and there are some mega audio hardware engineers (myself included) that are hard at work here. There are a few of us with complete audio systems at our desks. The main function of the mixer is to share tunes between my nearest colleagues (to and from) depending on who wants to DJ on a given day.

    Location: San Francisco
    My B&O Icons: No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    BRONZE Member

    Thought folks would enjoy – limited edition BL28s in my home office ๐Ÿ™‚



    GOLD Member

    @beohuman The stereo image from your desk must be exhilarating! Absolutely stunning to behold. Although, at the risk of being a little cheeky here, tack those cables to the skirting and paint them in dear fellow ๐Ÿ™‚


    Location: Kent, UK
    BRONZE Member

    I read on the Interweb that analogue is better than digital, so I decided to try it out for myself and make up my own mind.

    My latest acquisition is a Beocord 506K, combination wire recorder and 78 RPM record player with built-in loudspeaker and integrated carrying handle. “Flexible living” 1950’s style. There are connectors on the side for an optional external loudspeaker and a radio input.

    As soon as I can get my hands on a compatible power cable, I’ll put on a pair of rubber gloves, plug it into an isolation transformer and see how much smoke gets released. Or maybe I should have a look inside first… Maybe someone already let the smoke out.

    Side note: If anyone else has one of these and is thinking of digging around inside, note the following: “Two UL41 tubes (push pull AF output) are located under the asbestos cover on the left.”


    BRONZE Member

    I have only the wire roll for this unique BeoCord ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Matchbox Collection 0

    GOLD Member

    I read on the Interweb that analogue is better than digital, so I decided to try it out for myself and make up my own mind.

    Nice find, looking forward to the verdict Geoff! I for sure cannot make up my mind: when I play a CD on my BeoGram CD7000, the sound goes through a BeoMaster 6500, an ML converter, a BLC, another BLC, a BeoSystem 3 and then finally to the BeoLab 8000s :-). How many digital/analog conversions would that be?
    Be careful smoking the asbestos.

    Location: Netherlands
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    GOLD Member

    B&O at work. With some Ikea, Eames and Dell in the home office mix. I gave this BC6-26 a little TLC with speakerring repair, new fret cloth and a silent fan. Now I can use it as a monitor! Nice when playing a video! Need to tidy up the cabling now.20220530_084715


    Location: Netherlands
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available

    On the move with yougtimers – Beoplay A3 & iPad 1.

    IMG_9599 (1)

    Location: Paris France

    Can’t compete with matador for stunning scenery and location, but I just got hold of this to solve my lack of FM radio in the living room:


    And added the ubiquitous AE to bring it into the 20th century ?


    Location: Warwickshire, UK
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
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