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  • in reply to: TV Recommendation #50314
    BRONZE Member

    I started this thread a few months ago – and never made a final decision.

    Basically this is down to the fact that I’m no longer sure a B&O TV is that much of a good idea.  Even B&O themselves are going down the road of considering the panels an updatable item.

    In a nutshell we want a good quality panel connected to B&O sound.

    ‘B&O Sound’ would mean a soundbar for normal tv but be able to utilise our Beolab 8000 for music stereo.  If we could ‘pull’ ML into the sound system then that would complete the perfect set up.

    I’ve looked a Stage – but can’t see how you’d connect the Beolab 8000s or ML.

    Beoconnect Core – does the stereo music ok, but not sure how you’d connect a soundbar (Stage) for normal TV.

    A Beosystem 3 – this does ML and music stereo.  Could it send output to a Stage?

    Any help once again would be gratefully received.




    in reply to: Beosound 9000 mk2 CD not playing. help needed #41620
    BRONZE Member

    clean the sensors – top and bottom of the CD rack

    otherwise usually indicates a laser issue – might need replacing?

    BRONZE Member

    Given the number of people on the site who’ve developed beolink related products (eg MasterDataTool) and also the frustrations with Beocore.  I often wonder if they’ve missed a trick by not extracting modules from the B&O TV sets – these units typically have great sound and connectivity options, but screens that get quickly out of date or become uneconomic to repair.


    in reply to: Masterlink #52901
    BRONZE Member

    I asked a similar question a while back and the most helpful suggestion in my case (due to having BS9000 in a separate room to the TV) was to use a Beosystem 3.

    This would allow you to send the tv sound to your B&O speakers and integrate into the ML network.

    in reply to: Beosound 4 / Masterlink / MCL / BC9500 #52406
    BRONZE Member


    It might have already been covered but BC9500s can cause conflicts when trying to use them as a second audio master.

    FWIW I’d go for a ML based system with a converter into the BC9500.  Then I’d add an airport express or similar into the aux socket.  That way you can feed any digital input overall the ML network via the BC9500 using your phone, laptop or ipad.



    in reply to: Beosound 1 (CD version) data link??? #51727
    BRONZE Member

    Although these units have been around for ages, I never really took much notice of them until seeing one being used in a hotel where we stayed recently.

    In the right context it looked and sounded great.  This made me think about getting one (or two!) for home.

    I see they have AUX-IN which Steve from Sounds Heavenly has a video demonstrating being used to connect (say) an Airport Express.

    I wondered if there’s any way this concept could be extended to receiving input from one of Beolink ‘black boxes’ to received input from a remote ML device.


    in reply to: MasterLink USB adapter #51013
    BRONZE Member

    Thanks so much for the prompt reply – it looks a great piece of kit.

    From a practical point of view, how do you connect into the ML network – I assume instead of ML plug you wire into a connector box?

    In terms of signal input I’d ideally use (an old unused) iMac – would that work?

    I have a Beosound 9000 version 1 master, which doesn’t support N.Music or N.Radio – is there any other way that these type of services can be accessed off the music source (ie iMAc in this case)?

    If all the above works, I’d order one tomorrow!


    in reply to: MasterLink USB adapter #51011
    BRONZE Member

    Can this device serve as an audio master in a ML circuit?

    Or is there any other way that one device can feed into multiple master link products?

    I ask as it seems a far more elegant solution that an Airport Express plugged into the Aux-In socket of an Audio Master (eg Beosound 9000).


    in reply to: BeoLink Converter 1611 Innovative Configurations #42609
    BRONZE Member

    Hi again

    Sorry – I might not have been clear on my earlier post. I wonder the a Beoceter 9500 could be used as the slave unit instead of the Beomaster 4500?



    in reply to: BeoLink Converter 1611 Innovative Configurations #42607
    BRONZE Member


    Your examples are great – really helpful – thank you.

    Your 8th .pdf shows a Beomaster 4500 in a link room connected with a special aux cable – I assume this works as a slave unit only.

    Would this setup work with any other audio products that would normally be an audio master, eg Beocenter 9500?



    in reply to: TV Recommendation #50313
    BRONZE Member

    I love the look of the BV-11, however I’m drawn to the Beosystem 3 solution overall.

    Panels go kaput and are being updated all the time – this leaves expensive B&O options vulnerable.

    Using the Beosystem 3 will hopefully give a more than acceptable sound which can be linked to whatever quality panel is desired – so for us who have ML it seems a very sensible solution.

    in reply to: TV Recommendation #50311
    BRONZE Member


    Thanks everyone for the great advice.

    Most appreciated.


    in reply to: TV Recommendation #50307
    BRONZE Member

    Sorry a (hopefully) final question.

    If you’re using a Smart TV with a Beosystem 3 and using the TV itself as the primary ‘collector’ of signal inputs (eg TV antenna, iPlayer, etc) – how do you transmit audio from the tv to the beosystem 3 for onward distribution to attached speakers?

    Normally I would imagine new TVs do this via bluetooth (eg to a soundbar) or via optical output – I can’t see either of these are input options on the Beosystem 3.

    in reply to: TV Recommendation #50306
    BRONZE Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions.

    A BV-11 + converter or a Beosystem 3 TV seem to be good options.

    Does anyone know if the digital tuner system on Beosystem 3 supports UK HD? The one on the Beovision 8-40 doesn’t anymore…

    Another query – I get the idea of adding a newer smart tv – but can these be run if ‘monitor’ mode?
    And, I guess, if they can is there any advantage anyway?



    in reply to: TV Recommendation #50302
    BRONZE Member

    I don’t mind the idea of buying a NL/ML converter and pushing up the budget a bit more if it opens up options.

    That being the case would it alter what you’d suggest?

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