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Just what I needed, thank you very much.
I have seen this and the floor stand assembly video before but could not see the link anywhere.
thanks again
I went to see the Theatre in a store yesterday. The intent is to replace an Eclipse 65 Gen1 and hopefully have something that can “keep-up” with screen development. Having spent an hour and a half being demonstrated to me I would bullet point the following from my perspective.
- The sonic capabilities for visual playback are impressive. I think this BS/BL can be used as standalone without much complaint.
- It will be interesting to hear how this unit will hand-off and compliment my BL90s. I think it will take substantial load off them for visual material. Definitely not anywhere as “good” as the 90s but can see the argument that BL28s not required upfront as valid.
- I did not hear a room calibrated Theatre as the Dealer had basically butchered a Gen3 65 Eclipse to demonstrate the Theatre. Out of the box is good.
- I was blown away by the LG C2/G2 screen clarity. A lifetime away from the Eclipse Gen1 screen.
- Still dont like the LG menu setup. B&O need to get a grip here and have their APP completely skin-over the LG interface.
- The whole setup of the Theatre is done via the APP. I was told that the BL50/90 keep their own calibrations but the Theatre “manages” the DSP for visual playback. Music playback is not changed and relies on the BL90/50 calibration.
- I dont like the motorised floor stand – either design, price or functionality. It assists in consuming too much space for the TV.
- I dont like the oak lamella frets.
- The shape and material quality of the Theatre is very good.
- I made it clear I though B&O were taking a joke on the cost of add-ons. A motorised stand which is +£1300 more than the Eclipse stand, price of the wings and VESA mount etc….
- Also made it clear that B&O have to stop making products with specialist parts that have limited life (BS5 Encore power, Moment screens, Gen1 Eclipse Screens etc..). Its a big haircut to have a product binned and to repurchase. This has been heard loud an clear apparently.
Im sure however, this is a good solution for people with Gen1 Eclipse’s and they will sell many of them.
Expecting to order mine today.
This is an interesting question. Im going to have a look soon at a Theatre to see if it is worth it. I dont like the stand options and I am still “burnt” from the uselessness of the Eclipse
- Specialised LG Panel which no longer available
- The LG Interface and operating parameters rather than pure B&O which could be more of the same.
- The Soundbar of the Eclipse cannot keep up with the BL90s. Better to mute the Soundbar and use BL90 phantom. Works much much better. Will Theatre keep up?
The marketing seems to suggest yes and seems to indicate it has a DSP which can maximise desirable sound dispersion. The question would have more to do with distance/direction and quality of the front loudspeaker vs the Theatre. I think a pair of BL90’s as fronts and 1.5-2m apart from either side of the Theatre should (according to marketing) interact better than say Bl4000/BL17/BL3, 0.5m apart from a Theatre.
(EDIT: Moved from theatre thread to avoid thread drift!)
I have had similar problems with an Eclipse Mk1. Under warranty, I had the internal HDMI cable replaced (the one in the impossible space between the screen and the sound bar. This seemed to work for awhile but soon started back up again to the disappointment of the Dealer.
I don’t know your circumstances, and what is connected to the BV, but by accident, I believe I found a cause. Our habit of traditional BVs and BSounds is to play say TV, then to flick to say CD or Video. The BV takes care of all the standby routines so only one source is active.
With LG app, music player can stay on all the time and I think this overworks the internal LAN receiver and causes a brief disconnect. The manifest is reduced BT control (both The BV and remote options) and a hard reboot, unplugging for 3 minutes etc is the only way it goes away for a while.
I have used the curser control to ensure the blue X is presses off in the LG music player app if ever used. (Because with LG, a number of sources can run concurrently). This seems to have eliminated the problem. I think this is an LG/B&O compatibility problem and something B&O should have sorted but it seems difficult to replicate somehow.
see if this helps?
There appears to be a multitude of holes in the VESA mounting plate to use. Once you select the holes and fasten, the cardboard template shows the precise location the base of the TV must be in relation to the VESA bracket.
This leaves an overlap of 9.5mm between the two and the exact clearance for the TV not to contact the Theatre when all are combined together. There are then indications of some spacing keys to enable you to fined-tune the separation.
That is how I interpret the video
30 September 2022 at 19:45 in reply to: Why isn’t there “retrofit” parts for vintage B&O stuff? #39424I’m sure there are experts that know a lot more than me. I’m only a Punter who asked the same questions a few years ago for the same reasons.
Basically, as I see it, nobody really gives a rats a55. A few 70’s and 80’s parts that only a few desire or care about.
I had a service on a BG8002. The reputedly good repairer stated the processor was irreparable. Some time later, I was told by another expert (here on this forum) that was unlikely to be the case. I found another Beo repairer in the UK and he did a grand job.
However, on inspection, he identified a plastic part on the tangential tracking which was broken (as well as all the caps etc…). There is a rumour that some repairers “swap” non-electronic parts…..good for bad…..and therefore unrepairable but that is another story.
We both investigated 3D printing but it’s was looking to be unrealistic in terms of numbers, time, modelling etc…..and possibly also from a mechanical strength perspective.
I was lucky in sourcing the broken part from a Spanish breaker shop and my Repairer (2) got it all working to perfection in the end.
However, I think the story will remain the same. Parts will be stripped from Beograms to maintain fewer and fewer Beograms
My 2 cents
Im sure it is more complicated than this…..but what drives me nuts on the Eclipse (Gen1) is the LG interface, with the Beolink control of sound etc… is total cr@p and very un-B&O.
Therefore, the error with all B&O TVs and Soundbars is the lack of video engine and tuner. I thinking if they had done this, the monitor part would have been irrelevant and B&O would have full control and upgradability rather than have a product which is totally subservient to the 3rd party monitor.
The BS Theatre continues this approach as far as I can see with limited screen compatibilities. I wonder if the BS Theatre will work on an LG 65 G3 or G4? I’d wager it could have difficulties.
Well found. Thank you
A quick question…..
has anyone see sight on how to mount the BSTheatre to the floor stand? There are no instructions online yet it appears.
STB have a traditional stand….but their prices are almost as silly as B&Os.
Im thinking of using an old stand in any future purchase decision.
IIRC, (50:50) the BV10 has only an SPDif Input. No audio digital ouptput. Thus, the BL5s can only be fed via powerlink.
If you are using the BV10 as a Master and have say a BeoSound5 in the setup via Masterlink, then you can connect the BS5 SPdif output to the BL5. However, you will still need to connect the powerlink from the BV10 to BS5 for volume control.
I was never convinced, but you can also continue the SPDif/Coax out of the BL5 to the BV10 SPDif input in a closed loop. This in theory should give optimal sound from the BS5/BV10 if you choose (for any bizarre reason) through the centre channel.
As above. 50:50. You may want to ask a friend for an alternative answer.
I think you are in a territory not many Beoworlder have wide experience of. i.e the combination non-B&O TV with current SOTA actives loudspeakers, and passives with separate amplification.
Some of my points…
1. Subwoofer. Can add this later. If you are pre-wiring in a build, wire in for a sub.
2. We suspect that B&O will release a new sound bar in September. It is suspected that it may be a Beovision Eclipse sound bar of sorts with pluggable external loudspeakers and 5.1 processing. If true, this would simplify your whole home theatre approach…..
Motivated by other Users photos, I decided to get my Beogram wired and fired into the circuit.
Let It Bleed. Rolling Stones on 33.
Beogram 8002, MMC2
Pro-Ject Phono Box E BT 5 Wireless Transmitter/Phono Amp
Beosound Essence MK2
Beolab 3
I wont say Wow…but “how quaint”.
Reading this, I would add my two cents.
The OP is asking for help. The OP has a B&O related product which is not B&O but can help renovate older B&O products…which frankly is what is most of the patrons of this site do. If we were all into new gear, Im sure B&O would have a share price more like Apples SP.
This site is great at hitting itself in the face. It is very difficult to “chat” with the right person (who are the moderators? who are the decision makers?) I dont know.
I see the initial post as a reach-out and some people have tried to help. There has been some very short-sighted interactions here Im afraid and participants are more interested to over-control, rather than let the forum flow naturally. And frankly, since the new forum…this place is dead in terms of footfall. We need to be more open and dynamic so we can all enjoy more participation.
Im sure that if the OP can up his business, and get the contacts they are enquiring about to help their business (and our older equipment more functional), they may well become “future donors” to Beoworld.
No idea why but B&O have ensured that both the cars have an old EoL 13 speaker Beosound system in the cockpit and all the amps and DSP in the nose cone.
Apparently, it’s a really rocking sound over that 13000rpm engine. Unfortunately, the added 40kg is probably why the car is a little off-pace and at the back of the grid again.
Fans on the home straight can really appreciate the clarity and neutral sound of the Beosound playing radio 4 and have apparently a longer listen time than other vehicles using the track at the same time.
I would comment with all due respect, that there is a fraternity of people out there who like to compare the DAC chips against one another. Some DAC chips are deemed good, other less so. This of course is your prerogative. I recall that the DAC is a Burr-Brown (circa 2003 vintage) and would likely not have been revised in that time.
In my opinion, B&O tend to make products with mainstream quality components rather than rely on “moon-cheese unobtainium rare specialty components”.
I would also say in my opinion what you are doing is at best unwise, and perhaps at worse, wont work(??). The BL5 is essentially an all-in-one digital active loudspeaker. loudspeaker, digital amplification, DSP and ADC/DAC are all incorporated withing the chassis.
I do not think you can bypass the internal DACs because of this. Line-in and Powerlink (essentially the same bar a few voltage differences) are analogue and will have been generated via another external DAC. The SPDif input may bypass the the ADC by definition, but will still have to go through the central processor and internal DAC.
Finally, I would say listen to the final output. Are you happy with the sound of the music? i.e. don’t listen to the DAC as the be-all and end-all.
Attached BL5 Process schematic.
18 July 2022 at 13:38 in reply to: Not B&O related but technical: Amps, speakers and impedance #36196I dont know if Im teaching you anything. Im very rusty on this kind of thing and being on B&O Actives all my adult life, Amps, Ohms and Impedence (imaginary component of resistance and reactance) is something I’ve never bothered about.
I may be wrong…..
- An Amp only delivers as much power as the work you give it. If the “work” required is too much, the amp cannot supply enough power (its the opposite as we normally see it).
- Impedance is internal resistance of a loudspeaker driver (voice coil?). Difficult to drive units are I believe either heavy, big, or rigid diaphragms. There is a lot of “work” to be done to move a unit and overcome inertia and change in acceleration (direction of drive).
- Monkey-coffin loudspeaker and amp manufacturers try to standardise a simple equation (Power, resistance, sensitivity) to give the average punter an idea of what they can buy combination-wise. I would assume that If your in the market for the wilson XVX, you would likely be in the marker for several very-high-powered, very high quality amplifiers.
No idea if this helps or its just telling you what you already know but it gave me 5minutes to think about it.
Flame me if Im wrong on the physics?
@trackbeo This is not about ….First. This is about avoiding multiple threads about the same subject. By the way – this doesn’t even deserve multiple threads
Yes. Because this Board needs to cut down on threads, topics, Posters and comment turnover!
But the light grey bars in the centre have low-res writing and suggests possibly LAN connections and PL (x2)???
“So it is because of different thing, so this is a explanation not that I don’t think it is overpriced.”
Really. OK. I’ll move on and leave you with that thought.
So just looking at the available detail.
- The 88″ is 2 x 6cm than the 83″. Slightly wider soundbar frame and grille each side.
- Internals on the 88″ and 83″ are probably the same,
- The Lift is the same
- 83″ G-panel retails in the order of £7k (4k panel)
- 88″ Z-panel to retail in the order of £25k (8k panel)
- That puts the Soundbar/Lift combo at £24k and £14k for 88 and 83″ respectively.
- £10k is a hell of an additional premium (on a premium) for an extra 12cm of soundbar/grille??
Please explain if I am wrong here? Also, who or what does 8K media at the moment? Im a little behind the times.