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    BRONZE Member

      In reality, dynamic speakers are only nominally 4 or 8  ohms. They vary their impedance with frequency. A manufacturer rates an amp’s power into a load. Therefore as the load goes from 8 to 4 an amp must deliver more current to support the voltage needed to drive the speaker. If the amp cannot its voltage will drop which reduces its watts. This just means if both an 8 and 4 ohm pair had the same sensitivity you could play the 8 ohm louder. Both will still work. Simply turn the volume down if you hear distortion from any speaker regardless of its rating.

      in reply to: Should I Spend 75$? #43586
      BRONZE Member

        Can’t really comment on it without more details. However, for $75 it’s a steal no matter its condition. It will likely need an overhaul but there are plenty of parts such as belts, relays, caps, fuses, etc available.

        in reply to: Beogram 4000 Tonearm and Sound #43474
        BRONZE Member

          Welcome. It’s great you are trying to assist her. It appears she has a 3000 not a 4000. There are adjustments for both set down point and tracking force described in the service manual available online. I would first check on how clean the stylus is. That can be done with a magnifying glass. How comfortable are you with taking things apart and putting them back?

          in reply to: Stylus and cartridge for Beocenter 2000? #41489
          BRONZE Member

            Yes the E will work fine and trace better since it’s an elliptical shape versus the spherical of the S.

            in reply to: Beogram 6002/8002/TX etc. platter issue #42866
            BRONZE Member

              Its conductivity is not functional since it’s used optically to be non-reflective for record edge detection.

              BRONZE Member

                You need to adjust your speed as well.

                in reply to: Which BeoGram for my Beosound 5 ? #43425
                BRONZE Member

                  You need a Beogram with a built in preamp. See for a list.

                  in reply to: Arm on Beogram 5000 worn’t move down #43402
                  BRONZE Member

                    The easiest first check is to make sure your counterweight has not moved. Is the arm able to go down by adding more tracking force?

                    in reply to: Beogram 4002 – should I replace the capacitors #43351
                    BRONZE Member

                      Welcome to the forum! You can find the service manual online which describes testing for the detection signal. If you are not comfortable with soldering and desoldering I would fine someone that is. While replacing caps and relays is called for as a general restoration strategy nothing is harmed to wait for a failure if it’s working fine. You can even live with the detection issue if it’s not simply an adjustment.

                      in reply to: Beogram 6002/8002/TX etc. platter issue #42864
                      BRONZE Member

                        That paint is not conductive as it only needs to be non-reflective. I don’t have a specific recommendation as B&O never published this to my knowledge.

                        in reply to: beogram options #43342
                        BRONZE Member

                          A Beogram 1900 would be a less expensive option and still have the squared form factor and matching finish.

                          in reply to: problème son #43254
                          BRONZE Member

                            Welcome! Your problem is likely the amp and not the turnable. Which amp do you have the speakers plugged into? Can you describe the nature of the noise (hum, hiss, thumps, etc)? Does it have a headphone jack you can try? If so do you hear the same noise?

                            in reply to: Beogram for BeoMaster #42883
                            BRONZE Member

                              Dave, my recommendation regarding Sound-Smith was only for re-tipping the cartridge. Your other answers indicate the presence of potentially more than one problem. In your original post you stated that it stopped moving last week. Was it in regular use up to that point or had it been unused for a significant period of time? Before recommending a repair approach, since you’ve already been inside:

                              1. Do you have a VOM?

                              2. Do you have any soldering/desoldering experience or skills?

                              3. Have you ever used a circuit diagram?

                              If the above answer are all no, then your best bet would be 3rd-party repair. The Service Manual is online and it does not need to be repaired by a B&O service shop. Any reputable audio equipment technician should be able to fix this and they could even post here for guidance. However, you need to decide whether the cost of a re-tip plus such a repair is worth it to you versus selling it “for parts or repair” online? In yours condition they still go for $200-$300 assuming its cosmetic shape is good..

                              in reply to: RX2 Tonearm issue #42858
                              BRONZE Member

                                The hardest part of a B&O repair is taking it apart so it goes back together!

                                BRONZE Member

                                  If putting such a weight on it is not disrupting its suspension and belt running location, then its suspension height is not correctly adjusted.  Such a weight requires readjustment to compensate. Non-suspended turntables such as direct drives do not have this requirement.  The WFGUI with a test record and the DIN filter should better reflect the true performance. If you get a good belt and everything is adjusted properly and still seeing W/F>.2 then I would suspect the motor bearings may need a new oill suffusion or replacment.

                                  BRONZE Member

                                    First you should note that your phone is heavy relative to a record and this will negatively impact the WF test on most beograms due to their lightweight construction, floating suspension and low torque. To use that app you need to readjust the suspension so it’s free and level when the phone is centered over the spindle and that the belt is centered on the pulley and platter. You should also also make sure the motor pulley and platter edge are clean. Finally, unless you got the belt from a legitimate B&O parts site, I would suspect it.

                                    in reply to: Beogram 4002 – Pressing STOP button #43037
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Your problem has nothing to do with the control panel switches. The problem is typically with the solenoid that raises the arm or the pivot point is gummed up. These should be disassembled, cleaned and aligned. You also may need to demagnetize the rod in the solenoid.

                                      in reply to: Beogram for BeoMaster #42881
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Does the platter spin once the arm has moved towards the center? Does the arm respond to the cueing control when it has moved inward? Does the 33 speed adjust light illuminate?  Given its age, if the above answers are all no, then it’s likely the electrolytic capacitors need to be replaced as there is insufficient voltage. There may be additional issues but until power is restored one can’t say.

                                        in reply to: Beosound 2 – need help #42860
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          I agree with B&O’s assessment as it could be either the tweeters or their amps or both depending on the nature of the failure. This can happen if played too loud for too long with a lot of high frequency content, a transient passed thru the system, or simply a part failed which can be age or heat related or simply an impurity that finally caused a failure. Bottom line is to have a B&O Service Center fix it as it definitely is worth fixing.

                                          in reply to: Beogram for BeoMaster #42879
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            Dave, what you may be remembering is that the remote control of the turntable was specific to the Beomaster system using Datalink. This required using a 7-Pin DIN cable to the compatible receiver. There is no issue with the audio.

                                            While I cannot help you with a service location, since parts are no longer available from B&O directly, you don’t need to go to a B&O dealer for service. Perhaps if you describe the specific nature of your 4002 failure, I can assist you in self-service.

                                            Your cartridge will not be able to be repaired at a service center. Since you are in the U.S. I recommend checking out as Peter does excellent work.

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 181 through 200 (of 339 total)