Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision BV Horizon – Cannot log into Google

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    BRONZE Member

      I had reset my BV Horizon and now need to log in again to my Google account. Unfortunately, this does not seem possible. It says that my username/password is incorrect although I am 100% certain and tested that I entered it correctly. I don’t seem to be alone with my issue. See below link on reddit.

      BeoVision Horizon – Google Login
      byu/d90c5 inBangandOlufsen

      I have enabled 2FA. The explanation on B&O website on this is a bit cryptic though what exactly I am meant to do.

      Any thoughts from this group? Appreciate all help!

      BRONZE Member

        Any thoughts on my issue above?

        BRONZE Member

          Any thoughts on my issue above?


          you did set Google to 2 step authentication, right?

          you confirmed, this is working with a Google account?
          did you log out on the BV40 and log in again? did your phone then ask for the verification?


          BRONZE Member


            Yes, Google has been set to 2-step authentication.

            I am currently logged out. When trying to log in on my BV Horizon, it does not ask me for verifcation. It insteed gives me the error message that the credentials/password are not correct. I triple-checked and the info is correct though.

            BRONZE Member

              Have you tried to temporarily disable 2FA and then login on the BV? Does that work or *give a different error*?

              BRONZE Member

                Thanks, I tried this. Unfortunately this gives me the same error message.


                  In your Google Account Manager Security Settings, are there any indications that Google is blocking access? It should show any security activity or alerts, and there may be useful info in the ‘Third Party Apps with Account Access’ section. You may need to set up an App Password – I had to do this for a couple of apps (albeit not B&O related) when google brought in forced 2FA.

                  Location: Warwickshire, UK
                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
                  BRONZE Member

                    I didn’t find any evidence in Google Security settings. Neither in 3rd party apps, where only my Beosound shows up. Any other thoughts?

                    BRONZE Member

                      Unfortunately, I still cannot log into Google. This prevents me from using Chromecast and Spotify-Connect, which are critical to me ๐Ÿ™

                      I realized another issue, which may or may not be related. When trying to open streaming apps, it asks me to log on to the “B&O Smart TV server”. It times out saying “Conncting to B&O Smart TV Server”. Any idea whether that’s working for other BV Horizon owner and what the latest software is? Mine is from 2019.

                      BRONZE Member
                        1. I realized another issue, which may or may not be related. When trying to open streaming apps, it asks me to log on to the โ€œB&O Smart TV serverโ€. It times out saying โ€œConncting to B&O Smart TV Serverโ€.

                        Is there anything “internet connected” that works on the TV?

                        Does any streaming app work?


                        BRONZE Member

                          Yes, everything else works.

                          I think I found the solution on reddit and also the B&O hotline confirmed the issue.

                          If you factory-reset the BV Horizon, you basically brick it. Google stopped supporting the BZ Horizon, so you can no longer log into Google and also not use any smart device features.

                          B&O recommends to connect a Apple TV instead. This does not solve though that Spotify-Connect and native Chromecast no longer works.

                          Seems I now have two devices (Horizon and Moment) that are bricked due to B&O no longer updating the software or not renewing licenses. In case of the Horizon, this is quite an early decision as it was still sold 3 (?) years ago…

                          Lesson learnt!

                          GOLD Member

                            The Horizon is what it is – you can complain about it or notโ€ฆ.it wonโ€™t change anything.

                            Iโ€™d follow the advice from the dealer, to add an AppleTVโ€ฆ..maybe a Chromecast (or both).

                            Iโ€™d say, make the best of what you have!

                            If you need Spotify just cast to the Chromecast dongle.
                            On the AppleTV you can install the Spotify appโ€ฆ..this works well as a Spotify Connect receiver.
                            Also there are also small Spotify Connect capable devices, that you could connect to the analog line-in of the tv.

                            Streaming your own DLNA/NAS based content (if you have such) can be done using one of many apps on a mobile device to cast or airplay.
                            (I knowโ€ฆ.this is not โ€œMoment-likeโ€, but the option of listening to music is there).

                            As you know – you can still have internet radio, when the Moment is integrated with the Horizon.



                            Location: Flensborgโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”Danmark
                            BRONZE Member

                              Thanks. I already have an ATV connected. I am happy with panel and audio quality.

                              The device is bricked though since the firmware ugrade. Transparenct by B&O would have helped… Or working on some form of fix…

                              I like your constructive spirit thinking of solutions.

                              I would like to be able to stream audio to the Horizon, while the Horizon is turned off. Ideally via Spotify Connect, but anything else would be a fine substitute. Not sure that’s doable though with any of the solutions you lay out? Also, I don’t think the B&O APP supports streaming to non-B&O Spotify-Connect implementations?

                              GOLD Member

                                I would like to be able to stream audio to the Horizon, while the Horizon is turned off. Ideally via Spotify Connect, but anything else would be a fine substitute. Not sure thatโ€™s doable though with any of the solutions you lay out? Also, I donโ€™t think the B&O APP supports streaming to non-B&O Spotify-Connect implementations?


                                The Horizon will have to be onโ€ฆ..that is the brain of the setup.
                                However, if I am not mistaken you can mute the picture, when just listening (I knowโ€ฆ.an additional step, but doable).

                                Spotify Connect is not a fully integrated part of the Bang & Olufsen app – choosing Spotify will always redirect to the Spotify app.
                                So no matter which Spotify endpoint/receiver you use, you will have to use the original Spotify app.

                                Tip: If you airplay from the Spotify app to the ATV box (assumed this is Puc-controlled), you will be able to play/pause and skip tracks with the Beoremote.


                                Location: Flensborgโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”Danmark
                                BRONZE Member

                                  Hi Steve, I know that this is quite an old thread but did you see this link on Reddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/BangandOlufsen/comments/x8gohw/beovision_horizon_google_login/

                                  It links to two files on Dropbox, one with instructions and one with a .exe file that you run from a PC on the same network. Maybe it will help get the old software back on?


                                  Manual: https://www.dropbox.com/s/orxh3wl9ggyp2zo/Google%20Updater%20Help.pdf?dl=0

                                  Files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ff082s7mtjzo5g/GoogleUpdater.zip?dl=0

                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Okay, I have the answer here.

                                    B&O released the update software to their service partners, and the only way to be able to update to the new Google platform (and update everything) is to take it to them. They can then connect to the TV and upload the software which will then enable everything to be updated.

                                    Absolute pain, I know – but I take all my Android TV’s to my local Service Center to have them updated before sale.


                                    Location: Eastbourne England
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Hooray!!! Thanks @Pipeandslippers for pointing me to the update. The manual is excellent. After following the steps, all works well again.

                                      The Android OS is still incredibly slow and outdated but at least it is working again. This is great progress and great to see B&O found a way to fix it (or someone else did).

                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Oh thatโ€™s great. Iโ€™m glad to hear it!


                                        Lee – what do they charge for this service?

                                        BRONZE Member

                                          Hi @Pipeandslippers , sounds like you found the perfect way to solve this problem which I have also with my beovision 14. Do you have any idea if there is a Mac OS Version of this tool? This .exe doesn’t work for me. Hmmm. ย Thanx, Christoph

                                          BRONZE Member

                                            I have an Avant 75 NG, does the solution work for this as well. I am getting the same ‘Invalid Login Details’ issue.

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