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    BRONZE Member

      Has anyone recently purchased a video engine?
      mid anyone has more details on the parts that overheat I could also try to replace only those parts.
      I found one Avant at my parents home and want to bring it back to life. One idea would be to add a bigger cooling and a low noise fan with heat control and print an extension in 3D to nicely place the fan.

      in reply to: BeoVision EEPROM Sicherung und PUC Aktualisierung #62131
      BRONZE Member



        I have the exact same problem. Would need the cable and the software as my dealer is not servicing those devices anymore.

        Would be amazing if someone in Germany could help.



        in reply to: Beosound GVA Variants: Setup possible without Google? #59901
        BRONZE Member
          Sorry it was the BeoSound Level 😉
          in reply to: Beosound GVA Variants: Setup possible without Google? #59871
          BRONZE Member

            I had a BeoSound Level with GVA and the biggest problem was that without the Google Home setup I can’t use a BeoRemote one or any other Bluetooth device with it.

            But the great B&O service changed it to a non GVA Version for me 😉

            in reply to: Beoplay H100 Review #58989
            BRONZE Member

              Great video Steve.

              Christmas is around the corner and your video reminds me I have to get presents 😉

              My wife needs a new pair of Headphones as our little one destroyed the H9i so probably the H100s are the tech present this year. They look really nice

              in reply to: Confidential – New B&O Products #55960
              BRONZE Member

                Thanks Steve for the Video.
                I just wanted to add one comment.

                This is a public beta program so way more reliable than a closed beta program. But it is still a beta program. Joining and updating your devices may cause products to temporarily stop working, loss of functions or just result in errors.


                I have two devices in the beta program (one BS Level and one BS Emerge) both have Ben resetted at least 10 times over the last 12 months, had connectivity issues etc.

                I would not recommend to update products with beta software if you need them daily and don‘t want to have troubles. The user experience is definitely different than the one with release candidates. But this is what the beta program is for 😉

                in reply to: BeoCenter 2 – Display Backlight repair #55602
                BRONZE Member

                  Hi all,

                  I just opened my BeoCenter 2 and fully cleaned it. Next step is remove the sticky part of the soft paint.

                  It looks like the Display is a VFD Display. Looks like a new repair part is pretty expensive. I think I will stay with the “dark” one 😉

                  in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54942
                  BRONZE Member

                    So I just got an update from B&O.
                    the Mozart Plattform is officially not supported by BeoLink Gateway. For the integration of the Mozart Plattform I had to upgrade to the BeoLiving Intelligence.

                    Do we have somebody on the forum who could write an unofficial driver for the Mozart Devices? Would be a nice community project that I would be willing to support 😉

                    in reply to: Honey……I’m home! #54826
                    BRONZE Member

                      Great the forum is back!

                      in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54254
                      BRONZE Member

                        I probably open a thicket with B&O as I think officially my Mozart speakers support BeoLink.

                        in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54252
                        BRONZE Member

                          They are seen by the BLGW but it looks like they won’t synchronise. They are on the same network and the Beolink NL/ML is also seeing the sources. So it has to do with the BLGW. Is there something I missed?

                          I assigned them via Ressources to the Rooms but then can’t see the individual resources in Interfaces.IMG_5911IMG_5908

                          in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54250
                          BRONZE Member

                            So I managed to get the BeoSound Stage, BeoSound Core and BeoVision 7 to work.

                            i am now trying the light switches but I think I understood the logic.

                            The thing that won‘t work is the BeoSound Level and Emerge. Is the Motart Plattform not working with BeoLink? I can‘t see any source in the BeoLink Gateway from those devices and they don‘t show up in the BeoLiving App.

                            in reply to: BeoLink Gateway setup help #54249
                            BRONZE Member

                              So i just did reset the BeoLink Gateway to completely restart the whole setup.

                              I found some YouTube videos with some explanations and I will follow those for the first time setup.

                              I will reach out if I have finished the first setup (hopefully this evening).


                              Btw. If I press radio on my Beo4 or BeoOne in the Living Room the B&O radio from the core starts to play on the BeoVision (IR Mode 2). SO I think I probably just need a Macro that says Press Radio on Beo4  in Living Room?

                              in reply to: Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.x.x. #49156
                              BRONZE Member

                                is there a way to downgrade the App? This is the worst experience I made with B&O in years.

                                Assuming you are using ios, go to the testflight app, tap the app icon and scroll down to go to “previous builds”. Having the same problems as yours concerning Nl and ML sources routed by NL/ML converter, I rolled back to version 57759. Before downgrading, I sent comments to the team and listed the missing sources. I suggest you to send comments too. Regards, Yann.


                                Thanks Yann

                                I will give TestFlight a try but honestly this sounds like nobody from b&o tested the app. If it just where the sources of the NL/ML. I miss for example b&o radio on all Mozart devices. If I played from line in before and then want to switch back to radio it is not possible to select radio.

                                Multiroom stopped completely to work (delays, problems in connecting, connected but no sound) . What did this update do? I currently have over 5 support tickets with b&o. I never experienced something like that in my last 20 years with b&o.

                                in reply to: Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.x.x. #49154
                                BRONZE Member

                                  I did some upgrades to my BeoSounds yesterday and also updated the app.

                                  I should have checked the forum first. Honestly nothing works anymore. I had to reset the BeoSound Level Stereo Pair two times already as it is just not working correctly and the App is just horrible.

                                  Besides the really bad visual design and UI it really is a step back in functionality. My NL/ML Converter misses all sources. Connecting to the NL/ML doesn’t‘t work in a lot of cases. My BeoSounds are out of sync in Multitoom use one remote stopped to work, etc.


                                  I honestly have never experienced such an behaviour by an update.


                                  is there a way to downgrade the App? This is the worst experience I made with B&O in years.

                                  in reply to: BeoSound Stage and compatible TVs #48893
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Thanks for all your Help. So basically when I use a LG OLED Tv with my BeoSound Stage the whole Setup has the same user experience as using a BeoVision TV?

                                    I am currently struggling with a Decision, whether to go with a C2 or C3 OLED as the difference seems not to be big but price difference is 500 EUR. For the Office Room the TV is not the most important thing 😉

                                    One other thing. When I use the Setup with an integrated LG OLED, is there a way to add a projector? Something like with an HDMI splitter?

                                    in reply to: BeoSound Stage and compatible TVs #48888
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      So C1, CX and C9 are supported but no C3?

                                      Is this a real technical limitation or might other LG OLEDS also work?

                                      in reply to: Top audio, missed opportunities, B&O & new customers #48516
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        I totally agree @Mr10Percent.
                                        The biggest problem is that b&o has a very bad marketing. Actually it is non existing. The influencer stuff they do is not important for really wealthy people. They need the story and this is missing.

                                        Every little boy dreams about owning a Porsche, Ferrari, girls dream about owning a Hermes Birkin bag. But I have never seen kids in elementary school playing that they have a b&o. This commercial actually describes what b&o needs to have success with this strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sWPHKU1XZU

                                        They need kids that dream of owning the damn product.

                                        in reply to: Top audio, missed opportunities, B&O & new customers #48514
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          I had a long conversation with my dealer today and he said he will probably close down his business in the next 12 months. He complained that already b&o‘s target group was very limited and this price increase will leave him no other choice. The other problem is that online stores sell some stuff with 30-40% rebate.

                                          As I work a lot with the future clientel B&o has targeted and I know some brands very well that have the same target group as I work daily with them I see two problems for B&o.

                                          1. Their future customers need to know B&o. B&O is not well known in that target group and on top they miss an amazing story. Their story is good but it is not that good that people are attracted by it. Good design is not everything 😉

                                          2. with their descision to aim at a new segment they probably lose a big portion of old customers. And their segment is extremely small. Normally luxury brands live from two types of customers. The ones that can easily afford and those who always wanted to be part of that story.

                                          I wish B&o all the best but in my opinion this is the wrong way. They should keep in mind they are not targeting the top 1% of people. Their new target group is the top 0,001% of people and even those only need a tv and speakers from time to time and they are way less attracted to the newest tech than the top 1%. We are mostly talking old money here.


                                          p.s. I can‘t see one single German reseller who has applied the new prices 😉

                                          in reply to: Beosaund Emerge & BR one #48573
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            I did a test with mine today. I have a BR1 connected to a pair of BeoSound Emerge. I can move through nearly the whole house and control it. No loss of connection etc.

                                            probably do the whole pairing again. Do a reset of the speaker and upgrade the software. This should not happen.

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