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Yes, you can daisychain multiple speakers using the builtin or external switch/splitter.
The Powerlink cable carries two channels aka stereo – you set the behaviour (left or right) via the small jumper on the speaker.Depending on the room this can be handy.
The other option is to connect the second set to a Beolink Active box – > sw 1.5 – and connect this to the main unit with a Masterlink cable.
You can get these pretty cheap second hand.
N.B. In order to get this working with the old 2500 you also need the Beolink Converter (1611).This gives you the option of turning on the sound from the main unit/the 2500 independently in two rooms and also control the volume there independently.
The Beolink Active has an infrared eye for remote controlling.
This is ideal if you want the speakers in two seperate rooms.
You can have multiple sets of speakers/Beolink Active in your home, if you need that.If you want to connect the additional speakers to a tv, there are optional ways to do this.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThe 8000’s do not have the required second PL port.
You’d have to use an external splitter from the first to the second.
However, since you want a BL11 as well, you simply run the PL cable to that and use the 2 output port there for the 8000’s.Since you have no other input option on the 2500, you will need to use the A.Aux there for an external device.
P.S. Why it that a problem for you?MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark’……Also the core is a part of a larger eco-system I cant put on the BST (Phono player via digital RIAA, Roon via Mac Mini ect)’
Please explain… order to understand why the BST should not be able to do what the Core does now.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkIt seems to me – from your picture(s), that you still have two PL cables going in to the BL5 – one from the Core and also one from the Theatre/the Almando Switch.
The switch is meant for connecting two devices to one set of BL’s.
Daisychaining like that from the switch to the two different speaker will be a mess, when setting up in the Theatre.
You would not need a splitter for that by the way – just go from the 5 to the 3…..if that really is what you want to.If I understand the underfloor cabling right……..why not use the underfloor PL cable for a BL3.
Daisychaining that to the 3 on the right is maybe possible.Then move the BL5 up to the right side of the BST (and connect it there with a PL cable)….if enough space in the room.
If you still want to use the Core with the 5’s, the Almando might help – although I do not know what happens, if you have the coax connection there too.P.S.
With your experience of multichannel/Atmos you should be predestinated to have that in your home too ?
And you can make as many combinations of speakers as you need….for different purposes.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThe doubled PL’s that excist in many BL’s is just a switch used to daisychain the PL signal to another speaker.
Of course it is always a delicate matter to give advice to someone, when you do not know the details of the room and the circumstances.
Looking forward to hear how you get along.You can read about the ‘receiver 1 issue’ in the big BST thread
This has been mentioned several times there.
It has to do with the fact that the BST knows the values etc of basicly all recent and previous Beolabs and can use this to calculate the filters, when you use Room Sense (with the help of the microphone).
But it can not know, what is connected to a Receiver 1.I guess there will be a way to solve this soon.
A workaround could be the ‘good old’ white noice setting up (like with the previous BV’s), that was introduced again not long ago for the BST.
This will not work as well as the Room Sence method, but it will work.——
I disagree with you, when you say, that ‘the surround bit is just for fun’.
Multichannel sound is a way to enhance/improve the experience of both sound from video and from music…….when done well.
And Atmos adds/can add to this experience.Of cource you need to listen to (well made) multichannel/Atmos music content first in order to recognize this.
I must admit that taste can be pretty individual.
But IMO ignoring multichannel music is often more a result of refusing to experience new things/ways of listening (we often tend to stick with old habits).To 2.
The only way to get around this probably is to try out the Almando Switch.
In my experience – many other BST owners agree – ones speaker setup will sound different/better when connected to the BST and properly ‘room sensed’.
I was pretty surpriced by the difference, when I changed from my old Avant 1st gen to the BST.
Did you try to set up your 5’s directly to the BST including using the Room Sense method?
Try making a listening position with only the 5’s L/R and play some 2 channel aka stereo music.Have fun.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkYou should never connect two devices/two PL cables to one speaker!!!
(I did not suggest that!)
And the splitter cable won’t change that.In theory the Almando Switch should work.
However, if it does in your case, I can’t say.
You could try that out – I am sure you can return the switch if not.In general I am pretty sure that the result of having two this different speakers as surrounds/rears will not be satisfying (unless you decide for yourself that it is).
Rear/surround speakers have nothing to do with Atmos (that comes from upfiring/hight channels).
The right respectively the left speaker there become their own seperate signal/channel from the source in a 5.0 speaker setup.Honestly – I’d rethink the setup!
Please do concider if one of the 3 suggested solutions (especially 2) could be possible instead.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkBasicly you can do anything, you’d want to with the speaker set up?
However, if anything is good, is another question??You could (and should) try out what you propose, but you will have to remove the Core/Coax and run pure PL from the Theatre (daisychaining is possible).
The roles for the speakers etc is set up in the Theatre/app.
You can make as many Listening Positions as you like (and delete those again). Do remember to take time in account – and you need to take off the frontcover for connecting the microphone.If you do not like what you hear……
……as I see it you have some other options:1: Bite the bullet and reorganize the speakers (in the end your wife will get used to it) for a as good as possible setup = the 5’s as fronts and a set of BL17’s as rears/surrounds (these are WiSA capable).
Or as an option for this – when B&O will have sorted out the Theatre/Receiver 1 problem – a set of BL3’s.
You do not need the Core for that setup – the Theatre offers everything a Core has and more.2: Use the 5’s and the Core as is…..for music.
Add rears/surrounds to the Theatre as described above – this alone will certainly bring a lot to the Theatre.3: Depending on your room layout and the seating/listening position, move and set up the BL5’s (PL cable required) as surrounds for the Theatre and make an additional Listening Position/speaker group for listening to music/radio with the 5’s only.
You will never be able to connect the 5’s via a receiver 1 – it does not work with the 5’s.P.P.S.
Certain rumours say that there at some point will be an option of connecting the new Mozart based speakers as surrounds.
But!!! It is way to early to say anything about when and how this would work or whether you can mix with wired speakers in the front etc etc.
Just to say that there might be another option…..if you can wait long enough ?Happy playing with the Theatre.
MMLocation: Flensborg————DanmarkSo, what is next up for a change then?
The BS Stage with Mozart…..that could be fun, once they finish the sw for adding the other Mozart speakers as rears.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkStill on 2.3.4 here.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThanks for clarifying – I’ll pass that on to my friend.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkYou use an external device for regular tv viewing with the bedroom BST, right?
Not the internal tuner of the LG?MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark1. I like it!
I found the button to turn off sound (should be off be default imo).
The single page option does not work correct with all documents.
Single page is handsome if you – like me – use an iPad and that way can have the text a bit higger.2. In order to decide which is best, I’d need to have both options…..for A/B comparison.
3. With some documents this might be the better way.
However, I’d prefer to have both options….if that is possible and not too much work for you.Thanks for trying out new things, Keith – much appreciated.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThe Flatpanel test of the Theatre is now online on the danish site:
Test – Theatre – danishI suppose that it will soon be available in english on the site as well.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThat should not be a problem.
There are lots of phono preamps that have one or more aux input ports in addition to the built-in Riaa amp (they are basicly a switch).In that case you do not need the ‘phono preamp/aka Riaa preamp’ that you mentioned in your first post.
Beware – but you probably know it – that some BG’s already have a Riaa preamp built in.
On a side note – personally I would not bother about ‘tube’.
The Theatre has many options to ‘design’ the sound for the inputs.
You can make a sound setup just for the line input there pretty much to your likings.
However, that is just my opinion.MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmarketype76 wrote:
‘I mean BG>phono preamp > preamplifier>theatre’If there already is a ‘phono preamp’, there will be no need for further preamping.
That is the way any BG must be setup to a line-input.I was just curious, if etype76 wanted something extra to manipulate the signal – some people want to add tube preamps and alike, when they want to listen to vinyl.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkWhen I had my A8, it was running on wifi – so that should not be a problem.
The problem is your new router/the settings.
Hard to say anything, when one does not know the brand, the settings, the strenghts of the signal.After resetting it, I would try connecting it with a cable – that some times helps and can give you access to the menu for the wifi password.
Use the Bang & Olufsen app to set it up.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkGreat – we should be happy to be the costumers of such a company.
Not many would offer that kind of service for a buyer of a second hand product, that is long eol.Personally I haven’t heard of this before – but obviously they knew.
Have fun with your M5.
This should be the latest/recent sw:
Software 2.1.50868 – Release date 31st October 2022MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThe Beosound 8 never had a wifi/network connection option.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkIch kann da nicht viel helfen.
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