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The ‘Gen…own General Up’ in some cases instead of the volume bar must be something temporary.
I’m not sure. If you tap on the product icon near these commands, it opens a sub-page where you find the volume of possibly linked products.
I only have the ‘Gen…own General Up’ thing with my converters.
Neither has speakers connected, so I can’t test why they are there/what they are supposed to do.That pushing the product icon reveals the multiroom options has been so for quite a while.
On my iPad it looks this way.Of course that looks different due to the different form factor.
For the phone they had no other option than letting it slide up from the buttom.Thinking about it……why not have an icon for all sources (including B&O Radio and NAS-based music) on the right side of the volume bar and let these appear similar to the multiroom options on the left.
Then have the Home button on the top instead of the ‘Sources’ arrow.
This way they could skip the lower bar with the (now) three icons, that you can only reach by closing the ‘Now Playing’ screen.This would mean being able to manage all basic control right from the ‘Now Playing’ screen.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkDitto ?
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkYes, some progress….the linked sources are now showing.
But why are the built-in sources (B&O Radio etc) still missing?The ‘Gen…own General Up’ in some cases instead of the volume bar must be something temporary.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkHard to say – I do not know the prices of preused BV’s in your region.
I’d buy from a B&O dealer, even if that would be a bit more expensive.
Tell him that you have a max budget……
Also you might need some help setting up the converter.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkIt was asked….if someone was ‘brave enough’ to install the newest beta (that from yesterday).
I was!
My daily iPad still runs the 5.3 – another iPad runs the newest beta (as soon as it is offered), so no harm done.
I can’t say that this newest beta (5.5.1 ( has brought big improvements… least not in my set up.
But I have noticed that the NL/ML Converter is mentioned – many of us had thought that they had totally fordotten it.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThe thread that you have linked to, had already started to cover the 5.5.
I’d find it usefull not to split ‘the beta thread’ into two threads.Since I was the one who started the thread, I have now renamed it to ‘……Beta version 5.x.x.’
and would ask people to continue using that thread.P.S.
Yes, I am ‘brave enough’ – this is no problem, when you have more devices.
My daily iPad still runs the 5.3 – another iPad run the newest beta (as soon as it is offered).
I can’t say that the newest beta has brought big improvements… least not in my set up.
Although I have noticed that the NL/ML Converter is mentioned – many of us had thought that they had totally fordotten it.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkBV7-55 – sure…..I forgot about that.
That might be a candidate.But they are so bulky.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkIf it is a must, that your ‘new tv’ has to be ML compatiple, there is not much to upgrade.
The BV10 – which basicly is the same tv in another design – was available up to 55”.
However, it is an old tv…and can hardly be seen as an upgrade.This means, that – if you plan to keep the ML setup – you will have to look into the use of the NL/ML Converter
That would give you the option of concidering the newer BV’s BV11/BV Avant…..BV Eclipse and so on.
With a solution based on the BS Theatre and an LG tv there still are some limitations, but it is doable.MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark8 November 2023 at 09:42 in reply to: How disconnect multiroom on Beosound Essence and remote #50284What is it that bothers you, what do you miss???
I guess I fail to see your problem.
Maybe someone else can chime in here.MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark7 November 2023 at 18:17 in reply to: How disconnect multiroom on Beosound Essence and remote #50282Then just use them independently – nothing forces you to use multiroom.
I suppose that you have speakers connected to the Essence.
What does the Essence Remote control?MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark7 November 2023 at 14:19 in reply to: How disconnect multiroom on Beosound Essence and remote #50280Hi gumbots
Actually you have ‘a Beolink multiroom’.
Your two devices – Stage and Essence – do build a B&O network assuming they are on the same home network.But why do you want to disconnect?
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkScreenshot please?
Guessing……..’Essence MK1’ must be the first version – the one that was (and still isn’t) NetworkLink compatiple.
Then the ‘Essence’ must be the later/the MK2, which can be part of the Beolink multiroom setup.P.S
No idea of how the Android version of the app works.However, trying to set up a device should reveal which device you actually have.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkWhy not just connect the Note/the WiiM to the line-in of the Moment?
I suppose that the Moment has auto sense there just like other newer products.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkKeine Probleme hier.
Dies ist mit neuer App und einer Essence MK2.
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkFirst of all you will need an A/V receiver with a pre-out section – alternatively a pure multichannel preamp (these are not as common and tend to be more expensive).
Since you have speakers with their own amps (Beolabs), you need an audio processor with unamplified outputs for at least the L/R/(C)/Sub channels.You will have to connect the Transmitter to that.
See this guide for howto.Furthermore you will need an additional Beolab as the center channel.
Alternatively you might also be able to use the powered (center speaker) outputs of an A/V receiver for feeding the built-in Sony speaker.Be prepared for some hassle setting this up!
Once set up you might be able to use the Sony remote for volume control and other basic controls (CEC makes that possible).The Core will not fit in there – but most modern A/V receivers have support for various music streaming sources.
Also the extractor will not be needed.Not ‘that much B&O’ left there……apart from the BL18/19.
Only option to integrate the functions of the Core is to get a newer B&O television (in which case you won’t need the Core any more….these functions are built-in to the BV).
If you want to keep the Sony, the only option is the Beosound Theatre.
With the Theatre however, the better choice will be to go for an LG tv.MM
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkUsing the Sony speakers as a center channel is a nice idea…..if you have an A/V receiver – or rather an audio processor, that can provide the center channel signal.
This is not the case with the Core, since this is a 2 channel (aka stereo) device.
You can – as you know – use the Core with the extractor and the tv.
But you must rely on the phantom center channel, that is created, when you sit right in front and centric of the speakers equaly positioned on either side of the tv.
You will never have a dedicated center channel this way!This goes for all brands of tv’s.
Location: Flensborg————Danmark….und die 6000 sollten – mittels Dipschalter im Anschlussfeld – L respectively R sein (linker/rechter Lautsprecher).
Location: Flensborg————DanmarkThat is highly interesting – thanks and congratulations on the result.
I see the benefits of using the 5500 and the panel, but it would potentially work with any B&O master/system with a datalink-based A.Tape input port… I assume.
Will be interesting to hear how high the costs will be and how many ‘subscibers’ you’d need, befor starting making a batch.
The video is ok!MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark5 November 2023 at 12:39 in reply to: BEOMASTER 5500 – Connecting a WiiM Pro Plus to Pre-Outs? #50108I got interested in this because there was something, that I did not know of ?
The fact that there is a function, called AirPlay 2 Casting is interesting.
Seems that noone else has implemented this in a device.
It is interesting, because it offers new possibilities for those who have a ‘mixed setup’, a setup that involves AirPlay capable speakers/devices.Not that I need it!
It has been possible for many years to distribute AirPlay in a (B&O) NL network – I have done that since the update for the ASE products back then.
That is Beolink!Note: My setup is based purely on B&O products.
It works like this – start playback via AirPlay to one of your devices (in this example: iPad to ‘Essence i spisestuen’) and then simply add others in the B&O app or Join In via the remote/the local control on the wanted device.As you can see, I started the playback/using AirPlay to one of my Essence 2 boxes and then added further devices in the app – they all play in sync……my trusted old V1 tv even displays the title track etc.
I can pause/skip tracks from everywhere, add or remove rooms as I please.In my setup I also have my old Beosystem 6500 (now only Master and CD and an Essence box on the A.Tape)
I can play e.g. CD’s (including starting/controlling the playback from any ASE product-based room in the house.
(The newer Mozart-based devices behave a bit different with this).
That has been possible since B&O made the NL/ML Converter many years ago.Another possibility – if you do not want or can involve the NL/ML Converter – would be to do as I have done with one of my M3’s.
The M3 has a line-in connection with autosence, which means that starting any audio connected there (in my scenario it is a turntable/pladespilleren) will make it possible to distribute that sound via Beolink Multiroom to all other devices/rooms in the house.
Potentially one could connect the output of a BM5500 (as in the original post) or any Beosound/system with the option of sending a line-out signal there.I am describing this to show what is and has bin possible for quite a while in a B&O setup!
It works flawless and offers a rather intuitive control of the playback/the devices.Maybe this can be an inspiration for some of the readers here.
And maybe you could even combine this with this newly found option of distributing sound via AirPlay Casting – in the WiiM – for those who (also) have pure AirPlay-based devices (like the APE) in their setup.MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark5 November 2023 at 12:03 in reply to: Help!! Just bought house with 11 MCL speakers/transceivers #50204This is how a MCL-based works……just to give you a sense of what you have there.
A (only one) MCL-compatiple central Beomaster (like the BM4500/6500) is needed to ‘power’ the units/speakers in the respective room….assuming that the installation is still good.
You could connect the output of any streaming device to e.g. the A.Tape input port of the Beomaster.
Activating this in the respective rooms – one, more or all – and sending sound to the streamer will give you sound/music there. You can use either the unmute button on the small receiver panel or the B&O remote control, (which also gives volume control).
This was the second multiroom setup from Bang & Olufsen – from back in the 1980’s.Only one source at the time possible – no possibility for different music in different rooms.
If you can live with this, it will still work.
If not……..better think of other options!MM
Location: Flensborg————Danmark -