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As I responded to Colin, the control of 45 starts with the disc indicator switch. If that is not opening and closing properly you will get this symptom. Only after checking this should you check for the correct voltages around TR1 and 2. There are no likely cap issues in that circuit.
I would check that the Disc Indicator switch under the center 45 adapter is making good contact first. If it is opening and closing properly, then your problem is in the logic that it drives which is TR1 and Tr2. There are voltages in the service manual for these.
Since both the at rest position and set-down are skewed it sounds like the arm had been moved too far right and there is a threaded pin under the counter weight that secures the arm to its post if I remember. Never saw many of these but that was how the 3000 did it. You need to remove the dustcover and adjust it from the rear.
When you say “return and stop” do you mean if you press Stop during play it does not return or only at the end of the record? If the later that is typically a leaf switch problem as these easily corrode or get out of adjustment. Do either the “>” or “>>” work when the are is cued up? If they don’t then I would look at the electronics focusing on the caps first.
It is OIL1; however, that is not as important as its location which can’t be determined by the schematic since it is not board mounted. It is under a black plastic cover held by two brass screws directly to the right of the damping cylinder.
There is a bulb ? n a plastic housing at the tonearm base that burns out and we replace with an LED kit. You can see if it’s lit. If it is there is a shutter adjustment in the manual. It’s the same for the 4xxx series.
Someone might have put some double-sided tape to secure it. Try taking a piece of fishing line and work it toward the middle and around. The bottom also comes off to get at it from underneath.
I would check the switch associated with the disk in the center of the platter as that has a switch that tells the system a record is on the platter. If it is intermittent (dirty/misadjusted) you will get this behavior.
By slim do you mean less wide or less deep? If you want to preserve it as a B&O system, a pair of CX100’s are narrower and are quite stylish IMHO. Remember, this unit has a built-in loudness contour in the volume control (which you can’t bypass without getting inside) so should not be paired with speakers that are bass heavy.
The Lift Circuit (IC1/TR9 is supposed to trigger the brake (TR32) so I would start there. Since you have a second 8002 you have a unit to compare. As to the change in arm speed once it gets over the platter, I do not recall that it does this normally as there is no reason it needs to. I know it doesn’t slow down on the 4xxx Beograms.
Great find! Make sure you also order a servo belt.
It simply lifts off by getting your finger tips under the edge and lift up. The adapter stays in place.
These are designed to be user-adjusted controls in order to match levels between the phono or tape decks and the tuner. There is no “correct” setting as they act as an input-specific volume control ahead of the source selector.
I’m not a big fan of the ribbed record support system of the 8000 and earlier tables. Additionally, since your other cartridges are interchangeable with the 8002, that is the one I would keep.
11 February 2023 at 19:00 in reply to: Beogram 1700 adjusments – wow and flutter parallelism speed #43054Am azimuth grid assumes a perfect cartridge and won’t yield the result you are seeking. Correct azimuth alignment is when both channels are at their maximum balanced separation which requires both a test record that has single-modulated channel tracks and an RMS meter or a Fozimeter for the measurement.
For your hum problem, does it go away when the arm is at rest? I would carefully look at the shield and tonearm connections inside. Also is is a DIN or Phone cable?
Regarding 45, there is a relay along with the mechanical switch and active circuit. Does the platter not spin at all when selecting 45 or does it not change from 33 to 45?
I am not familiar with SoundDesign B&O cartridges. Could you mean SoundSmith? Record static (that is electrostatic attraction to vinyl) is usually caused by dry environments. A Zerostat can help mitigate it when cleaning the record. If by static, you are instead meaning electrical noise thru your speakers, that is something entirely different and can be confirmed by its random nature. Finally, if you are referring to pops and ticks from your records that occur at the same points during playback, these are either defects or foreign matter in the grooves that may be cleaned using ultrasonic techniques. If you good clarify the above we could help further.
Christian, you should realize that the 4000c has a line-level output since it has a built-in phono pre-amp versus a phono one in your 4000/4002. Therefore the screening and grounding are of more importance on yours. It is highly unlikely that Sound Heavenly manufactures their own wire but buys it in bulk from a supplier. What is it about the 4000sc’s wiring that you find desirable? I have custom-wired several hundred Beogram 4000x’s in my time so could provide guidance if you’d like.
11 February 2023 at 01:21 in reply to: Beogram 1700 adjusments – wow and flutter parallelism speed #43051That adjustment is your azimuth and really cannot be done visually. A static measurement assumes the diamond and cantilever is perfectly orthogonal to the record surface which is seldom true. Unless you have a measurement capability to check for optimum channel separation using a test record, you should not try to fine-tune this adjustment.
Check out the service manual either here as a Silver Member or at You need to open it from the top and you can find the endpoints on the large pulley and near the left of the tonearm base illustrated in the manual.