Gravity Graham

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  • in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44201
    Gravity Graham
    BRONZE Member

      OK – Thanks for that Craig !
      Regrettably won’t be able to do any adjustments until after Sunday.

      Location: Cornwall, UK
      in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44198
      Gravity Graham
      BRONZE Member

        Hi Mark – been involved with other projects for a while (Major restoration of a 65ft turntable !)  I’ve finally finished re-capping my 1900-2 amp, which is now working.
        However, when playing an LP on my BG-6000 it is ‘skipping ahead’.  I’ve looked through the manual (obtained from BeoWorld), but can’t seem to find how to adjust the shutter..??
        (I can’t find it in the BG-4000 manual either..)
        Can you advise, and say on which page I will find it ?
        p.s. – photo of BIG turntable attached..

        Location: Cornwall, UK
        in reply to: RIP Peter Pan #45987
        Gravity Graham
        BRONZE Member

          Sad news – I’ve enjoyed looking at some of his work..
          Condolences to his family.

          Location: Cornwall, UK
          in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44197
          Gravity Graham
          BRONZE Member

            I’ll give you that one Craig ! 😀

            Location: Cornwall, UK
            in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44195
            Gravity Graham
            BRONZE Member

              Hi Spassmaker – it’s not shown in the photos, but the terminals of the reservoir capacitors have been masked with ‘black-tack’ which will keep them well insulated. Thanks for your concern.  They are also held in place by ‘black-tack’.
              and  to hcraig244, while working on field survey equipment in Houston, if a PCB came in with ANY fault, we always changed out any tantalum capacitors for electrolytics as a matter of course before sending it back out. Even though opinion is divided, I decided to go with that rationale.  And as regards the trimmers, on that point I personally like to go with the adage of  “if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it” as they are working fine.

              Gravity G.

              Location: Cornwall, UK
              in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44192
              Gravity Graham
              BRONZE Member

                Here are some pictures !  TR22 was u/s, so changed it out while replacing the Tantalum capacitors.
                I also switched out the supply filter capacitors (old electrolytic) – for 2 separate new electrolytics (The 4000uF was replaced with a 4700uF at this point).
                All back together and working (ish) – Still need to fix my BeoMaster 1900 !!

                Location: Cornwall, UK
                in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44191
                Gravity Graham
                BRONZE Member

                  Sorry guys – been a bit busy, working a different turntable (65 ft diameter)..
                  I’ll post a couple of pix, hopefully tomorrow (Monday)

                  Location: Cornwall, UK
                  in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44189
                  Gravity Graham
                  BRONZE Member

                    Work is progressing slowly !  The power supply electrolytics have been replaced, but still awaiting delivery of electrolytics to replace all the Tantalum capacitors on the PCB’s, before I proceed any further.  I may take the time to remove and check the transistors and diodes in the motor circuit…

                    Location: Cornwall, UK
                    in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44187
                    Gravity Graham
                    BRONZE Member

                      Hi Mark, I can cue forward (< or <<), but not return (> or >>).
                      If I press STOP, it does stop – but does not return.
                      When it reaches the centre of the TT, it stops, but again refuses to return.
                      At least on this the electronics can be unplugged for testing, unlike the 4000 !
                      I think you may be right about the caps – might start by replacing all electrolytics as they are a good 30 years old !!
                      Tks – Graham

                      Location: Cornwall, UK
                      in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44185
                      Gravity Graham
                      BRONZE Member

                        OK Mark – checked it and it’s lit.  However I now have a different problem, with motor control….
                        It does everything except return or Stop !
                        I suppose the next thing is to remove the main board, and check the Darlington pairs & diodes !!  Onwards and upwards as they say !!
                        Any known problems with this model ??

                        Location: Cornwall, UK
                        in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44184
                        Gravity Graham
                        BRONZE Member

                          Thanks Mark – found it !  Will check it later today !

                          Location: Cornwall, UK
                          in reply to: BeoGram 6000 – Tonearm/Tracking problem #44182
                          Gravity Graham
                          BRONZE Member
                            Mark-sf wrote:

                            There is a bulb ? n a plastic housing at the tonearm base that burns out and we replace with an LED kit. You can see if it’s lit. If it is there is a shutter adjustment in the manual. It’s the same for the 4xxx series.

                            Silly question - What is the identity number on the circuit diagram ?
                            Regards - Gravity G.
                            Location: Cornwall, UK
                            in reply to: BeoGram 4000 tone arm problem… #40712
                            Gravity Graham
                            BRONZE Member

                              I’ve finally given up on the BeoGram4000…  The BC144s never arrived, but did manage to source some from elsewhere..
                              After a while, I checked the voltage regulator cct – and found that it had blown, which is why I was taking out so many motor control transistors !   Replaced the voltage regulator, and all seemed to finally working correctly !  5 mins later everything blew again…
                              Time to shelve it…
                              Now concentrating on my BeoGram 6000, which has a tracking problem, but otherwise is good..

                              Update: on 29th of Nov, I ordered 4 new BC144’s on eBay (from Italy) – He sent them tracked on 2nd Dec, they arrived in UK on 5th… Still not been delivered.

                              Location: Cornwall, UK
                              in reply to: BeoGram 4000 tone arm problem… #40711
                              Gravity Graham
                              BRONZE Member

                                Update: on 29th of Nov, I ordered 4 new BC144’s on eBay (from Italy) – He sent them tracked on 2nd Dec, they arrived in UK on 5th… Still not been delivered.  I also ordered some electrolytics for my 1900 BeoMaster, from BEOPARTS in Denmark, arrived in UK on 6th Dec – Still sat in the Royal Mail distribution centre…

                                A friend in the Isle of Man, sent a package by Special Delivery on 5th Dec it finally arrived on the16th !  But, a package he sent by 2nd class mail on the 8th _ arrived here in Cornwall on the 9th !!

                                Location: Cornwall, UK
                                in reply to: Play in DIN cable Beogram 3000 #41358
                                Gravity Graham
                                BRONZE Member

                                  It sounds as if the phono plug has a bad/dry joint.
                                  I would open up the 7 pin DIN from the BeoGram, and check the  soldered connections.
                                  I have found that if I warm up the plastic sleeve on the plug, that it can be slowly pulled back to give you a better idea.  Otherwise, I suggest getting a new 7-pin DIN and cutting the sleeve off, make a note of which wire is on which pin, then simply replace the plug with the new one. (Remembering to slide the sleeve onto the cable first – been there and made that error in the past !)
                                  Hope this helps – Graham

                                  Location: Cornwall, UK
                                  in reply to: BANG & OLUFSEN BEOMASTER 1900 T2903 – SERVICE MANUAL #41318
                                  Gravity Graham
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    I found a PDF with a service manual. Or is the writing on the wall/in this manual too blurry?
                                    Thanks Peter – but already been there.
                                    I actually already have a better copy of the  Service Manual depicted here, with the circuit diagrams..
                                    But would really like to see the actual component layout as per the PCB’s…
                                    Looks like I’ll have to use my engineering background to produce my own !!

                                    Location: Cornwall, UK
                                    in reply to: Samsung TV Panel Fix (Non B&O) #40436
                                    Gravity Graham
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Well done..
                                      IF you have a problem where it won’t switch on – check the pwr supply diodes.. I’ve had a couple given to me that didn’t work – and it was quite often that 2 of the diodes had gone o/c… just sayin..

                                      Location: Cornwall, UK
                                      in reply to: Beomaster 1900-2 #41266
                                      Gravity Graham
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Find an original manual.

                                        I’m awaiting a response from someone on e-Bay who is selling an original manual – I’ve asked if it contains the layout diagrams…
                                        Otherwise, it looks like ordering from USA…

                                        Location: Cornwall, UK
                                        in reply to: Beomaster 1900-2 #41264
                                        Gravity Graham
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          Thanks for that Dillen – I can see markings for F & G, but no numbers.  I’ll dig out my maginfying glass and see if I can identify them.  I could really do with a PCB layout like I have with my BG400..!!
                                          Regards – Graham H.

                                          Location: Cornwall, UK
                                          in reply to: Beomaster 1900-2 #41263
                                          Gravity Graham
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            Actually Glitch – on the 1900 it is the trace side which is uppermost, and the printing is hardly legible… This is my difficulty..

                                            Location: Cornwall, UK
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