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simple answer: Yes
I start the BS9000 als source of the Shape. Then one can select which cd to play by selecting a number (new in this sw version)
I will post pictures later today.I didn’t try to select a tracknumber on the BS9000 after a certain CD is playing, but on my BS7000 CD I can now select a track.
How to update the list of radio stations on Beosound 5 Encore? All the information I have seen so far about N.Radio database applies only to BS 5 , not Encore. As Encore is Linux based and BS 5 is Win XP, none of that information is useful. Thanks in advcance for any advice. Cheers Alan
I do not use Net Radio on my Encore, so never sought the functionallity to update the stations, but after a mains off/on cycle I always see the Encore do a Radio search….
Beoremote One (non BT): Rename N.Radio in Phono
@BeoMedia, I borrowed my wife’s iphone and verified that one CANNOT share Airplay from an ASE (BS1) or Mozart (Balance) device to a ML device (BS5) via ML/NL converter. Some sources, you can switch. If I’m listening to Deezer or B&O Radio, and start my turntable, then the audio sent to the ML device changes to the turntable. However, with Airplay, the ML device switches off as soon as I start playing Airplay on the linked ASE/Mozart device. Stan
did you try by connecting an IR-eye to the BLC and press the join button on the eye?
I’m pretty sure it’s only the TVs that have ever been able to connect to other speakers wirelessly – no Beosound ‘system’ ever has. The Transmitter 1 is a standalone Wisa transmitter box that you can connect a stereo or 5.1 audio system (B&O or otherwise) to and then connect to 2/2.1/5.1 WISA speakers wirelessly. Most recently the Beosound Theater can connect to other WISA speakers wirelessly. I think those are the only B&O optiobs
Beosound Moment can!
This means, that you can no longer have this rather quick access to turn off the screen (as described above in my original post)….which is a pity.
Am I really the only one, who wants to turn off the LG screen, when I listen to a music album (mostly in Atmos) from the Apple Music app on my AppleTV – or when I use my Blu Ray player as a CD player???
How can removing features be progress 😡
No, you’re not the only one
But I find it even after the update simple.On the BR1 I have to choose “list” and then “option”. The LG screen displays the LG setting. The “default” (=last used) then is “Screen Off”.
Not completely related ro no screen from an HDMI source but I’m wondering if apple music would be better quality if not streamed through airplay but directly from a Mac mini to the BS Theatre. My intention is as follows: Mac Mini M4 Pro (with HDMI 2.1) and link the HDMI into one of the Theatre ports. The playback would be then sent digitally to the Theatre I assume? The Question is, weather this signal is better quality when the Theatre streams to BL28 and BL8 without the Airplay conversion to AAC 256kbps before sending it to the receiving speakers. So in the end I hope the Mac mini can output a signal that is one on one received by the BS Theatre over HDMI and sent ‘clean’ in 24/48 or 24/96 (B&O removed the bitrate fro the website specs) Thanks for any advice or sharing your own experiences
Why not install the Apple Music app directly on your TV ?
10 October 2024 at 15:10 in reply to: App Control of Masterlink Products Using Beolink Converter NL/ML #59997XavierItzmann wrote: This, plus the concern raised months ago that the C’s poor old memory is constantly being rewritten to with useless failure log messages —thus condemning the device to an early, unnecessary death— tells us that the C is probably not long for this world.
I must have missed this concern because I didn’t have a BLC when it was raised. It’s not ideal but can’t you just go into the BLC’s ‘Tools’ menu occasionally and clear the system log? (Having said that, the only entries in my BLC system log are from today and I don’t remember clearing it after my experiments last week)
I just checked the NL/ML Converter’s ‘System Log’ today and all the 9 Oct messages have disappeared. Perhaps one of the recent SW updates* makes the Converter clear the log data daily to avoid filling the memory? * EDIT: Actually I don’t think there have been any SW updates since 2015, so now not so sure about this!
I checked my 5 BLC: all show todays logs only.
Actually I do think they have pushed (minor) changes/update(s) to BLC’s before (without notice, without date change of latest update).The changes to the B&o app seams to me a (possible) logic vision:
- the BLC becomes/is the ML connector and should be used with the previous types of products (Essense mkII, Beoplay 6, BS35, M3, etc…) and should be setup as the described way around.
- the BeoConnect Encore becomes the USB intermediate to connect older products/sources the the Mozart platform where these sources are an integral source of that Mozart product.
I use BLC’s a lot and the best and easiest way to controll and use is, to have only one ML product connected to a BLC which is integrated as Primary Beolink product to a NL device.
Hi, thank you for your suggestion but i like to use the remote control of the system as well. I think for that there is no other way then bypassing the RIAA?
but giving the ATape2 command to the BC9500 should start the BG4500. The only “odd” thing you experience is the use of ATape2.
6 October 2024 at 12:55 in reply to: App Control of Masterlink Products Using Beolink Converter NL/ML #59897So today I am trying the NL/ML converter connected just to my BC2300 via a BL1611. I have removed my Essence Mk2 from the setup (and B&O app) to avoid conflicts.
You can integrate the BC2300-T1611-BLC and Essence mkII without any conficts.
Anyone know if I can change settings to access the BC2300’s FM RADIO via the B&O app? EDIT: I have tried putting the BC2300 in A.OPT 0, and then adding an IR sensor to the NL/ML Converter – I have IR mapped the ML sources. I can select all mapped BC2300 sources (including RADIO) using the Beo4, but the RADIO source still does not appear in the app.
Somewhere down the line, they skipped the Radio sources from ML.
Presumably to have the BLC setup in line with the Beoconnect Encore settings. The BeoSystem 9000c is using the B&o Radio source of the BL28’s and not the original BS9000 Radio source.Note: in the Beoliving app the original Radio sources are still available.
workaround: if you add the Essence mkII to the setup, you could add the ML sources of the BC2300 as Essence mkII sources (In the Essence configuration: Link to other products; Connect to primary Beolink product; check the boxes for the available sources in Content-Sources-Local)
Then it is possible to start the BC2300 Radio on the Essence mkIIwhy not connect the BG4500 to ATape2 of the BC9500? Then you do not need to bypass the RIAA…
and you could leave both recordplayers connected
Thank you! That being said, it does suck that there’s basically no way to actually play music at the bit depth & sample rate that the Core is capable of.
the easiest way is to add your Tidal subscription to the B&o app.
alternative: add your Tidal supscrition to Audirvana Studio and upnp stream directly to the Core.
10 September 2024 at 18:08 in reply to: Beosound Stage is turning my LG A1 Oled on every night around 2.30am……. #58986If the stage is disconnected, either hdmi or mains, it doesn’t happen. 2.30am and again at 3.30am. It has to be a timer. I have just checked the log to my Fritz! router to see if that is doing anything, but doesn’t seem to be. I also have BT homehub discs only. Fibre provider is zen. Just mentioning in case network is waking it and someone has the same hardware.
Is a device Bluetooth connected to the stage?
Is the Stage set to automatically receive update?
9 September 2024 at 14:36 in reply to: Beosound Stage is turning my LG A1 Oled on every night around 2.30am……. #58962what happens does it happen, if you unplug (only) the Stage from the mains?
last night BS Core, BS35, Essense mkII, Beoplay A6, M3 all updated to 2.6.560xx.
the xx depending on the Beosound
Hello Carolpa, sorry for jumping in, but I have just bought a Beolink Converter NL/ML and would like to connect my Beolab 8000 Speakers to it. I’ve read in your comment that you connected them to test your setup. Could you please advice how to connect them to the Beolink Converter NL/ML? Thank you very much, Stefan
Hi Stefan,
You need a RJ45 to Powerlink compatible clip-on adapter to connect your BL8000 to the BLC..
Note: the first BLC’s didn’t show some connectors; f.e. the PL and AUX connections. But they were available behind some removable plactics.
what if? you set the Halo to a fixed IP address and set the Halo connection to 2.4GHz, preferable to one channel (f.e. channel 11).
note: I have no idea if your network settings make all these options available.
I have my BeoMaster5 set to a fixed IP address, but I don’t remember how I did it. I’d like to change it. Does this require going into the service menu? Thanks
you should set this in your router.
if it is set in the BM5 you could end up with a temporary disconnection of the BM5 with your network.
type the IP address of your router in as url in a browser, login and search for the fixed IP settings.
Hallo, mijn ouders zijn een paar maand geleden verhuisd en hebben hun B&O installatie mee laten verhuizen. Die bestaat uit een Avant 55 (eerste editie), een ouverture met CD speler en 2 beosound 2000. Na de verhuis werkte alles goed. Maar ineens op een avond geen TV beeld meer op de TV, enkel een zwaar verstoord beeld. Moederbord kapot en dat is vrij snel vervangen geweest. Dus alles weer in orde. Omdat ze graag naar de radio luisteren gebruiken ze vaak de netradio. In het appartement is de FM ontvangst weg. Hiervoor moest eerst op de afstandsbediening van de TV op de knop music geduwd worden, dan netradio en wachten tot die opgestart was. Daarna op een beosound 2000 op de knop TV duwen en het werkte. Dat is toch nogal onhandig. Dus vroegen we nadat het moederbord vervangen was of dat niet makkelijker kon. We hadden de oude afstandsbediening van een vorige B&O TV mee en daarop staat een knopje V-mem. Nu enkel daarop drukken en een tijdje wachten er er speelt radio in de keuken. Dus we waren blij. Diezelfde avond zit mijn vader naar TV te kijken en mijn moeder wil zoals steeds meeluisteren in de keuken. Dus ze duwt op de beosound op de knop TV zoals altijd. TV beeld valt weg en netradio start. Dus niet zoals voorheen. Toen speelde nadat die knop was ingeduwd exact hetzelfde geluid dat de TV afspeelde. De techniekers gecontacteerd, maar die geloven niet dat het door hun intereventie komt. Omdat het de afgelopen maanden al duur genoeg was om de verhuis te betalen en nu het moederbord hoop ik dat ik hier een oplossing kan krijgen voor dit klein maar stom probleempje. Nu heb ik deze zaken getest: – Als we nu op de besound 2000 op de knop TV duwen en de avant staat UIT, dan gaat die aan en na een tijd start Netradio. – Staat de avant AAN en we duwen op het knopje TV op de besound 2000 stopt de avant met het weergeven van wat de digibox of apple TV weergaf en start die de Netradio met geluid op beide toestellen. – Als de besound 2000 via netradio muziek staat af te spelen en zetten we de avant op om via de digicorder of apple TV naar iets te kijken, dan valt de besound 2000 uit. Dus geen geluid, het geeft een klik zoals bij het uitschakelen van dat toestel en de powerled gaat van groen naar rood. – Drukken we op de besound 2000 op de rode knop op het buisje (de play knop) dan start de ouverture op en start die de FM radio. Wat dus enkel wat geruis geeft. Dat heb ik getest met de avant die aan stond en uit. Ik heb ook via de oude afstandsbediening de beosound 2000 laten opstarten door op de knop TV de duwen, die doet dan exact hetzelfde als de fysieke knop in te duwen. Geen idee wat we nog meer kunnen doen. Ik vermoed dat door is op de knop V-mem te duwen de functie van de knop TV is gewijzigd naar het opstarten van de netradio. Maar hoe kan dat terug worden gezet zoals voorheen? Gewoon eender welk geluid de TV weergeeft doorsturen….
U schrijft Beosound 2000, bedoelt u echter niet Beolab 2000? Dit zou uw setup “veel logischer” maken.Wat u beschrijft lijkt mij conform een logische setup indien uw systeem uit Avant/Ouverture/BL2000 bestaat. Alleen schijnt de TV commando toegekend te zijn aan de Net Radio bron van de Avant. Dit is relatief makkelijk te verhelpen, lastiger om hier uit te leggen.Kunt u aangeven hoe u “tv kijken” start? Welk commando met de Beo4/BR1 geeft u dan? -