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  • in reply to: Beolink converter NL/ML and BS Ouverture #54316
    BRONZE Member

    Update – NL/ML converter works as Video Master (I dont’t know why it wasn’t working previously configured as V Master), LINE-IN is mapped as PC (standard key on my Beo4 remote) and TV (additional physical button on BL2000) and it streams music from bluetooth receiver. This time PC2 was not connected to the bus, so maybe that’s the reason…
    Is there any way to stream to Ouverture? I tried to turn on TV/PC source on ouverture, but it’s not switching to such sources…

    in reply to: Beolink converter NL/ML and BS Ouverture #54315
    BRONZE Member

    Thank you for the answer. Well, BeoLink PC2 isn’t fully operational because I’m using it with PowerMac G4 and I have some problems with it (after firmware upgrade from 1.20 to 1.30 I have no sound on phones output). PC2 is able to communicate with directly connected speakers and amplifier, turns it on and off with iTunes starting/closing, but no sound on masterlink and phones output – TBD). So:

    1. you suggest to make the converter Video Master and map LINE-IN to one of the Video sources?
    2. you said that N.MUSIC conflicts with PHONO source of Ouverture – what is transmitted from Ouverture as PHONO? I have a TV connected to AUX and it’s seen as A. AUX on the ML, CD is CD, TAPE i A. TAPE, RADIO is RADIO. so what is PHONO??? I was going to connect my Beogram 3000 also to AUX of Ouverture (with Y DIN-7 connector, port will be shared with TV). Can it be the reason of no sound from PC2 on the bus?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Need to buy MMC4 cartridge #54232
    BRONZE Member

    SoundSmith cartridges are really good – I have one SMMC4 myself, working great with Beogram 3000.

    Best regards


    in reply to: BeoLab 3500 time #47372
    BRONZE Member

    Thanks, Guy.

    You’re right, I have Beocenter with two-way communication according to your reply. So when the clock gets reset? Is it possible that if I disconnect my beocenter from the mains exactly at 0:00 and connect it again then the clock will reset to 0:00? My BeoCenter doesn’t keep settings (dead battery? NVRAM?) so it should “forget” clock setting the same time? Strange way to set clock, but I dont have BeoLink5000 🙁

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44134
    BRONZE Member


    Done 🙂 Thx for your help guys 🙂


    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44132
    BRONZE Member

    Strange thing. I’ve entered service menu, chose Config->Default->Store and then Settings->Restore and….suddenly downloaded configuration just became active! Problem solved 🙂

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44131
    BRONZE Member

    I’ve succesfully configured one of my Beo5 remotes and tried to push the same configuration to the other one, I click “Download configuration” as previously, serialization takes place, then it looks like all data is transmitted to Beo5 and… nothing – still old setup on this Beo5! Both have the same firmware version, both are detected by windows driver, Configuration Tool shows that the remote is connected (white arrow icon) and I can’t program the remote even after reloading system, CT, reconnecting Beo5 etc. Can it be damaged ?

    update: last configuration date is upgraded each time o|O but still no change – remote works with old configuration…

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44130
    BRONZE Member

    Guy – MIDI uses 7-pin DIN sockets, so maybe I’ll find some MIDI switch. Actually it would be possible to read ID from the frame on ML data link and activate proper port on midi switch – “meditate on this I will” 🙂 Thx 🙂

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44129
    BRONZE Member

    Hi Tignum – thank you for this manual – so ML sense and supply voltage on the same wire 🙂 I wonder if there’s a situation, when “Supply voltage” is high and “ML Sense” is low in Masterlink… With two wires we have four potential states. With one wire only two states?

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44126
    BRONZE Member

    Tape on BeoSound 2500 operates without any problems using front panel buttons and ATAPE button on Beo4…

    It’s a little tricky, but I’m using Y-7DIN splitter to have BeoLink Converter and thirdpartyTV/Bluetooth adapter connected at the same time to BeoSound 2500. So when I choose TV to hear iPad from the masterlink I have to make sure tv and bluetooth are powered off? It seems that I have to use some AV switch instead of simple Y-splitter 🙂 Do devices on masterlink bus have fixed or dynamic ID’s? I don’t know how exactly it works, but as typical serial bus each device has to have unique ID (and a master device)? I was searching for some technical document explaining transmission on Masterlink Bus but I haven’t found any yet. So far I see, that Masterlink device can use the bus if there’s no “bus occupied” signal on one of the pins – I was trying to put Masterlink on CAT6 eth cable and use RJ45 sockets, but it seems there is too few pins for that : 8 instead of minimum 9? Not many Masterlink junction boxes available to buy and it would be easier to connect everything with CAT6….

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44124
    BRONZE Member


    What device are you trying to control with the A.MEM command?

    BeoSound2500 Tape. CD, Radio and AUX works without any problems…

    Guy wrote:

    If you put the BL3500 in L.OPT 6 there should be no need to press AV first and you should be able to select your iPad using any video command (TV, SAT, DTV, DVD etc). This assumes that your iPad is connected to AAL input pins 3 and 5.

    Thx – that’s it 🙂 I assumed that my BeoLab 3500 WAS in Option 6, but it turned out it wasn’t. After activating Option 6 now iPad is seen as TV – by the way, is there any way to change this name? And what if I want to listen to iPad through Beosound 2500? My setup is a little bit messy now, because I’m new to B&O Masterlink. I have three zones:
    – zone 1 with Beosound 2500 connected to Masterlink via BeoLink Converter 1611 (the newer one with Audiomaster function), BeoLab 4500 speakers connected to this BeoSound 2500 and iMac G4, which I’m trying to connect to Masterlink via BeoPort

    – zone 2 with BeoLab 2000

    – zone 3 with BeoLab 3500 and iPad connected to Masterlink via BeoLink Converter 1611 (the older one)

    Right now I’m able to listen:

    – zone 1: Beosound (all sources + bluetooth + 3rd party TV via A.Aux, no sound from iMac)

    – zone 2: Besosund 2500 (all sources), iPad from zone 3

    – zone 3: Beosound 2500 (all sources), iPad, didn’t try iMac yet (not enough Masterlink cables so far 🙂 )

    Will it be possible to listen to iPad from zone 3 on BeoSound in zone 1? Which source should it be? It can’t be TV (like in zone 3 on BL3500) because choosing TV on BS2500 uses A.Aux. Is it possible to listen to a source from masterlink on BS2500 connected to masterlink via 1611?? Like this:  source -> ML -> 1611 -> BS2500 -> BL4500? Or is it only one way BS2500 -> 1611 -> ML -> any ML Speaker ?

    Best regards


    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44122
    BRONZE Member

    Hi again,

    almost everything works, but I have problem with two things:

    1. Tape (tried A.MEM TP1 command also with PLAY – does not work)
    2. DTV – when I use 1611 converter with iPad connected to it and BeoLab3500 on Masterlink I have to press AV and then SAT on my Beo4 remote to activate it. BeoLab displays DTV and I’m able to hear the sound – what command from Beo5 will do the same? Tried A_SAT, DTV, V_SAT and it didin’t worked… I guess it should be sequence of two commands like on Beo4, but what is the comand for AV and SAT from Beo4?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: BeolinkPC2/BeoPort struggle #44827
    BRONZE Member


    @Guy, that was my first thought, that BC2500 is not able to play N.Music source (afaik it can not act as master). And what about BeoSound Ouverture (the one with tape and Masterlink socket)? What if I’ll connect BeoPort directly to my BeoLab3500 witch reacts properly to switching to N.MUSIC source (there is N.Music on the display)? And why there is no sound from headphones socket of BeoPort after firmware upgrade (1.21->1.31)?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44120
    BRONZE Member

    Alright – working setup: Windows 10 32-bit and CT 6.84 – first Beo5 programmed!

    Thanks 🙂


    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44119
    BRONZE Member


    well, both of my Beo5’s have firmware 1.45b and I’ve used CT 6.84 version on 32-bit Windows XP – didn’t worked 🙁

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Beo5 Configuration Tool #44117
    BRONZE Member

    Thanks 🙂 I tried both on Windows XP/Windows 7 and the only thing that does not work is Beo5 driver – Configuration Tool doesn’t see Beo5, Windows (7, in XP there is no Beo5 device at all) says, that “device has a problem”, but I don’t see anything helpful in the logs 🙁 So I’m able to create configuration, but I can’t push it to Beo5 🙁 Are there any specific driver settings? I tried Windows 7 64-bit  and XP 32 bit on physical computers and Windows XP 32-bit in vmware virtual machine. Beo5 remote device shows up only in Windows 7….

    in reply to: LC2 programming with Beo4 #43331
    BRONZE Member

    Success – 3x 7,5W OSRAM LED bulbs – working! All functions work (power-off too). 5EUR each.

    in reply to: LC2 programming with Beo4 #43330
    BRONZE Member

    Just bought 3 “dimmable” (as the box says 🙂 ) bulbs, 10W each (so it should be 30W when connected together)  and… still no luck – they didn’t even power on 🙁 Finally I ordered 3 halogen bulbs, 20W each – I hope 60W will be enough to make it work. Strange thing, that single 4W LED bulb was working, as can be seen on attached movie (I couldn’t only turn it off)….

    in reply to: LC2 programming with Beo4 #43328
    BRONZE Member

    I was so curious, that I went to hardware store and bought 40W bulb (o tempora, o mores – 40W classic bulb is max one can buy in a store…) 🙂 And now LC2 is able to completely power off the bulb, dimmer is working properly, but the dome is still unresponsive – so it’s damaged for sure. I have to check it further.

    in reply to: LC2 programming with Beo4 #43325
    BRONZE Member

    Thank you so much – obviously I have older manual of LC2, because I had only programming with BeoLink 1000. I’ll try to remove the top cover and I’ll see if this strip is missing. Do you have any picture how it should look like? I tried LC2 using 4W bulb (eco 🙂 Couldn’t find any bulb > 30W at home 🙂 )  – can it cause unresponsive touch sensitive surface ? Or this should work regardless of the bulb?

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