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  • #59366
    GOLD Member

      We recently sent out a newsletter to all members to remind everyone about the upcoming December prize draw.

      Unfortunately, the service we used to send the newsletter mistakenly flagged it as spam, blocking all outgoing links.

      We apologise for the inconvenience and are actively working with the service provider to resolve this issue.

      Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
      Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
      Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
      Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
      GOLD Member


        Actually I got the email… twice! And not as spam at all.

        Location: Burgundy
        GOLD Member

          twice! And not as spam

          Maybe we used all our non spam credits on your 2 emails 😂😂
          I will check to see why you received it twice

          Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
          Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
          Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
          Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
          GOLD Member

            I got the mail yesterday, and links are working

            Location: Denmark
            GOLD Member

              Got the mail, too 👍


              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              GOLD Member

                So did I and the links worked Paul

                Location: Hampshire
                My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster

                  Got it as regular email.

                  Location: Paris France
                  FOUNDER Member

                    Same for me.

                    Location: Brittany, France
                    My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
                    BRONZE Member


                      It seems i am not able to post a new thread….. i have written, gave it a title and press the “submit” button, but my discussion is not on the list and it seems to be missed. I have tried a second time and the result is the same….. Maybe i am doing something wrong, but i don’t understand what….

                      Any help is appreciated.

                      Scuse me for my bad english and thank you very much.

                      GOLD Member

                        Thanks all,

                        That gives me a little bit of comfort knowing that some got through 👍

                        Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                        Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                        Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                        Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                        GOLD Member

                          It seems i am not able to post a new thread

                          Please make sure the following items have been filled in

                          • Title
                          • content you would like to post
                          • Forum where you would like it to be posted

                          Then submit, if it still does not work, please send me a screenshot

                          Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                          Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                          Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                          Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                          BRONZE Member

                            Here is the screenshot.

                            You must be logged in to view attached files.
                            GOLD Member

                              Here is the screenshot.

                              Can you show me further down the page, the screenshot does not show the full section.

                              Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                              Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                              Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                              Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                              BRONZE Member

                                Here is it.

                                You must be logged in to view attached files.
                                GOLD Member

                                  There is a section in between the images that I need to see.

                                  Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                                  Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                                  Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                                  Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    No other section…..

                                    You must be logged in to view attached files.
                                    GOLD Member

                                      No other section…..

                                      Sorry I found it, looks like it got caught in the spam filter. 🤦‍♂️

                                      I have approved the post.

                                      Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                                      Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                                      Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                                      Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                                      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                                      angelo ferretti
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        qualcuno che mi può aiutare a far resuscitare un beocenter 9000 bruciato dal sottoscritto ?

                                        FOUNDER Member



                                          I was looking at the items sold in the “Shop” section and noticed an oddity between the priced shown for the stylus cleaning gel and the “3 interest-free payment” proposed  through Paypal.

                                          Not that I’m interested in paying £ 18 in 3 terms, but it may exist a further problem in the shopping module of the website.

                                          Kind regards,




                                          Capture d’écran 2025-01-02 180506



                                          Location: Brittany, France
                                          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
                                          Robert Skelding
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            I have a B&O 6000.  The audio output is a cable with a 5 Pin Din socket . I have a lead with 4 coloured wires, Red, White, Blue and Yellow, with 4 RCA plugs.  My problem is that I don’t know which colours go where.  Ie: Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left and Rear Right, for connection into my decoder.  Can anyone please help me out with this?


                                          Viewing 20 posts - 141 through 160 (of 187 total)
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