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    FOUNDER Member

      Yes but the BR1 remote only showed a few stations. The update expanded it to 20



      GOLD Member

        Ok – thanks!


        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
        BRONZE Member

          My Theatre just got the 2.5.5 update. In the report I find this: ‘Long press now activates PUC function’. Anyone knows what that means….what is the purpose/benefit?

          Some set-top boxes have functions that should be activated by press and hold on the remote. Previously press and hold has not sent remote control commands through the PUC, which it should now do.

          Location: Denmark
          GOLD Member

            Never had that – which probably is why it was a mystery to me.


            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
            BRONZE Member

              Freshly installed. G3 77″+Theatre and table stand installed on the floor. And BL28 moved from light to dark oak+black fabric. Beolab 3 as rear speakers.


              GOLD Member

                Beautiful! And it must be a joy to watch a good movie with your setup.

                Congrats, Johan

                Location: Netherlands
                My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
                BRONZE Member

                  My buttons(favourites)are not for radio stations only.

                  1st,I assigned for my favourite radio station.

                  2nd,I assigned for my set top box(optical catv).Single press on the button switches on theatre,stb and tv.

                  3rd,i assigned for Oppo UDP-203

                  4th,as soon as I complete setup,will be assigned forBeolink ML/NL converter,to integrate Ouverture/Beogram 6500

                  Location: Split,Croatia
                  BRONZE Member

                    Hi OldJack,

                    did you get 4) to work yet? I struggle with this. I can only join an ML source via the converter but not activate it from the Theatre.

                    GOLD Member

                      Hi OldJack,

                      did you get 4) to work yet? I struggle with this. I can only join an ML source via the converter but not activate it from the Theatre.

                      I can’t either – this is not (yet) possible.
                      A must have feature!


                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      GOLD Member

                        Freshly installed. G3 77″+Theatre and table stand installed on the floor. And BL28 moved from light to dark oak+black fabric. Beolab 3 as rear speakers.

                        This looks great. I must ask, though, does it sound strange with the Theater so low to the ground relative to the tweeters in the 28s?

                        BRONZE Member

                          The Theatre has only been programmed to decode the full Atmos compatible data. If it cannot, or if no height speakers are detected, it defaults to a lower standard.

                          This is not really correct… or, perhaps we have to be a bit more specific.

                          If there are signals in an Atmos stream that are intended for “height” channels, but there are no outputs assigned to “height” channels in the current Listening Position, the Theatre does not “default to a lower standard” (which implied that only a subset of the total mix is decoded, e.g. 5.1).

                          All information in the Atmos stream is decoded. However, the channels and/or objects assigned to “height” locations are downmixed or rendered (depending on whether the information in the mix was in a channel or an object) to a non-height loudspeaker (or loudspeakers).

                          FOUNDER Member

                            All information in the Atmos stream is decoded. However, the channels and/or objects assigned to “height” locations are downmixed or rendered (depending on whether the information in the mix was in a channel or an object) to a non-height loudspeaker (or loudspeakers).

                            To be specific…..this is exactly what I tried (badly) to explain. i.e. 5.2.4 to 5.2.0. The word “standard” here is the debateable phrase. Now I am corrected, I shall continue to use my (very) buggy Beosound Theatre wondering endlessly about the downmixing.


                            BRONZE Member

                              Freshly installed. G3 77″+Theatre and table stand installed on the floor. And BL28 moved from light to dark oak+black fabric. Beolab 3 as rear speakers.

                              This looks great. I must ask, though, does it sound strange with the Theater so low to the ground relative to the tweeters in the 28s?

                              Sounding heavenly. My sofa is quite low too. For Music I only use the BL28 and BL3. And I assume the RoomSense calibration is adjusting everything.

                              I tried to have something reminding BV7-55 + Beolab 7-6 on its low stand in some way. Less magic without the electronic curtain and screen+stand movement, but I am very satisfied with the result

                              BRONZE Member

                                Then I set up our beosound theatre, what a sound just from radio/ music with a beolab 19 connected – wow for a soundscape

                                Must order an LG C3 65″ this week, same with a beomote one

                                Does anyone know how to pair Essence Remote with beosound theatre? Have tried and tried, it will not succeed – but as I read it, it must be done

                                Location: København/Danmark
                                FOUNDER Member

                                  In the BeoApp, go to remote pairing. Essence should work fine in its own limited way?




                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Hi OldJack, did you get 4) to work yet? I struggle with this. I can only join an ML source via the converter but not activate it from the Theatre.

                                    I can’t either – this is not (yet) possible. A must have feature! MM

                                    I contacted B&O customer support,this is their reply:

                                    Thank you for your patience while we awaited a reply from our technical department.

                                    I would be happy to provide you some information with regards to your question: In theory it can be possible to have the Beosound Theater and Overture work together but, due to large technological and standard gulf between them, this may not be as seamless as desired. An NL/ML converter can be installed into the setup and then it can be possible to have the signal from the Overture available, via it, to the Theater to join its playback but for in depth solutions on such a set up it would be best to consult with your nearest partnered store to see which setup permutation could allow the best experience possible for you.

                                    Location: Split,Croatia
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Thanks for that, got it working with your help – many thanks

                                      There will probably be more questions when the TV is in the house;o)

                                      Location: København/Danmark
                                      Daniel Duesentrieb
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Hi. I got my Beosound Theatre two weeks ago. I am using two Beolab 3’s as rear surrounds using WiSA via two Beolab Receiver 1’s. Sound calibration worked and rear speakers are running smoothly. However, the app shows that two Beolab Receiver 1’s are connected to the Theatre, but not Beolab 3’s specifically. I find no possibility in the app to tell the Theatre that it is actually two Beolab 3’s connected to the WiSA receivers. Without this info speaker specific bassmanagement cannot work properly, right? Am I doing something wrong or will this become updated? Our listening room layout does not allow using cables for the rears…

                                        Apart from that the product is really great. I prefer it to my previous setup with two Beolab 5’s  as fronts, a Beolab 7.4 as center and mentioned Beolab 3’s as rears (controlled by a Marantz 7703 processor preamplifier and using Beolab Transmitter 1 for the Beolab 3 rears). It sounds clearly more immersive and natural, and speech quality is also quite a bit better. Of cause it does not go that crazy loud as previously, but still more than plenty to make the neighbours angry…

                                        BRONZE Member

                                          I have read the whole topic, but did not find the answer.

                                          How does Theatre work paired with older speakers like 8000 with record player source(stereo 2.0 sound)? Does it help with bass management (theatre as sub) etc. or it’s just playing from the external speakers?

                                          Can you upmix record player 2.0 sound to 5.1 and use theatre and paired speakers ?

                                          How does it work? Anybody experienced this?

                                          How does theatre work with better speakers like 28’s with 2.0 source?

                                          I think about pairing theatre to old beolab 8000 and record player, and I wonder if the theatre would sound better than the 8000 pair.

                                          FOUNDER Member


                                            The Theatre has the sound profiles for the BL8000 in its memory. You may have to change the Powerlink cable (RJ45 out, PL DIN in).

                                            You can configure the Theatre to distribute the sound as you want via “listening positions” and modify the timbre of the sound via Sound modes settings. I would say you could upmic 2.0 to 5.1 but I wont say how good or authentic it would sound.

                                            There is a cable you can buy from B&O or SoundsHeavenly to connect a Beogram via the USB-C input. I do not know if this works without a separate or internal RIAA PreAmp?

                                            You can configure the Bass to the limit of your system or add a Sub. You can configure the crossover. (Default is 120hz).

                                            The music output of the BL28s will be very good. much better than the BL8000 which are a few generations earlier in design. like everything, have a listen before forming an opinion. It may be a sound you like, love or hate? You may still prefer the sound of your BL8000’s?

                                            Ultimately, if you are interested in the Theatre/BL28’s, I would amble down to your local Dealer for a proper Demo.



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