Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLink Beolink Active 1636 PC Input

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      I wonder if the setup manual describes a speciel setup code for this setup?

      The setup manuals for OneRemote’s latest devices just show the code to make the OneRemote respond to the PC source key, without saying whether this is received directly (IR to OneRemote) or indirectly via the PCSNUT.

      My older OneRemote has different codes for direct mode (IR to OneRemote), different codes for indirect datalink and futher codes for indirect AAL.

      Attached is the AAL page from my OneRemote instruction manual – as annotated I think there may be a mistake in the BL Active codes:

      Location: Warwickshire, UK
      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
      GOLD Member

        The setup manuals for OneRemote’s latest devices just show the code to make the OneRemote respond to the PC source key, without saying whether this is received directly (IR to OneRemote) or indirectly via the PCSNUT.

        It says that indirectly as it is a direct mode code.

        Also the description in you manual is that it is a setup for a link room which I read as part of a link system, and therefor the masterlink signals will be in use, hence the Oneremote radio can not be an audio master in that context.

        What we don’t know is if there has been some update og Oneremotes products that is not described in the setup manuals we can find.


        Location: Denmark

          One thing I will try to test is if it will run with a BLC 1614 connected on Masterlink, just to check if a Audio- or videmoster is required, or if its just the presence of Masterlink voltage, and or signals

          That’s a good idea – I don’t think I have a 1614 but I guess yours arrived as part of that large pile of black boxes you acquired!

          Location: Warwickshire, UK
          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
          GOLD Member

            That’s a good idea – I don’t think I have a 1614 but I guess yours arrived as part of that large pile of black boxes you acquired!

            Yes there are 10 of them as part of the mountain 🙂

            Haven’t got any luck dealing any of them on, but then again the 1611 is a better option

            Location: Denmark
            Keith Saunders
            FOUNDER Member

              This afternoon I have spent some time searching my boxes of manuals related to all the B&O converters. I have found a circuit diagram for type 1636 which is attached.

              Location: Hampshire, England
              Keith Saunders
              FOUNDER Member

                I should also point out that the type 1636 (EU) replaced the 1611.

                In fact, all type 161x converters were replaced with 163x units when one was purchased. In other words if a 1611 (EU) converter failed, it must be replaced by a 1636 (EU)

                Location: Hampshire, England

                  Thanks for the 1636 schematic Keith!

                  I should also point out that the type 1636 (EU) replaced the 1611.

                  In fact, all type 161x converters were replaced with 163x units when one was purchased. In other words if a 1611 (EU) converter failed, it must be replaced by a 1636 (EU)

                  I must admit that I don’t understand this!

                  I can imagine the BL Active 1616 (two PL sockets) being replaced with Active Type 1636 (PL and PC sockets). However surely the BL Converter 1611 is used for a totally different purpose with PL and AAL inputs? Or is there another ‘EU’ version of the 1611 out there?

                  Location: Warwickshire, UK
                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
                  GOLD Member

                    This afternoon I have spent some time searching my boxes of manuals related to all the B&O converters. I have found a circuit diagram for type 1636 which is attached.

                    Great to have this diagram to do back up our testing. I can already see that I will have to revisit my measurements as SL-config is not connected to ML-sense (which doesn’t seem to be there at all).

                    Thanks for the 1636 schematic Keith!

                    I should also point out that the type 1636 (EU) replaced the 1611. In fact, all type 161x converters were replaced with 163x units when one was purchased. In other words if a 1611 (EU) converter failed, it must be replaced by a 1636 (EU)

                    I must admit that I don’t understand this! I can imagine the BL Active 1616 (two PL sockets) being replaced with Active Type 1636 (PL and PC sockets). However surely the BL Converter 1611 is used for a totally different purpose with PL and AAL inputs? Or is there another ‘EU’ version of the 1611 out there?

                    I am also a little puzzled about that as the 1610, 1611, 1612, 1614 and 1615 all converts between Masterlink and AAL datalink where the 1616, 1618, 1636, 1637, 1638 and 1639 all are link room products with IR and Powerlink connection + the added PC connection on the 163x series.  Could it be that it was only units from 1616 onwards  that was replaced by 163x? Maybe a text written in a cryptic way?

                    Anyway some followup testing to do with the functionality and many thanks to Keith for locating the diagram 🙂



                    Location: Denmark
                    GOLD Member

                      Just redid my measurements, and I must have followed a wrong trace when I did my measurements last, as there is no connection between Pin 1 SL-config and the Masterlink connector.

                      But still as the diagram also shows:

                      Pin 6 Data –  is Masterlink Data –
                      Pin 8 Data + is Masterlink Data +

                      Location: Denmark
                      BRONZE Member

                        SL-config is not connected to ML-sense

                        You can see in the schematic that SL_Config is actually an output. The “CPU CARD” can set it’s SL_CONFIG pin low which will then provide a logic high signal (5V) on PC pin 1.
                        SL probably stands for slave. Maybe to tell a peripheral connected to the PC socket that the PC source was activated?

                        GOLD Member

                          One thing I will try to test is if it will run with a BLC 1614 connected on Masterlink, just to check if a Audio- or videmoster is required, or if its just the presence of Masterlink voltage, and or signals

                          Tried to test the BL Active with a 1611 Converter connected as an audiomaster on the ML side just to get a baseline of things working. BL active in option 6.

                          All functions works as expected, I can choose all audio and video source from the ML side and get sound through powerlink, and I can use the PC input and get sound through powerlink.

                          Replacing the 1611 converter with a 1614 converter on the other hand will not make any functions work at all. The red standby LED on the IR eye will just keep lighted. SO no luck there



                          Location: Denmark
                          BRONZE Member

                            In other words if a 1611 (EU) converter failed, it must be replaced by a 1636 (EU)

                            Sounds a bit strange. In the 1636 schematic you provided the circuit does not contain the typical ML power supply for the data lines. So in no case it could act as a ML master.

                            BRONZE Member

                              Replacing the 1611 converter with a 1614 converter on the other hand will not make any functions work at all.

                              The 1614 does not elevate the ML data lines. So no ML communication possible without a proper master. Either the circuit is not there at all or it is disabled by software. Not sure if I’ve seen a schematic of the 1614 so far.

                              GOLD Member

                                SL-config is not connected to ML-sense

                                You can see in the schematic that SL_Config is actually an output. The “CPU CARD” can set it’s SL_CONFIG pin low which will then provide a logic high signal (5V) on PC pin 1. SL probably stands for slave. Maybe to tell a peripheral connected to the PC socket that the PC source was activated?

                                The original peripheral for this connection was the first Beolink PC office box, shown in one of the first posts in this thread. The ML data pins and the SL_config pin was then connected to that. But if it makes sense that the BL Active should send some kind of signal to the BL PC office box when there was also the ML data I don’t know.

                                But if you can tell from the diagram that SL_config is and output then we might not have much use for that for input applications

                                Location: Denmark
                                BRONZE Member

                                  The original peripheral for this connection was the first Beolink PC office box

                                  Ah, true. Forgot about that.

                                  But if you can tell from the diagram that SL_config is and output then we might not have much use for that for input applications

                                  Yes, definitively output-only in the schematic.

                                  GOLD Member

                                    Madskp wrote: But if you can tell from the diagram that SL_config is and output then we might not have much use for that for input applications Yes, definitively output-only in the schematic.

                                    Great to have that confirmed. Just for fun I did a voltage measurement on this pin and it reads 0.4V and fluctates when a command is pressed on the remote control

                                    Location: Denmark
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Just for fun I did a voltage measurement on this pin and it reads 0.4V and fluctates when a command is pressed on the remote control

                                      Could also be IR data output that is replicated on this pin. A scope capture would reveal it.
                                      So that when connected to that PC Office thing it could forward local IR commands directly to the PC. Just an idea…
                                      In any case – not that much useful.

                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Actually, anybody knows what the Powerlink RX function does? Been seeing that in a few schematics. TX is obviously for Penta, 4500, BL5. What about RX? Any speakers sending data back to the source? Was that ever implemented in any speaker?

                                        Probably a provision for local controls or a IR receiver within a speaker? Now I’m somehow curious what happens if you connect an IR eye to the PL data pin…

                                        GOLD Member

                                          Actually, anybody knows what the Powerlink RX function does? Been seeing that in a few schematics. TX is obviously for Penta, 4500, BL5. What about RX? Any speakers sending data back to the source? Was that ever implemented in any speaker? Probably a provision for local controls or a IR receiver within a speaker? Now I’m somehow curious what happens if you connect an IR eye to the PL data pin…

                                          well even though it might be a little redundant it should be possible to connect a Beolink Passive / ML-MCL converter via Powerlink. The passive speaker ports on this box can drive an MCL system including IR eyes.

                                          I have noticed on the diagrams for more than one Beomaster that the data connection is shared between Audio Aux Link, powerlink and MCL, but its not a given. However that suggest some form of comptability between these.

                                          But functionality could of course be reduced on a product like the Beolink Active

                                          I will do some more testing when I have a little spare time on my hands


                                          Location: Denmark
                                          GOLD Member

                                            well even though it might be a little redundant it should be possible to connect a Beolink Passive / ML-MCL converter via Powerlink. The passive speaker ports on this box can drive an MCL system including IR eyes.

                                            Just did a test of this to see what happens. A picture of the setup here


                                            From Top to bottom

                                            iPod as music source – connected to AAL connector on – BL1611 working as Audio/video master – connected via Masterlink to – Beolink active with IR eye in option 6 – connencted with fully wired powerlink cable to – ML/MCL converter – connected with MCL cable to – MCL2AV with IR eye in option 1.5 – connected via PL connector to active speaker

                                            What I tried to do is to cover the IR eye on the BL Active and activate the MCL2AV with and audio command. The MCL2AV is turning on, but the ML/MCL converter and the BL Active is not. only if I uncover the IR eye on the BL Active.

                                            So I guess this apply for this situation:

                                            But functionality could of course be reduced on a product like the Beolink Active

                                            Just to be sure nothing was wrong with the MCL data connection between the MCL2AV and the ML/MCL converter I tried to remove the BL active from the setup and connected the ML/MCL with ML cable to the BL1611 and it worked just fine.

                                            I will have to make some cable adapters to make some more testing on this.

                                            Location: Denmark
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