Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter beocenter 9300 how to remove glass panels

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    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member

    Hi thanks for letting me join.  I have just got a 9300 which was sold honestly with some problems.

    1.  I would  like to remove the glass panels and re-do the double sided sticky tape. The controls do not function properly.   Is there a walk through video or instructions to guide me?
    2. The 9300 loses all its presets , it even only plays out of the one speaker.. I know normally this would be the battery but the seller has  fitted a new one.  (he is a tv engineer by trade)    If it isn’t the battery what could it be?  Could it be associated with the panel buttons not working  or is there a memory chip that needs replacing.

    All ideas welcome. I am in west midlands so if there is any local experts …thanks again.


    Hi and welcome to Beoworld!

    Firstly, there’s a thread about the earlier BC9500 which may be useful here: https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/my-beocenter-9500-restoration/

    To release the glass panels there is a little screw under the left hand edge of each of the panels.  Slide the left hand side of the Beocenter over the edge of a table to view.  Once the screws are removed, each of the panels will slide about 1/4 inch to the left and then lift upwards and off.  When then glass panels are removed you can operate the controls by gently touching the little ‘rubber’ contacts in each of the ‘switch’ positions – the capacitance of your fingers registers and should trigger the switches if working.

    Not sure why it would lose the presets – I would have suggested the battery – maybe check that it is correctly fitted, and the correct type.  I would probably disconnect/connect and then carry out the reset sequence (see this thread) to see if that cures the fault.

    With regard to the missing channel, try connecting the speakers to the speaker 2 sockets.  If these work then the muting relay (which  only supplies speaker 1 sockets) is faulty and should be replaced.

    Finally it would be worth having the service manual (available to Silver/Gold members of this site).

    Let us know how you get on, and if you have further questions.

    EDIT:  Forgot to say – I have always used super glue gel to re-stick BeoCenter glass panels, rather than double sided tape (as described in the first thread that I linked).  No problems after further 15+ years of use!

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member

    Thanks for such a detailed and clear response.

    I’ll have a go at everything you suggest and get back to you.


    Id like to get this work of art in good condition.


    What is the situation with replacement remote control for the 9300.

    I don’t mind aftermarket .


    Thanks 🙏




    What is the situation with replacement remote control for the 9300

    Either Beolink 1000 (BL1000) or Beo4 will be fine for the BC9300.  There are several versions of the Beo4 and all should work but avoid the ex-hotel versions (with funny buttons like ‘Aircon’ or Media’).

    Aftermarket remotes are unlikely to be compatible as B&O use a different IR frequency to most manufacturers.

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    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member


    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member

    Followed instructions,

    Made a couple of errors but all buttons up and working perfectly.

    I could see the glass panels had been dodged slightly before.

    I’m now thinking the battery is probably the problem.

    Is it a desolder and solder job?

    I’ll need a second hand remote.

    My finances are pretty rubbish.


    Great work so far – glad that all the buttons work!

    Yes battery replacement is a soldering job, and you need to be careful not to apply too much heat as batteries can explode!  (Wear goggles)

    EDIT:  I have just deleted some of the advice and photo because I believe that the BC9300 battery may be in a different position to the BC9500 – I will check!!!!!

    And the battery type that I have fitted in the past:  https://uk.farnell.com/renata/cr2450-nfh-lf/cell-lithium-button-2pin-3v/dp/1319731

    And if patient then you should be able to get a decent working remote on UK eBay for £30-40

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    Further to the above, although I don’t have any photos of exact location, in the BC9300 the battery is actually on PCB3 which is the microprocessor board.  This thread may help:  https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beocenter-9300-no-life-almost/

    But it is the same battery, and will still need soldering!

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member

    I’ve located battery.

    I can’t see any soldering on top, is it soldered on the other side?

    Are the white pads under the battery normally there?

    Could you have a look at supplied photos.

    Thanks.. I’m very close now.

    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member
    1. IMG20250101123307IMG20250101123918IMG20250101123256IMG20250101123243



    The battery will be soldered on the reverse side of the board.

    The + on the battery is just to say that the top is positive.  The + and – on the PCB are alongside the holes in the circuit board through which the battery is soldered.

    The battery that I linked to is fine:  It is a CR2450 and has pins that should line up with the holes in the circuit board.

    If you don’t want to directly solder a new battery you could solder one of these battery sockets in place and fit any CR2450 (the socket has the same spacing between the + and – pins):  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0B692W13Q

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    And the white pads were probably to hold the battery proud of the PCB surface whilst fitting – the design of the battery’s soldering pins should hold it above the surface anyway.  If in doubt, leave the pads in place when you fit a new battery.

    If you decide to fit the socket instead, you need to check that there will still be room to close the metal cover of the board.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member


    Ill update when done.

    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member

    Bugger, the battery is good and has power to the board.

    Tested with voltmeter.

    Anyone got any thoughts.

    Could it be resolved by something in the manual programming or maybe with a remote control.

    Otherwise I’m stumped. 🧐


    Bugger, the battery is good and has power to the board.

    What voltage was it reading? – it may not be good when under load and could have dropped sufficiently to confuse the microprocessor.  If it has never been replaced it would be worth doing (it will be 25+ years old!)

    You could try temporarily shorting out the battery to see if that resets the microprocessor (whilst mains power disconnected) .  Or disconnect/reconnect battery for hopefully same effect.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    Forgot to ask, do you have the service manual?  You could try putting the Beocenter in test mode (page 5-1) and resetting the tuner presets.  You could also do a RAM test, but I am not sure how to interpret any results!

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    mark. hinks.
    BRONZE Member

    Hi Guy, it’s working and saving presets.


    I did a mother board trick as you suggested and shorted the battery.

    I also gave the battery a wiggle

    I’m so happy 😁

    No doubt I’ll be back but thank you so much for all your time and trouble over this new year.

    All I can say is, your input wasn’t wasted!

    All I have to do now is find a remote control.

    Regards to you .




    Great news that shorting the battery worked – and I am happy to have helped!

    Ref remote:  You want something like this:  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/306008041159  EDIT:  Not sure I would bid on this one because there are no photos showing the screen working, and the screens can fail partially with gaps/lines showing.

    Be patient and you should find a good one that goes for under £50.

    There are a few versions but all will work with your BC9300:

    These are arranged with the oldest on the left – look at the second row of buttons to see the main differences, apart from the last on the right that also has a joystick (which you don’t need)

    (click on photo to enlarge)


    Any of the oldest three Beo4 versions will be fine for your BC9300, or you could buy an older BeoLink 1000 such as this:  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/286240774803

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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