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Came well wrapped up and taking it out revealed nothing untoward, apart from the fact that the cone didnt want to move up or down, also someone had kindly unpicked the dust cap…tricky exercise so I was happy about that ;¬)
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hcraig244. Reason: spelling
You must be logged in to view attached files.Its unlikely that replacing the capacitors/trimmers/lamps etc provided within a service kit will resolve your issues, its a very good idea to purchase one and carry out said service…however the fault described above will need a little more investigation to track down. Service manuals are available to silver members on the site along with a wealth of guidance from other members, pictures are a great help too….do you have any experience with test equipment such as a multimeter to check for voltages inside the unit? do you have a multimeter?
I checked out the BG4000 recently advertised above on ebay and was quite surprised to see it made over a thousand pounds…..not bad for a sight unseen with issues, a testament to the rising interest in vinyl and the equipment required to listen to it. I may have to increase my home insurance policy to keep pace ;¬)
And thank you Peter for your kind words….your a gent.
If you can deliver it to me in person I will sort it for you….couriers wreak havoc on these decks and will cause more damage, have a punt at it. I can use one of my cartridges to test it prior to your purchasing one if your successful….good luck!
Check this out…price will inevitably go up but maybe not as high as £1500
I only have experience with the vintage equipment, dont have much interest in the more recent products….I like the Beograms 4000 & 4002, the Beomasters 4000 & 4400 and also the Beolab 5000 mostly..I did have a couple of adventures with the Beocord 5000 with some success….however these are very complicated and heavily mechanically orientated ;¬)
I do all my own repairs/restorations….with the service manuals and wealth of support available here its not as difficult as you may think, there are very few options for this work these days…out of curiosity I enquired about repairs at our local B&O shop in Yarm….was told for the vintage items they have a chap locally who will take a look at the item and give an estimate for the repairs for a standard charge of £150……just to look at it!
I advised him if he ever had anyone looking for a competitive price to give me a call…….of course he never has ;¬)
Of course I know…..the Beomaster 4400 has long been one of my favourites, I went through a phase of repairing/restoring them on an almost monthly basis such was my infatuation, I think i still have three lurking in various places around the house, however I then discovered the Beolab 5000 vintage amplifier….another massively over engineered work of art with an amazing reproduction…these where also readily available a few years ago at a reasonable price, mostly in very poor condition but with some help from members in here and some degree of patience readily restorable…these too now come with a hefty price tag whenever one comes up….but i’m rambling now……
For me the best match would be a couple of Beovox S45’s…….I find them a very good medium size speaker providing a very nice full reproduction, regarding your intention to acquire a BG4000 you will need to spend a fair amount of money, not so long ago one could pick up a second hand unit needing some repairs for little over £100….now they are commanding much greater sums working or not, they are very desirable however ;¬)
Your tracking servo is working fine, the servo is only activated after the tone arm is lowered..check out the video Belover posted on U tube for a good explanation of the circuits involved
The vibrations you mention could be caused by a number of things, I too have used silicone grease on the threaded shaft, however i removed it from the rails as it was collecting dust and although not causing any noticeable issues i felt that it wasn’t necessary, look to the drive pully and its alignment to the motor spindle pully, also check that the threaded shaft is not bent….i have seen this in the past. Regarding the clicking sounds on the return run this will be the slider contact switches getting operated as the arm returns, you wont normally hear this on the way in as the arm moves relatively slowly compared to the run out.
So the coil is ripped and in your opinion beyond repair, shame but still not impossible to repair…just difficult. As chance would have it I do have a woofer purchased some years ago when I was going through a period of interest in repairing them, I bought it in case I couldn’t master the re-location of the magnet dislodge problem that has plagued these older speakers due to glue degrading….turned out I was successful and didn’t need the one I bought…so still have it, thing is I cant remember what I paid for it ;¬)
Sounds good to me, I’ll have a go at sorting it. Send me a message and I’ll organize postage costs 👍
Starting point may be if the coil is still measuring 4 ohms?
Ahh…..that’s unfortunate, had it just been detached magnets I could have repaired it for you, damaged coil is most likely to be terminal
Whats wrong with the one you have?
Considering the age of these decks, and the complexity of operation its not surprising that they demonstrate the occasional temperamental slip, I have found for the most part I’m constantly tweaking and adjusting this and that in order to maintain continued operation….it’s all part of the charm ;¬)
I’m pleased everything has worked out for you….however the correct adjustment of the diff stop is identified below, buy hey if it isnt broke dont fix it ;¬)
You must be logged in to view attached files.Have a look at Rudi’s video below….could be the ES (End Stop) switch playing up.
All of the above are the reasons I hold the vintage equipment in high regard, the BM6000 quad is a master class in over engineering, the lengths the B&O engineers went to just to make the indicator ribbons move up and down is staggering…and the logic gated control panel of the BG4000, given it’s primary role in life is to drop a stylus onto a rotating disc is also the work of someone with far too much time on his hands……
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