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Many thanks, Chris, for your feedback; it is very much appreciated!
I’m pleased to know that this worked for you too! I posted it on Reddit as well, in case it could help with other issues, as I wish we could save as many Beosound Moments as possible despite its bad reputation.
I didn’t know the exact procedure, so thanks to your feedback, we now know that it is not required to maintain Vol- to GND until it reboots!
Mine has been working flawlessly since I did this. Of course, I changed the battery and the mini battery (on the PCB as well, even if I can’t tell if it improved something for the latter), and the tablet never overheated again :).
Thanks Martin! Knowing this would have saved me couple of hours especially since I placed an order recently to them for the capacitor kit of my S45-2, so if I knew it before I would have ordered it too 😅.
Hello, maybe could you start with checking power supplies capacitors? Maybe start with those which look like suspicious?
Hi folks,
I’m giving you some updates following my previous post.
My battery was definitely not dead. Maybe it is worn but still holding good. The super capacitor was dead but had nothing to do with the boot loop issue that some people including myself were experiencing. I removed it and still waiting for parts but its absence doesn’t cause any loss or improvement so far.
However I managed to restart my tablet, maybe by luck, I don’t know, but here is how I did it and what I learnt:
This tablet is probably built on top of an ASUS TF300T (NVIDIA Tegra 3 T30L). So similar debug process applies.
If you open your tablet, you’ll find close to the capacitive sensor PCB on the mainboard different test point that you need to solder very thin wires to. Especially RESET and VOL -. Please disconnect the battery before.
By following the process of “fastboot” for ASUS TF300T tablet, which is, while you’re getting the boot loop issues, you maintain the other end of the the Vol – (Volume down) wire to the main board heatsink/shielding/ground, briefly touch the end of the Reset wire to that same ground and hold the Vol – wire end to the ground chassis of the main board (not the bezel by the way, it’s not connected to ground). Then keep it like this until a wheel appears, trying to restore something. Wait before the whole tablet reboots before removing the Vol- from the ground. Repeat several time until it works. At least this is how I’ve done and what worked for me. I’m not sure I fully fixed the issue for my tablet but I’ll be curious to hear from others if you managed to repeat that process.
Let me know if you want some pics or details for helping you in this process.
Hello Beoworld members,
I’m new to this forum and a happy (unhappy ?) owner of a recently dead Beosound moment. It died recently just before going on vacation and I quickly started to do some investigation on it before leaving. I’m living in France and I’m an electrical engineer so I hope I have enough background to fix it if this is something doable 🤞
Despite on being far away and abroad for now I can’t stop thinking of it.
First thing that I’ve noticed is that indeed the poor design of the tablet overall. The CPU is a Nvidia T30L poorly cooled which is overheating when this boot loop is occurring. But for now I’m highly doubting this one is dead.
The second things I noticed is the super leaky super capacitor which I don’t know why it is used for. I repaired several electronic equipment in the past and this crappy super capacitor was always the root cause of the problem. So I would advise to change this one first before replacing the battery as the highly leaking super capacitor drains your battery very quickly forcing you to leave the jukebox always on to not loose your configuration settings (some issue that I had before the tablet died) and I remember this was a common issue on Sony PSP portable console too. I ordered some and will let you know how far I can progress on the repair process for my tablet (I’ll probably be able to work back on it in a week or too from now if the part has arrived and when I’ll be back of course).