Forum Replies Created
did you check the box for BEO9500 Radio on the Experience mapped to NL page?
My Beomaster 7000 Radio source is shown; see below!note: the difference to your system and mine: I do have additional NL devices and the Beosystem 7000/BLC combo is set as “connect to (primary)” to a BS35. So as mention before, maybe you’re confronted with BLC limitations.
I’ve changed the lease time to one hour to see if the interval in the critical error log would also change, but it didn’t. The M3 with the fixed IP also reconnects every 24 hours. I’ll take it up with B&O support. Mozart based products don’t show this behavior, so I think it’s somewhere coded in the ASE product firmware.
Is automatic software update on the M3 enabled? If so I would switch one off and control what happens
Hi all, I have several BeoPlay M3 speakers connected to a Ruckus Unleashed network. I’ve noticed in the critical error log of the speaker that every night the speakers reconnect to the Wi-Fi network. Each speaker at a different time in the night, but with an exact interval of 24 hours. I’m trying to figure out what’s causing this behavior. Is it the speaker that initiates the reconnect or is it the Wi-Fi network? Does anybody else uses Ruckus for their Wi-Fi and has seen the same behavior?
is the lease time for an IP address in your router set to 24h?
set, to try out, one M3 to a fixed IP address22 December 2023 at 20:00 in reply to: beosound 9000 setup Beolink4 Beolink / Masterlink Gateway #50464Hi there, i have replaced the SMD capacitors on the Masterlink board in the BS9000 before connecting back in the system and have tried every instruction i have received from you guys, but… the BS9000 is still not visible in the Masterlink Gateway and I don´t have the sound. I have tried : disconnect everything from the mains i have set up the BS9000 with beolink 4 to A.Option 0. there is no reaction on Beovision 11 tv to setting option V.OPT 2 with beolink 4 there is no option like this to set up Beovision 11 tv to setting option V.OPT 2 with BeoRemote one. If I choose CD with beoremote one I hear radio, same if I choose radio with the remote. I post some pictures from setup Masterlink Gateway, I can´t find anywhere the BS9000. I have created the service report as archive XXX.tar.gz file. But i don´t know where to find the communication between Masterlink Gateway and BS9000 in this report?? Or what is name of this file including communication report??
First a note: you keep mentioning a Masterlink Gateway. But do you have a Masterlink Gateway AND a Beolink Converter NL/ML in your setup? Please note that they are complete different devices. For this discussion I presume you only have a Beolink converter NL/ML (BLC).
Go to Configuration / Setting of the BLC
Set the ML role to ASlave (confirm with Save) – no speakers connected to the BLC and/or BS9000
Set “connect to (primary)” in Networklink to Beovsion11-46 (as displayed; confirm with Save)
Go to Configuration / Experience mapped to NL
check the appropriate boxes (CD, A.Aux, Radio)Start BV11 and open Menu
search for “connect to (primar)” in the menu structure (I do not have a BV11 anymore and don’t know where it is located; maybe someone else can elaborate)
set to BLC; confirm that it uses the BV11 speakers.Now the BS9000 should start with the CD command from the Beo4.
Remark: be sure that on the page IR mapping no other source is connected to the remote CD command. There it must say CD starts CD and no other source!
Hi all Can I have some help please I am trying to get me Beomaster 5 to turn the Eclipse on , so the Beomaster can play through the speakers connected to the Eclipse I have only just set up my Beoremote one BT to turn on the Beomaster 5 but when I turn it off it goes to TV on the screen I feel it is not configured correctly in the ML /NL convertor any help would be good
Beouser66 is right there is no “direct” solution to start/stop both.
Note: if you have only the BV Eclipse and BS5 playing together, you can stop all by pressing the STBY button for 3 s. Then the whole system is set to standby.Please post some pictures of the BLC setting. That’s the only way to correctly evaluate the BLC settings.
By pure accident I found if hit A.TAPE on my Beo4 remotes and the signal is received by Beolink Converter ML/NL, it activates Deezer on my Beoplay A6. This works on my “DVD” Beo4 and on my older “AV” Beo4. The various status are: • If the A6 was on standby, A.TAPE turns on Deezer, A6 remains on volume zero, Deezer plays on BC ML/NL Powerlink speakers. To get A6 to play, just touch its volume bar on the B&O app. • If the A6 was playing Spotify, A.TAPE plays Deezer on A6 and BC ML/NL speakers. • If the A6 was playing B&O Radio, A.TAPE plays Deezer on A6 and BC ML/NL speakers. • If the A6 was playing N.MUSIC, CD, RADIO, etc. (legacy sources), A.TAPE plays Deezer on A6 and BC ML/NL speakers. Perhaps this is widely known, but it is news to me. This function is unlike JOIN, which plays locally whatever else is playing on the network; nor is it like the “O” button at the top of the Essence remote, which plays/switches audio sources at each keypress. Are there other buttons on old hardware which call up other music sources from wireless hardware?
That’s not by accident!
That’s no dedicated button of the Beo4!
That’s how the IR was set in the BLC – goto Configuration, IR mapping in the setupI would like to explain the essence of the purchase of the beo converter nl/ml, it was to be used to remotely control the beo9500 via an application on the phone. I prefer to have the speakers connected to the beo9500, the sound is then controlled by this device.
if you give f.e. the CD command with the app, the NL side thinks okay I have to play the CD, but because in the app you have chosen the BLC as device, the CD has to be played on the BLC connected speakers.
The app can’t start the CD to play on BC9500 with speakers connected (and no speakers connected to the BLC) for the simple reason, the NL side doesn’t know it has only the BC9500 connected or does it have additional ML devices (for example a BL Passive and a BL3500) connected. So should it start the BC9500 or a BL Passive or a BL3500 or all or……..Though presumably this would be possible with Beoliving Intelligence added to the mix. edit: this must be a Beolink Gateway.
So the best chance to achieve somehow your goal: connect the speakers to the BLC (one possible restriction: I do not know (never tried) if a sole BLC does work correctly as a NL system)
BC9500 – PL + AAL – Beolink T1611 – Masterlink – BLCBLC Setup: No speakers connected to BLC
Configuration -setting -ML role: ASlave
Configuration -experience mapped to NL: check the boxes Radio, CD, Atape (note: you can rename to f.e. (9500Radio, 9500CD…)B&o App:
add the BLCWhat I’m missing in the above setting is a NL device and I do not see one in the described system!
So alternative: no additional NL device:
BC9500 – PL + AAL – Beolink T1611 – Masterlink – BLCBLC Setup: speakers CONNECTED to BLC
Configuration -setting -ML role: VMaster
Configuration -experience mapped to NL: check the boxes Radio, CD, Atape (note: you can rename to f.e. (9500Radio, 9500CD…)
B&o App:
add the BLC6 December 2023 at 21:11 in reply to: How do you live with the Bang & Olufsen app and the music? #51106Thanks for your input Caropla, but there is no BLC or ML involved in my setup.
Sorry I mixed up things because of the Master and Slaves mentioned.
In Netlink there are no Master and Slaves.Still is it a bug? The settings are now that a device is always starting with the last played source.
Is is convenient? Is it the right philosophy? I’m still not made up my mind if it is right or wrong.When I start a ML source on the BLC, the Balance can join. When I start a ML source on the BS1, the Balance cannot join even though it shows up in the multi-room device list.
Does the Balance JOIN if you select and hold (shortly) the (centre) play/pause button on the Balance?
The behavior you describe means B&O are trying to emulate the classic interface with new software and firmware, and have not considered all the edge cases. Report this behavior as a bug.
Agree. I have reported to B&O support. Lets see what they say.
Is this a bug? After some thoughts I would say not.
If you set the BLC “Primary” connected to your BS1, the ML sources connected to the BLC becoming sources of the BS1. So when you start the BS1. it starts with the latest played source.Thus not a bug but a choice how the system should react.
You could skip setting the BLC as primary on the BS1 and add the BLC separately to the B&o app.
Open the B&o app, chose the BLC and select the ML source to be played. Then join the BS1 and/or M5I have recently setup a 2nd hand BLC, and everything seems to be working properly in that I can listen to NL sources on my ML devices and vice versa. It all works fine except for 2 problems:
The ML sources only show up in the B&O App for devices configured in “Connect to (Primary)/(Secondary)”. Is the correct? I seem to remember it showing up in all devices.
Correct (for sure as Primary). But the sources are also visible on the BLC (if added to the B&o app). You can then start a source on the BLC and JOIN the others.
My stereo paired Balances do not seem to want to play ball with the ML sources. I can send its audio to ML, but I cannot get it to accept ML audio. The ML sources do not show up in its audio source choices in the B&O app even when configured as the “Connected to (Primary)”, and if I start sending ML to my BS1, I can multi-room the audio to every NL device I have except for the Balances. Is this a limitation of Mozart?
Correct. The Balance doesn’t have Primary/Secondary settings. So the ML sources can’t be added to the Balance as a source.
The Balance should accept the Multiroom of sources connected to your BS1 though. Did you try a manual JOIN already?
3 December 2023 at 15:24 in reply to: BeoRemote Halo toont geen pauze knop tijdens multiroom sessie #50966Bedankt voor je reactie, maar dit is bij mij niet het geval. Wanneer ik beide speakers mute dan zie ik in de spotify app dat het nummer wel door blijft spelen. Hetzelfde geldt voor muziek die ik afspeel met Deezer.
Deezer verbaast me, als je deze via B&o gestart hebt! Spotify ligt voor de hand (geen directe verbinding en daarmee geen signaal naar de Spotify app).
In ieder geval geldt dit wel voor “music” (dlna muziek) en via BLC verbonden ML produkten. (ik was blijkbaar te voorbarig…)
In mijn geval gebruik ik Audirvana/Qobuz om muziek te streamen, zoals te verwachten, is bij deze combinatie ook geen terugkoppeling en wordt de stream ook niet gestopt maar gemutet.
3 December 2023 at 14:21 in reply to: BeoRemote Halo toont geen pauze knop tijdens multiroom sessie #50964Tijdens een BeoLink Multi-Room sessie met mijn beosound shape en de Stage samen, toont het schermpje van mijn BeoRemote van zowel de Shape als de Stage het speaker symbool en niet het pauze symbool. Dus kan ik alleen het geluid van de betreffende speaker uitzetten maar de muziek niet pauzeren. Het pauze symbool is wel zichtbaar als ik alleen muziek afspeel op enkel de Stage of de Shape.
Juist bij het kiezen van van de speaker icoon lijkt het een “mute” opdracht te zijn. Echter toch wordt de bron gepauzeerd totdat je weer deze icoon hebt “gedrukt”.
Zeker lijkt dit verwarrend.
Het gaat wel “mis” als je via dlna een eigen cd hebt gekozen, deze volledig afluisterd en de cd nogmaals wilt beluisteren. Dan heeft de speaker icoon geen zin, je moet dan terug naar de “music” opdracht!
3 December 2023 at 11:14 in reply to: Beolink Multiroom and Unify network, music not synchronized #50906Thanks! I don’t have a router from Unify, but gave every speaker a fixed IP. The 2.4ghz recommendation is interesting, because I just tried to boost the 5 ghz for problem solving. I’ll try this by switch off the 5 ghz for a period. I already use fixed channels (not automatic) this gave indeed more stability, but not a 100% fix.
did you try the system already with the router’s wifi switched off?
does every AP it’s own name? Or do they have the same name?
3 December 2023 at 05:49 in reply to: Beolink Multiroom and Unify network, music not synchronized #50904Since three months I use a Unify router with already installed AP’s. Although most (if possible) B&o is LAN connected. That said an Essense and two M3 are WiFi connected. Until now I have hardly to none sync problems.
General try-outs to reduce sync problems (AP’s are integrated part of Unify setup):
- Set fixed IP address
- Use only 2.4GHz band
- Set on predominant channel.
note: I myself use these settings
I wonder if anyone experience the same problem. Scenario: My M5 is started in the morning using the timer. A bit later I go down to the kitchen and tap on my BS1 GVA. By that I join the source on the M5. After that I may add M3 in my bathroom and/or M3 in my office. When I later leave the house I close all devices by using the B&O app, shutting all devices to standby. Problem: When I come home, I then tap my BS1 GVA and expect that to play from its own source. It does not. It starts playing from the M5, and the link symbol is shown in the app. Sometime the BS1 does not play at all, and I have to use the app to start the play. It appear as the “master” does not release the “slave”. Its the same if I use M3 as the Master. Anyone else see this behavior? I think this started with the latest ASE platform update.
Hiort, your right! All my devices do show this behaviour after a minor updates.
For example: yesterday evening I played the BG400o on my Shape connected to a BLC. If I give a play command on the Shape today (white triangle on the black player ribbon) it starts the last played source, the BG4000.
It works with all sources this way now: so also BLC connected sources. But for some, to me unknown reason, some sources are more persistent then others. On a strange way the “a.tape7000” starts unexpectedly.I’m still figuring out, how the system exactly reacts.
A general comment: It’s incorrect to infer that a system or device is lossy or lossless based only on a sampling rate and bit depth. For example, an MP3 decoder can spit out 48 kHz / 24 bit audio. That doesn’t mean that it’s lossless.
oeps, that’s right, never thought about it that way.
so what would be the correct criteria?