Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab DIY Beolab 8000 Wood frets (STLs included).

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  • #32576
    BRONZE Member

      Can you send the file for this i vant find it from Egru123

      Michiel Van Eijk
      BRONZE Member

        Hai Matador, can you please send me the stl file for the beolab 9000 cover . With kind regards , Michiel

        Gene Kim
        BRONZE Member
          On matador said

          Hi alls,The STL’s are now attached to this post.Credits and big thanks to Keith who add this feature so fast.

          Hi Matador, unable to locate these STLs anywhere. Would appreciate a reupload!

          Ed Hawkins
          BRONZE Member

            Hi there,

            what an excellent project and thanks for sharing. i can’t seem to find the stl files to download – could somebody point me in the right direction please?


            Sandor Papp
            BRONZE Member

              Hi good afternoon @matador. Thank you very much for the hard work you and the others put into this project. It is looking amazing and I think this is a lovely DIY project for anyone who enjoys building things. I used to  love fixing my cars (old bangers), but since my wife told me we need a reliable newer car that somehow ruined my hobby of building and repairing things. 😀
              I have myself an old pair of 8000s and I would love to work on this project myself after I have refoamed them. Please if you or someone else would be kind enough to re-share the STL files for the 4 and 5mm versions I could ask around for 3D printing them and to look for the correct wood. I am really liking the version @tuttivini did on his. I know he must put a lot of effort into it.
              I wish everyone a great weekend and bank holiday (uk)!


              Tom Richart
              BRONZE Member

                Hi all,

                I recently inherited a pair of 8000s and I would really like to use my printer to with these great designs by @matador and give the 8000s a new look!

                Searching around the forum it seems that the .stl files are nowhere to be found, the functionality for attachments is not working yet, if I get it right?

                Is there any other way to acquire these files? Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

                Thanks in advance.

                BRONZE Member

                  Hello . I have been looking for more than half an hour for the stl/pdf file and still cannot locate it.

                  Is there any way you could help please ?

                  Thank you !

                  BRONZE Member

                    STL Files

                    BRONZE Member

                      Where to download files at ? 🙂

                      David Andersson
                      BRONZE Member


                        Is it possible to upload the STL-files to thingiverse so more people could get started on this fun project? 🙂

                        Pranish Bhaskaran
                        BRONZE Member


                          Sorry for sending this message. I am quite new and still figuring out this site.

                          I could see in the trail there is an STL file attached.  However, I am not able to see any attachments here.  I have registered only today as a Bronze member. Do I need to be a silver or gold member to access the files?

                          I appreciate your support on this.

                          Max Reider
                          BRONZE Member


                            I love this project and want to try it for myself.

                            If anybody could sebd me the files stl, woukd be so nice!

                            Thanks in advance! 😉


                            BRONZE Member

                              Hello everyone,


                              where can I download the STL File for beolab 8000 clamps,

                              Atanas Todorov
                              BRONZE Member


                                I cannot find the .stl files in any post of this thread. Is a silver/gold membership required and if not – where can I find them?


                                Atanas Todorov
                                BRONZE Member

                                  Dear Matador, your work is precious. I have registered as a bronze member but cannot find the attachments. I have searched the whole thread three times. The only visible is your picture instructions. Can you send me the files, I will be grateful? Or post a wetransfer link here?

                                  Swedish BeoFan
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Hi everyone,

                                    Sorry for the question again but I cant find the stl file in the post, i have been looking for some time now 🙁
                                    Would really appricate if someone could sent me?

                                    Regards from Sweden.


                                    FOUNDER Member

                                      Does anyone have the advanced edition holder in 3D file? Like use the magnet like this. For sharing? Screenshot_20240830_135936

                                      FOUNDER Member

                                        @Swedish beofan find thia attached document

                                        Swedish BeoFan
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          Hi @michael!
                                          Thank you for your reply!

                                          unfortunately I can’t see the file you so kindly refer to, could you please send it to me as a PM?
                                          Would really appreciate your help

                                          leon julius
                                          BRONZE Member


                                            I cannot find the slt files. Could you please send them to me?


                                            Grts Leon.

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