Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter Connecting BC2 to BV 11-40 tv

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  • #47330
    GOLD Member


      I have the opportunity to acquire a BV11-40 tv, it only has HDMI sockets.

      I have a Beocenter 2 which connects via a scart plug or RCa, anyone any suggestions how to effect a connection, do B&O produce a ‘box’ etc?


        I think the BV11 also has a mini-AV socket, hence you could use one of the following cables (probably ‘D’): (taken from Beolink Handbook v1-9 page 128 – click to expand)

        mini av


        Location: Warwickshire, UK
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        GOLD Member

          Guy is correct in this.

          C will also work in combination with a Male-Male scart cable if you need more lenght.

          In the setup menu for the AV input Beocenter 2 can be choosen the same way a PUC code is selected. Only difference is here you dont need an IR blaster as the controls happens via the scart adapter

          Location: Denmark
          GOLD Member

            Another alternative if you dont need video signals from the BC2 to the BV11 BC2 and/or if you want the audio from the BC2 to be available for other B&O NL speakers/TV’s is a Beolink Converter NL/ML. But that might be overkill for what you want.

            Location: Denmark
            GOLD Member

              Question for those who have tried connecting the BC2 to a BV11 this way?

              I suppose, that you’d only get the sound from a DVD or a CD this way – the sound from the radiotuner can not be distributed through the scart/mini socket, or???


              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              GOLD Member

                Question for those who have tried connecting the BC2 to a BV11 this way? I suppose, that you’d only get the sound from a DVD or a CD this way – the sound from the radiotuner can not be distributed through the scart/mini socket, or??? MM

                I havent tried it, but the user manual for the BC2 mentions a setting about getting DVD sound through Scart or Powerlink. If I understand that correctly it is only possible to get DVD sound through the scart connection. Also it mentions that it is possible to get DVD sound through scart while listening to radio through speakers connected directly to the BC2.

                So in short, the BC2 will only have DVD related functions through scart. This also makes sense as only on source command can be assigned to an input (Scart or HDMI) on a Beovision.

                Location: Denmark
                GOLD Member

                  But that must be true for CD playback as well.
                  Nice CD player then…..who watches DVD’s nowadays?

                  Will be interesting to know if it turns on the BV11, when one starts playback manually on the BC2?


                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                  GOLD Member

                    But that must be true for CD playback as well.

                    The manual for the BC2 is not that clear in that regard. It shows selection of DVD and CD respectivly with the BEO4, however on the front panel there is only one button called disc.

                    Also in the chapther of DVD operation there is a box with supported formats wich also includes Audio CD.

                    what is unclear to me is if the DVD player part also handles CD playback when the CD command is used or if its another part of the BC2 that handle this.


                    Location: Denmark
                    GOLD Member

                      As far as I remember, it is just like with the DVD players in the BV7’s…….you use the DVD command and the player detects which kind of disc is put in (like any other DVD player does) and starts playback.

                      Would be nice however, to have it confirmed!


                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      GOLD Member

                        P.S. Will be interesting to know if it turns on the BV11, when one starts playback manually on the BC2? MM

                        there was a thread regarding the AV connector on the old forum where it was mentioned that the data is only one way. If that is correct this will not work, but it could be great to have it confirmed by someone with a similar setup

                        Location: Denmark


                        The AV input of the BV11 is great to give an analogue stereo audio connection, but not so good for video.  It doesn’t carry any data or trigger signals, also the video will be standard definition (which will appear very low quality on a large HD screen!)

                        Personally, I would suggest using the BC2 as a radio and CD player to the TV via an audio connection (I can help with this if required via my sponsor link below) and use a modern DVD/Blu-ray player via an HDMI connection to get a good quality result for movies.

                        If I recall correctly, the 9 pin AV connection dates back to the Sega Megadrive in around 1992, so not a great option in this setup!  (Not sure why B&O chose to add it, the 3.5mm TRS audio input used on later TVs is a much better choice).

                        Kind regards, Steve.

                        Location: The cable workshop, England
                        Favorite Product: Beosystem 72-23
                        Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
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                          It doesn’t carry any data or trigger signals

                          Morning Steve! There have been a couple of posts in the past that suggest limited data through the mini-AV socket. The post here mentions BC2 in particular:  https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/p/8855/78153.aspx#78153

                          EDIT:  Also mosquito’s posts here: https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beosystem-2300-mit-beovison-11-verbinden/#post-15918

                          Location: Warwickshire, UK
                          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2

                          Morning Guy!

                          The info I had only showed stereo audio and composite video inputs to the TV, with no outputs or data lines.  I have done some more searching and I see that B&O did mention “one way AVL” data on this socket, but I don’t have any more details about it (I seem to recall that was the SCART data protocol used by DVD1?)

                          Kind regards, Steve.

                          Location: The cable workshop, England
                          Favorite Product: Beosystem 72-23
                          Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
                          My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-MomentBeosound-LevelBeosound-EmergeBeosound-A5Beosound-9000Beoplay-V1 Beoplay-H100 Beoplay-H95Beoplay-H9iBeoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-E8Beoplay-E4Beolit-17Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                          GOLD Member

                            hello Steve

                            here is the cable drawing


                            It is indeed scart data from pin 8 to pin 6 in the mini Din and called AVL

                            Location: Denmark

                            Thanks Madskp!

                            Location: The cable workshop, England
                            Favorite Product: Beosystem 72-23
                            Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
                            My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-MomentBeosound-LevelBeosound-EmergeBeosound-A5Beosound-9000Beoplay-V1 Beoplay-H100 Beoplay-H95Beoplay-H9iBeoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-E8Beoplay-E4Beolit-17Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                            GOLD Member

                              Thanks all for your inputs!

                              Having done some investigations, it might be a goer, but as you might expect my sort of local BnO outlet, 150miles away in Rennes are less than helpful, they just want to flog more new ‘stuff’.

                              I now need to give some thought to it all, as, I can buy a 7-40,but it is complete with stand, soundbar etc and i already have those here    —-     doh, life’s a bitch!!

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