Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! North America Connecting AUX source to Beo Ouverture


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  • #63809
    Pablo Infante
    BRONZE Member

    Hello! I just visited your website and had a question. I have a beolab6000 connected to a Beosound Ouverture. I was trying to connect an external network adapter for AirPlay and Bluetooth. I bought a Wiim Mini, and a 7pin to rca cable. I connected the aux out on the wiim mini to the ouverture with the 7pin adapter and no sound comes out the speakers. If I try to put the Wiim directly on one of the speaker and set it on « Line » It works. Do you have any solution for me? I wanted to have everything connected through the beosound ouverture.


    Hi and welcome to Beoworld!

    You need to make sure that your DIN to RCA connector sends the input to pins 3&5 of the DIN connector.  Your lead is probably a DIN output using pins 1&4. (EDIT:  You don’t need a 7-pin DIN, a 5-pin DIN will work)

    The correct connections are as follows:


    EDIT:  And make sure that you connect to the AUX input of the Ouverture and not one of the Powerlink sockets!

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Guy.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Guy.
    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    GOLD Member

    If you prefer to buy one….
    ….you’ll need something like this


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
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