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  • #36948

    Hi Beoworlders,

    I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to Bang & Olufsen for allowing this exclusive private viewing of their amazing historic product collection – this is incredible! The big question is whether I got the list of products correct? 😉

    Which one is YOUR favourite item from B&O’s history?

    Kind regards, Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
    Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
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    Thanks Steve – great video as always!

    I think the 3 little TVs on the floor (2 mins in) are MX1500, not 1000. I don’t think there was an MX1000, but could be wrong!

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    GOLD Member

    Hello Steve,

    My favourite one remains the Beolab 5000 amplifier. No contest. Then, the mighty Beomaster 8000.

    Location: Burgundy

    Thanks Guy,

    yes you are quite correct! They are MX1500 TVs.

    I really like the little Beolit 48, even though I don’t have any need for one!

    Kind regards Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
    Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available

    Intersting indeed.

    0:37 Not Beomaster 4000 but Beomaster 1100
    0:40 Beomaster 1400
    0:44 Beomaster 900
    0:48 Minette 609
    1:03 Hifi Stereo Amplifier 608
    1:05 Minette 512 (x2)
    1:31 Master Deluxe 42K
    1:33 Grand Prix 41
    3:34 Beovision 500
    3:38 Horisont TV 609K (not a 609T because it has no carrying handle on top).
    3:42 Capri TV 611 SJ FM
    3:49 Grand Prix TV 513 S
    3:53 Master Deluxe 606 S (21″)
    4:48 Still not sure this is a B&O
    5:09 Building furniture series.
    Top left could be a Record player Type GS, a storage cabinet Type A or something else – will have to open to know.
    Top right Grand Prix 606.
    Bottom 2x Speakers. Could be type M. Not sure.
    5:30 Could be Beovox 5000
    5:31 Type S
    5:32 Type M
    5:34 Two speakers on top of eachother could be Beovox 1100 or Beovox 2200 (they are not Beovox 1000)
    To their right could be two Beovox 2700 or Beovox 2702.
    5:54 Replica Hyperbo 5RGS. Not a genuine B&O product.
    7:22 Not B&O. The sliderule that inspired Beomaster 1200 (and Beomaster 1001).
    7:34 The middle one is a Beomaster 3000 early series (FM to 108MHz).
    7:39 Beolit 500
    8:10 Grand Prix Present Stereo 609K
    9:16 Junior 38
    9:21 Master 39K With custom pushbutton station arrangement
    9:48 Standard 506RG
    10:05 Master Deluxe 39RG
    10:25 Beosystem 5500 on F1000 Audio & Video Storage System
    10:39 (Not Beovox M100). Could be Beovox S55, Beovox S80 or Beovox S80.2. Can’t tell if they have alu trim round the back.
    10:57 Beocenter 2300 DAB with Beolab 2500 speakers

    What I could find time for today.



    Thanks Martin!

    My B&O product knowledge isn’t the best so always good to have corrections.

    Kind regards, Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
    Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
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