Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter B&O service / USA – 9500

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    BRONZE Member


    Does anyone have a good service contact for vintage B&O? I have a BC9500. I sent it for repair because of “chirping sound” in one of the channels. Not only could it not be fixed when it came back the CD player stopped working.

    It first went to a tech in Chicago and then to another in Austin, TX. Nobody seems to want to work on it saying that they can’t get parts.

    Are there any good sources of parts?



    BRONZE Member

    Hi Derek –

    Sorry to hear of the issues. I was going to recommend Pyramid Audio in Austin (I’ve heard good things, but never used them). I have two sources for you:

    Atlantic Systems in Massachusetts. They are currently a B&O service center. They did the impossible; got a VX5000 working for me (and they swore they would never work on one again). 781 826 8760.

    Another source is Benny Amina at Modular Electronics in Roswell GA. 7704101122. He has resurrected several Beolink 7000s for me. He is a former B&O repair center.

    There is a newer service center in Los Angeles, but I’ve not yet used them.

    Let us know how it goes.


    BRONZE Member

    Bang & Olufsen in La Jolla does a lot in vintage B&O, try give them a call.

    GOLD Member

    Derek, please let us know how it goes.  I’m also in the U.S., also have a 9500, fragile enough that I worry.  I’d love to find a knowledgeable repair shop.

    The CD issue is typically either the laser or dry capacitors.  If the latter, Dillon (BeoParts-shop.com) has a kit that worked for me.

    BRONZE Member

    I ended up sending it to Pyramid Audio in Tx.

    They had it for about 9 months and were not able to fix it. I paid to have it sent back.

    Was a little disappointed with how it was reassembled. It was missing a few screws and some of the screws didn’t match, ie I didn’t get it back exactly as I sent it. They probably figured it was dead anyhow.

    BRONZE Member

    … They did the impossible; got a VX5000 working for me (and they swore they would never work on one again)…… -Gregg

    I know exactly why. A running and working VX5000 is a lot of work, around 200 caps to replace … and around 100 further never seen and hidden in a lot of boxes making heat problems…

    This are of the replaced caps you can see … and arond 100 more unseen inside a lot of boxes…

    Not talking about capstan motors, gearboxes, clutches, loading units, flaps, unused analog tuners, power supplies… 12kg electronics is overkill.

    But it can be done. Some are running now for years, cool and reliable…

    BRONZE Member

    Electronic Service Center in Maryland services vintage B&O.  AFAIK all B&O service in the Philadelphia B&O stores are performed there. Shop has been around the DC metro area since the 1970’s.
    ESC refreshed our BM4400 and BG4002 earlier this year. Super nice guy and work.  Some of the restoration involved sourcing NLA parts – power switch for the BM and end of disc LED assembly for the BG.

    Location: USA WV
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    BRONZE Member

    I’d be interested to know who looked at it in Chicago. I’m in the area and my BS9000 is broken. I’d prefer not to ship it to get fixed.

    BRONZE Member

    I worked with Marc and Paul at Atlantic Systems for over 10 years when I was a dealer. If it’s fixable they’ll fix it. I’ve seen them go above and beyond and even harvest parts from other dead products (which they keep a good inventory of) to get things working. B&O is in their blood. At least give them a call and see what they can do.

    FOUNDER Member

    Bumping this thread to note that it appears Atlantic Systems in Hanover, MA has now closed; does anyone know the details?

    I had visited both their original location and their new smaller shop when I lived in the Northeast, most recently around 2022 – I was sad to discover they are gone.

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