Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoApp B&O app conflict with Deezer solved (!)

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    BRONZE Member

    My (paid) Deezer subscription has never worked on the B&O app, updated to the very latest version 4.7.023… and running on the very latest iOS and iPad OS.  This was reported to B&O months ago, who replied that they were aware of the bug.  In my house, there are 2 recent model iPhones and 2 recent iPads that are used daily.  The failure mode is that upon pressing the “music”/”music note” icon at the bottom of the app, B&O asks me to “reactivate Deezer Premium.”

    In a drawer we keep an ancient iPad 4 because of some software that can’t run on newer iPad OS.  Until today it didn’t have the B&O app.  Just today I downloaded the most recent version of B&O available for it:

    Well, after logging it into my B&O account, the old iPad automagically downloaded my Deezer credentials and now only Deezer works… if started from the A6.

    If Deezer is started from the BLC NL/ML, a warning is issued: “The selected product does not support playing Deezer content.”  However the BLC NL/ML can join the A6.


    BRONZE Member

    I’ve also had this same issue for many months, so thanks for posting this. I’ll update the app and will see if it works now for me too.

    Location: Eastbourne, UK
    BRONZE Member

    ebnrob, you may have misunderstood me.  There is no new version that works (in my case).

    On the contrary, the surprise is that using an obsolete iPad with ancient Apple and B&O software, Deezer works… on the obsolete iPad.

    On my new devices with the latest Apple and B&O software, no joy.

    BRONZE Member


    The Deezer build-in steaming works fine in B&O App(verison: 4.8.023….) on my IOS(16.4.1), hope you have also resloved this issue?

    BRONZE Member


    i am facing the very same issue described above (“reactivate Deezer Premium”). Thus I can not get access to deezer within the B&O App (Version 4.8) Even though most recent Apple Software is installed and there is definitely nothing wrong with the deezer subscription itself.

    I contacted B&O Support several month ago and in the end they were unable to resolve this issue. Their repeated answer: I should be patient … After a few month I contacted them again and the answer was again: we are sorry and I should be patient.

    What can I say: Even though I am a B&O customer for decades and quite adore their products I am loosing faith if B&O aspiration of being a premium brand can cope with the quality and functionality of their products. The deezer incompatibility is not the first observation that brings me to the conclusion that B&O is taking a rather sad direction.

    However: Thanks for bringing this up. At least now I know that I am not the only one facing this type malfunctioning.  I would be glad if someone finds a trick how resolve this.
    kind regards Rolli

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