Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision Beovision 10-40 alternative stand or floor

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  • #63779
    Christopher OB
    BRONZE Member

    Hi there,

    I have a Beovision 10-40 with wall bracket that I no longer use in my house and want to have in my summerhouse. However the walls in my summerhouse are not strong enough for such a heavy TV.

    1. Is it possible to mount it to a Beovision 7-32 floor stand? Can get one quite cheap.
    2. Alternatively will the Beovision 10 be ok if I just place it on the floor and lean against a wall? I know this is not the correct way to do it, but it is an old TV, so as long as it doesn’t fracture from its own weight.

    I know I could also find the correct Beovision 10 stand, but these are still quite pricy 2nd hand and cost more than the TV is worth.


    Hi and welcome to Beoworld!

    Is it possible to mount it to a Beovision 7-32 floor stand?

    Possibly, but at the very least you’d need to fit the following BV10-40-specific part to the back of your TV before clipping it onto the BV7-32 stand interface.  This would be as hard to find as the whole stand, and once on the BV7-32 it wouldn’t hang at the right angle because the geometry of the supporting bracket is wrong.


    The TV is not designed to be leant against the wall, so do so at your own risk!  I would be tempted to re-inforce the summerhouse wall with a large sheet of marine ply and use your wall mount.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    Christopher OB
    BRONZE Member

    Hi Guy,

    Thanks for the swift reply and warm welcome.

    Appreciate the great input and I tend to go with the solution of re-inforcing the wall with a sheet of marine ply. Alternatively I will have to see if I can pick up a cheap Beovision 10-40 stand somewhere.

    Best regards,


    GOLD Member

    I ahve recently done this, a bit of  a faff producing a means of holding the screen at the desired angle, also neded to fabricate a short conversion lead to enable the7-32 stand to be controlled by the tv,  Guy gave me details of the lead.

    Where are you? there has been a 10-40 mount on french ebay recently for about 150€ if i remember correctly

    Good luck


    Christopher OB
    BRONZE Member

    I am located in Denmark. Can’t seem to find a second hand stand (without motor) for under €400 here unfortunately.



    If you’re ready to put the TV on the floor, I would suggest do make a simple easel stand made of wood cut in shape like the stands to display platters.
    Something like this more or less:
    Capture d’écran 2025-02-16 à 10.51.43

    If you like the BV on a stand, then I believe the back of the set is flat, right? You could bolt any piece pf wood or sheet of thick metal and the bolt on that sheet any Vesa clamp to accomodate any stand you like.

    Alternatively, the original easel stand should not be that hard to replicate: I don’t know how the front feet go into the set but if they are screwed it should be easy to made them DIY and for the back leg, see above.

    Show us when you’re done!

    Location: Paris France
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