Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Beosound 4 and 5 together?

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  • #57275
    GOLD Member
      • Liverpool

      Not sure I know how to achieve the above to be honest – how would I get it to recognise my WIIM Pro as a video source?  Also would this mean re-wiring the DIN socket?

      Bit of an update too – because the Beosound 4 has only one A.Aux input, I planned to connect the WIIM Pro to that, then connect my Beogram (via a phono stage) to the Aux input of the WIIM Pro.  This seemed a good idea as the WIIM Pro switches to its own Aux input if it detects a signal from that.  However, I found the sound quality is terrible playing vinyl on that setup – I suspect it’s because the WIIM Pro Aux input has a maximum input level of 1 vrms. I think my Pro-Ject Phono Box phono stage has a higher output level (although the manual doesn’t seem to specify).  If I connect the phono stage directly to the A.Aux input of the BS4, it sounds fine, so the signal going through the WIIM Pro is definitely the issue.

      I’m also getting a noticeable amount of speaker hum when I play vinyl, which I don’t get if I connect that same Beogram to my Beocenter 8500.  I expect this is because the DIN socket on the Beocenter earths the Beogram, but connecting it via a standard DIN adapter and then to RCA – there’s no earth.  I have borrowed the Pro-Ject phono stage from another room though and it needs to return there, so I’ve ordered a new phono stage which takes 5 pin DIN inputs (link), with earth.  It’s only very cheap compared to the Pro-Ject one I already have but it does get good reviews, so worth a try.  If it’s no good I’ll return it and get another decent phono stage (Pro-Ject, or NAD) and one of these so I can earth the Beogram.


        • Warwickshire, UK

        Not sure I know how to achieve the above to be honest – how would I get it to recognise my WIIM Pro as a video source?  Also would this mean re-wiring the DIN socket?

        It should just work.  The BL1611 automatically configures itself as a videomaster because there is no other video product on the ML network.  Selecting any video source (on the BL3500 or BS4) will then select the BL1611’s AAL socket as the active (sound) input.  Although I said that the AAL input uses DIN pins 3&5 as the input, this is a standard used elsewhere in the hifi (incl B&O) world and leads such as this are readily available.

        Using such a setup, you should be able to solve the other problem by having your Beogram connected to the BS4 (activated with A.AUX, albeit a bit of a faff from the BL3500), and the WIIM Pro connected to the BL1611’s AAL socket, activated using any video source button.

        GOLD Member
          • Liverpool

          Ah – turns out I already had the right cable for that (I never throw a cable out) and you’re right, it works.  It would mean I could not have my BV8 TV as part of the ML network but I’m not really all that bothered about that – I don’t use it much anyway.  Also means I can get the WIIM Pro to play on the BL3500 of course, so it’s a good solution, thanks!

            • Warwickshire, UK

            Ah – turns out I already had the right cable for that (I never throw a cable out) and you’re right, it works.  It would mean I could not have my BV8 TV as part of the ML network but I’m not really all that bothered about that – I don’t use it much anyway.  Also means I can get the WIIM Pro to play on the BL3500 of course, so it’s a good solution, thanks!

            Great news – it just goes to show what a versatile piece of kit the BL1611 is!

            And you could possibly add the BV8 instead of the BL1611.  Just use a suitable lead to connect the WIIM Pro to one of the BV’s SCART inputs, setup the input accordingly in the BV8 menu and the ML system should distribute the audio as a video source. With the correct TV option setting, when accessed from the BL3500 or BS4 it should just turn on with a muted screen when distributing the SCART audio over ML.

            EDIT:  I just checked the BV8 manual – you may be able to use the BV8’s AV3 composite input for the WIIM Pro (just the L&R audio phono socket inputs) in which case you would not need an adaptor.  I can’t be 100% sure that this input is distributed over ML, but I see not reason why not.

            GOLD Member
              • Denmark

              The 1611 might also be replaced by a 1614 in this scenario. At least I have tested something like that working at one point https://beoworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Beolik-Converter-Usecases-6.pdf

              GOLD Member
                • Liverpool

                And you could possibly add the BV8 instead of the BL1611.  Just use a suitable lead to connect the WIIM Pro to one of the BV’s SCART inputs, setup the input accordingly in the BV8 menu and the ML system should distribute the audio as a video source. With the correct TV option setting, when accessed from the BL3500 or BS4 it should just turn on with a muted screen when distributing the SCART audio over ML. EDIT:  I just checked the BV8 manual – you may be able to use the BV8’s AV3 composite input for the WIIM Pro (just the L&R audio phono socket inputs) in which case you would not need an adaptor.  I can’t be 100% sure that this input is distributed over ML, but I see not reason why not.

                You were right – it worked!  The AV3 input on my BV8 is already in use but I did happen to have an RCA to Scart adapter, so I have connected it, set that input as V-Mem, and added both AV and LINK-AV to the LIST button commands on my Beo4.  If I hit AV then V.TAPE, I get my WIIM Pro playing through the BL6000s connected to my Beosound 4.  If however I hit LINK-AV then V.TAPE, I get the WIIM Pro playing through the BL3500.  The BV8 standby light un-dims (I guess that’s it’s way of telling me it’s doing something), but the screen remains off.  If I then hit the red button on the Beo4, the BL3500 switches off, and the BV8 standby light goes dim, indicating it is back in ‘proper’ standby.

                This is an excellent solution – I don’t need to us the 1611 or 1614, and it means the A.AUX input of the Beosound 4 is now exclusively available to connect my Beogram.  I would not listen to vinyl through the BL3500, so it’s no big deal that I  there is no L-A.AUX button available via the Beo4 LIST button (without buying a newer Beo4, anyway).

                It’s amazing what can be done with ML.  This is brilliant, thank you.

                  • Warwickshire, UK

                  It’s amazing what can be done with ML.

                  Indeed – in many ways it’s the ‘sweet spot’ of B&O connectivity!  Great to see SCART being used also – it’s often overlooked as a potential audio input in such setups. 😀

                  GOLD Member
                    • Liverpool

                    Update – this low-cost phono preamp (link) arrived today, which has the advantage of having both 5 pin DIN and RCA inputs/outputs, so good for me to connect my Beogram 3000 (DIN) to my Beosound 4 (RCA), and it also ensures that the turntable is earthed/grounded via the DIN socket, which has eradicated the speaker hum I was getting when I used my Pro-Ject phono preamp via a DIN to RCA adapter (and unearthed).  Considering the low price I’m genuinely surprised at the sound from it.  I’m no expert audiophile, but I really can’t tell much difference between this and the more expensive Pro-Ject phono preamp.

                    I’ve connected the turntable to my Beocenter 8500 to compare with that too.  The level is a bit higher on that so I don’t have to increase the volume as much as I do on the Beosound 4, but again, I wouldn’t say the sound quality is noticeably better.

                    Currently listening to GMF by John Grant on it.  John’s rich voice coming across beautifully.


                    GOLD Member
                      • Liverpool

                      This topic started with me thinking I’d like to link a Beosound 5 to my Beosound 4 as a digital music player that I could control with my Beo4, but it seems that’s not a brilliant option (apart from looking really good).  I have found a Beomedia 1 on eBay for only £50, in working condition, but I don’t really know much about the Beomedia 1.

                      I know Beomedia 1 is really intended for use with a Beovision TV, and while I do have a BV8, I don’t particularly want to have to turn on the TV every time I listen to digital music.  If all connected together via ML, would my BS4 be able to show me what is playing on the N.Music source via the Beomedia 1, and would I be able to use my Beo4 to browse digital music on the BS4, without switching on my TV?

                      Also, am I right in assuming that the N.Radio capability of Beomedia 1 would no longer function, due it’s age?  I can only assume it would no longer be supported.

                      You can also find Beolink PC2/Beoport cheap on eBay sometimes, but I’d like to have access to digital music when my PC is switched off, which is why I’m thinking Beomedia 1 might be better.

                      GOLD Member
                        • Denmark

                        This topic started with me thinking I’d like to link a Beosound 5 to my Beosound 4 as a digital music player that I could control with my Beo4, but it seems that’s not a brilliant option (apart from looking really good). I have found a Beomedia 1 on eBay for only £50, in working condition, but I don’t really know much about the Beomedia 1. I know Beomedia 1 is really intended for use with a Beovision TV, and while I do have a BV8, I don’t particularly want to have to turn on the TV every time I listen to digital music. If all connected together via ML, would my BS4 be able to show me what is playing on the N.Music source via the Beomedia 1, and would I be able to use my Beo4 to browse digital music on the BS4, without switching on my TV? Also, am I right in assuming that the N.Radio capability of Beomedia 1 would no longer function, due it’s age? I can only assume it would no longer be supported. You can also find Beolink PC2/Beoport cheap on eBay sometimes, but I’d like to have access to digital music when my PC is switched off, which is why I’m thinking Beomedia 1 might be better.

                        To my understanding the Beomedia 1 is essentially a Beolink PC2/Beoport integrated into a desktop PC with Windows XP embedded with a user interface fitted for use with a TV. I might be missing some details as I have not tried this product myself.

                        However as the Beolink PC2/Beoport is still able to to fetch netradio stations (with the limitations mentioned by Guy) I do not see why the Beomedia 1 should not be able to also get netradio. But it might be hit and miss.

                        One note for consideration about the Beomedia 1 is that the software has newer been available for download as it was for the Beoport, so the harddrive might be a single pont of failure for it to break. I ahve not seen the software and servicetoot for the Beomedia 1 available the same way it is for the Beosound 5.

                        Also I don’t know if the motherboard in the Beomedia 1 have had the same issues as the one in Beosund 5 which have lead to many defective units.

                        GOLD Member
                          • Liverpool

                          Hmm, maybe a Beolink PC2 / Beoport would be the better option after all, and cheaper too.  It means having my PC on if I want to listen to digital music but at least I know it would work.  There’s a PC2 going on eBay for only £38 so I’ll buy it and give it a try, thanks.  If I don’t like it I’ll just stick it back on eBay.

                          GOLD Member
                            • Liverpool

                            I still keep thinking about a better (and better looking) solution for digital music on my setup, and I have decided that a Beosound 5 is not practical.  While it is a very beautiful piece of kit, it just doesn’t really offer too much anymore, due to its age and lack of support.  Shame on B&O for failing to support their expensive kit for longer!  I’d want at least 1000 years of use for those prices.

                            So, I looked at the Beosound Moment, and they do come up at a similar price to the BS5 sometimes on eBay.  I know it doesn’t have Spotify but it does have Deezer (but for how long!?).  I also know that I would need an NL/ML converter to connect it to my Beosound 4.  The BS Moment has not got the look of the BS5 in my opinion, but it’s by no means bad looking.

                            Does anyone have experience of NL and ML kit linked up?  I’m told that with the NL/ML converter, you can control ‘legacy’ B&O devices with the B&O app, has anyone experience of this, and how useful it is?  If I connected my BS4 to a NL/ML converter, and then to a BS Moment, would I get the audio from the BS Moment playing through the Beolab speakers connected to my BS4?

                            I know that B&O seem to have moved on from Spotify support to Deezer support, and then more recently to Tidal support, but never all three.  Pick a lane, B&O.

                            GOLD Member
                              • Denmark

                              Not much knowledge about the Beosound Moment, but have noticed quite a few threads about dead tablet which might be a dealbreaker.

                              As for updates and software support for streaming services I would not count on it.

                              However if used with a NL/ML converter it is possible to t define which ML source the NL sources will be. So music from the moment can be set to be N.Music, or also a Video source which will free up the N.Music for other sources on the ML network

                              If you are patient I think Hall Audio is working on something togheter with Polyvection that could be what you are looking for. I am not sure if it has been mentioned much her on Beoworld, but there was an episode about it on the Beotalk Podcast on youtube not long ago https://www.youtube.com/live/_9yRGFLIepY?si=mdYDLxA3iMGvTSPy

                              GOLD Member
                                • Liverpool

                                Oh, that looks cool.  That’s in my bookmarks now, hopefully they will bring that to market.  That’s exactly what I need, and if I understood it right, might also be able to bring datalink controls back to the Beogram 3000 I have connected to by Beosound 4.

                                GOLD Member
                                  • Denmark

                                  Oh, that looks cool. That’s in my bookmarks now, hopefully they will bring that to market. That’s exactly what I need, and if I understood it right, might also be able to bring datalink controls back to the Beogram 3000 I have connected to by Beosound 4.

                                  Yes it will be very interesting to see what they might bring to market. The possibilities are endless, but in the end it may rely on a buisness case how many variations they end up making

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