Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 5 – chassis replacement advices

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  • #52384
    GOLD Member

      Hi Everyone,

      I have a general question regarding fixing/service of Beolab 5 speakers.

      It looks like that those speakers starts to appear on different auctions for more reasonable prices now than where there were offered at initially. Some of those offers mention that speakers are faulty and need “chassis replacement”. I assume here that by this term there is a need to fix some electronics rather than replacing mechanical construction/suspension of the whole speaker itself. I’m basing my guess here on premise of that post https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beolab-5-help-needed/ where Donot mention that chassis == amplifiers.

      Is there anyone out there that ever attempted to fix those speakers themselves? Is there a general knowledge here that outlines what tends to go wrong with electronics in those speakers that needs to be fixed?

      There are some comments that those speakers exhibit some issues with overhitting (https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beolab-5-reliability/). Does this mean that there is a need to replace some aluminum caps on those PCBs that dry out or something similar?

      Looking at Beoworld manuals page for Beolab 5 I can see there is one but as expected there are no info on details of speakers PCBs or its detailed schematic (there are only high level and interconnectivity block diagram). I guess that at this point in time B&O does not want to share any knowledge about their products any more.

      I found this page: https://kosetrading.com/product/bang-olufsen-bo-beolab-5-main-chassis-part-999module-8052224/ They mention there that they can offer “chassis” replacement for 1.7kE (as of Jan. 2024). This is significant amount of money in my opinion. Is there a real reason why this is so expensive? Does this electronic needs to be in any way calibrated or something? Is there particular and expensive equipment needed to perform such replacement? I doubt since this is all digital but if there is anyone there that can shade some light here I (and I guess others interested in this topic) would highly appreciate it.

      Thanks for your time,


      SILVER Member

        BL5 are tricky spekers.  Older one the most.

        Had some of them on repairs and usuly it is amplifier problem or SW board.

        One or two with power supply issue.

        GOLD Member

          Thanks for note Marexy, appreciate it.

          Problems you mention (PA board, SW board, PSU board). Are they down to aluminum caps drying out? Something to do with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitor_plague ?

          Or there are components that overheat? Or something else?

          With lack of detailed schematic and PCB/BOM information fixing those systems might indeed be tricky.



          GOLD Member

            Gents, have you seen this thread: https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beolab-5-when-you-need-help-with-your-ice-module/ from Beobuddy? It was posted just before the site change, maybe you missed it.

            Regards, Johan

            Location: Netherlands
            My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
            GOLD Member

              Hi Johan,

              Much appreciate your note here. I wasn’t aware of it.

              I’ll get in touch with Beobuddy next to see if he can help me.

              Thanks again,

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