Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCord Beocord 2000 will not play

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  • #49968
    GOLD Member

    I have bought a BeoCord 2000 cassette deck from eBay – didn’t really need a cassette deck but it matches my BeoMaster 2000 and BeoGram 2000 and makes the set!

    The seller assures me it worked but when it has arrived, it won’t work.  It looks in great condition and it powers on, but if I press Play, you can hear a distinct ‘clunk’ sound but the heads don’t engage and the motor doesn’t turn.  After just a second, it puts itself back in Stop.  It’s as if it thinks no cassette is inserted?

    Rewind and FF do the same – neither motor turns, and it stops itself after a second.

    Thought I might as well post here is case it’s a known problem and someone knows a fix?

    Location: Liverpool
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    BRONZE Member

    Have you checked that the mechanism belts are OK? This will happen if the drive belt has failed.

    GOLD Member

    Thanks for the tip – you were spot on (and the eBay seller was a liar – this clearly did not work when sold!).  The two drive belts are in place (but a bit loose), but the smallest belt, which I believe is how it detects the presence of a cassette, was totally degraded – it was practically liquid when touched.  That would explain why it behaves as if no cassette is in place even when one is.  I can get a full set of the 3 belts for £15 so will buy and replace; thanks very much for your help.

    Searched YouTube and found video “Bang & Olufsen Beocord 2000 Cassette Deck – Repair, Mods, Belts & Service”, and that proved invaluable.

    The eBay seller agreed to refund half the cost, so that’s something.

    Location: Liverpool
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available
    BRONZE Member

    The smallest belt is for detecting that the take-up spool rotates. This is for detecting end-of-tape and turning off the transport when the tape ends. The belt usually drives a rotating magnet and a hall-element (that detects the magnetism). So if this belt is no more, the deck always thinks that the tape has ended.

    GOLD Member

    Thanks – that does explain the behaviour exactly.  eBay seller gave me a partial refund and I have ordered replacement belt kit, so hopefully, will all soon be in order.

    Location: Liverpool
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available
    GOLD Member

    Update – belts arrived, fitted quite easily (using the YouTube video I mention in previous post), would you beleive the damned thing works perfectly.  Needs some cleaning but honestly, sounds pretty decent.  Thanks for your help Ninni.

    Location: Liverpool
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available
    Ian Duxbury
    SILVER Member

    Hi everyone – I know this is resurrecting an old topic, but does anyone know where I could get a replacement motor for a Beocord 2000?

    Ian Duxbury
    SILVER Member

    Update: Found a new motor at Danish Sound Parts – http://www.dksoundparts.com

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