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    On Multicare said
    On kirin said

    Hi Multicare

    it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
    – the one to the beotech
    – the links to the articles
    – the links to the manuals

    We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


    Yes this will be added over the coming months.

    On Multicare said
    On kirin said

    Hi Multicare

    it would really be great if soon the old links would work again:
    – the one to the beotech
    – the links to the articles
    – the links to the manuals

    We must not forget that many searches about beoproducts on google do reference to beoworld articles, it would be sad if they remain too long deprecated


    Yes this will be added over the coming months.

    Hello, your answer and effort is appreciated, however, (1) please be aware that the beotech is full of important information.

    Additionally, (2) I did register for „gold“ to have access to the service and user manuals. By the way, I could not access during the downtime, where I had the rights granted, for some weeks; now my account is not gold any more. It is a bit disappointing, I did not know about the downtime and now I cannot access these materials.

    Last, (3) many google searches touch Beoworld material, while links are broken now. I am afraid, the appearance and reputation of BW will suffer, if this is not repaired within next weeks.

    Please, take this into account and fix this next, and not within next months.

    Thanks. BR.